Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 537: prelude

Any huge strategy requires long preparation and cannot be completed overnight. Austria's primary strategy now is to promote the second industrial revolution and develop the African continent.

The Middle East region can only be ranked second. As for other strategies, they are all grass-raising and rabbit-raising. It is good to succeed and fail.

In the next few decades, the overall situation is set. This is for Americans, and in any case, the experience of successful people is always worthwhile.

It's not easy to fumble around countries. Nowadays, there are too many smart people in the age of heroes.

In recent years, the French have been keeping a low profile and digesting the results of the war. Napoleon III's body has had problems. At this time, he was busy paving the way for Napoleon IV.

In this context, the French obviously won't take the world by storm and run out. If you want to calculate them, there is no way to show them.

Franz estimates that not only Napoleon III will adopt a conservative strategy in the last days. After Napoleon IV's succession, France will still adopt a conservative strategy for a long time.

European countries, including Austria, are supporting the Italian independence movement, but this does not help. France at its peak suppressed these small storms with ease.

Do not look at the original time and space Prussia won, believing that France is vulnerable, in fact, the French army's combat effectiveness is still the world's top level. If it were not for Napoleon III to run blindly, the final outcome would be unknown.

The comprehensive national strength of the French only surpassed the European countries after the British Olympics. If all factors are taken into account, the Russian empire that follows it has less than half of France's national strength.

Modernization warfare is logistical. The advantages of industrial countries over agricultural countries are too great. They cannot be made up by numbers.

In order for the plan to be successfully completed, the Vienna government, while conspiring with the Russians to deal with the Ottoman Empire, engaged in activities within Prussia.


In a manor house outside Berlin, Prussian radicals are plotting.

The host of the meeting, Count Marcel Jensen, leader of the Junker aristocracy, "You guys, we just received a message through secret channels that the Russians are drawing Austria into the Ottoman Empire."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense. Although everyone did not like the Ottoman Empire, many people even wanted to see the Ottoman Empire be over.

But definitely not now, when confronting the enemy of the Russians, the Ottoman Empire was still an ally of Prussia.

The last Russian-Prussian War proved the role of the Ottoman Empire. At the critical moment of the Russian-Prussian War, the Russians were stabbed behind the Ottoman Empire, which accelerated the time for the Tsarist government to concede defeat.

A young officer asked nervously, "Her Count, has the Vienna government agreed?"

Allies belonged to their allies, but Prussia and Ottoman were separated by Austria, and once something happened, they would be out of reach.

In the face of Russia and Austria's cooperation, the Ottoman Empire at its peak may not have advised, and now they are not able to deal with any one.

Marcel Jensen shook his head: "I don't know. Even if this level of information is known in Austria and Russia, it will not exceed ten people, and it is impossible to leak it. If it was not for an accident, we and them No secret contacts will be received.

But with the grudges of the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire, it was a matter of time before Austria would start the Ottoman Empire. "

This is equivalent to a disguised confirmation, and it is not surprising that they will reach this conclusion. Opening the history book shows that the Habsburg dynasty and the Ottoman Empire have been entangled for hundreds of years.

The Habsburg dynasty's continental hegemony, or more than half of the world's hegemony, was overthrown by the "Professional Alliance" formed by the Ottoman Empire and France, and the Habsburg dynasty almost lost Vienna during the crisis.

France is very strong, and it is too difficult to find revenge on them. Now the conflict between France and Austria is not great, and the possibility of the two sides working is very low.

The Ottoman Empire is different. Not only is it hostile to Austria, but more importantly, Ottoman has fallen.

It is the nature of the world to be beaten if you are backward.

If Austria attacks other countries, it may also have to consider the pressure of European public opinion and domestic public opinion. But attack the Ottoman Empire, then you don't have to think about it, just do it.

The Ottoman Empire is so hateful. European governments may oppose it for the sake of their interests, but the people will never mind the Ottoman siege.

Young military officer Xiao Maoqi: "What can we do? If the Austrians and the Russians join forces, the Ottomans will definitely not be able to stop them, and even if we want to intervene, it will not help."

"Yes, there is Austria in the middle, and we can't do anything to support them."

"Will the Prussian-Russian war be launched ahead of time?"

"No, that will drag Austria down."


Looking at the crowd, Marcel Jensen waved for quiet.

"You are not so bad. It is an opportunity for us to deal with the Ottoman Empire.

Countless evidence shows that allies are unreliable, and their critical moments depend on their own strength.

If we can annex Poland while the Russians and Austria are being held, the situation will be completely different. "

Having said that, Marcel Jensen stopped and left time for everyone to let them digest the content.

The annexation of Poland is not news. This voice has always been within the Prussian kingdom, and won the Polish kingdom of Prussia almost invincible.

After the merger of Pupo, although the comprehensive strength still lags behind Russia, the strength that can be put on the battlefield will definitely not be worse than the Russians.

Poland's water transportation is developed, and several railways are built to make up for it, and the traffic problem is solved. The tsarist government wanted to solve the traffic problem, and it would not be possible in decades.

Even if preparations are made in advance, the Russian army will not be short of food, but strategic supplies are still a big problem. Not all materials can be stored in advance, and many things cannot be stored for a long time.

These advantages may not be enough for Prussia to win the war, but it is still possible to keep the family business.

There are many Russians, but there are also many people after the merger of Pupo, nearly half of the Russians. The Tsarist government would no longer be able to win the war with human tactics.

Xiao Maoqi: "My Excellency, I am afraid it will be difficult to do. The Ottoman Empire is not the Ottoman Empire two hundred years ago. They have no ability to contain Russia and Austria at the same time.

Moreover, if we want to annex Poland, it will be impossible for European countries to agree, and even Britain and France will probably object. "

This is the crux of the problem. If not everyone opposed it, Prussia would annex Poland just after the Prussian War ended.

Marcel Jensen smiled casually: "This will test your skills. When Austria established the New Shinra Empire, everyone will be familiar!

What Metternich relies on to make European countries compromise, and we can follow suit. Create the established facts first, and then relinquish some of the benefits according to the actual situation in exchange for the approval of various countries.

The main thing is to convince the British, French and Austrian countries that the Russians are already enemies, and their position is not important.

We must believe in the capabilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and it is not impossible to convince the three countries. For example: I support Austria's annexation of the German Federation, and I don't believe that the Vienna government is indifferent. The Austrians have taken this step. Can Britain and France take care of us? "

In order to take the Prussian Kingdom one step further, Marcel Jensen didn't mind making concessions. If there were not many "Secondary Juniors" considering the presence, he would also say that the Rhineland region should be ceded to France.

Having settled the two countries, France and Austria have actually created the established facts, and even if the British were dissatisfied, they would not care about them.

Careful people have already guessed Marcel Jensen's plan, but for their own benefit, no one broke through this layer of window paper.

If you look closely, you will find that military Junkers, or "agricultural Junkers", are participating in this conference. Their interests are mostly on the land. For them, Poland ’s good land is worse than the bad land Much more important.

A young military officer objected: "No, Count. No one can rule Austria without the German Federal Empire. Even if we annex Poland, they are not their opponents."

Austria's strength is already very strong. European countries have tacitly suppressed Austria's unification of the German region. The Kingdom of Prussia is also one of them.

Marcel Jensen shook his head: "Race, you are still too young. Who is most anxious for Austria to annex the German Federation?

Our enemies are Russians. It is not our task to curb Austria. Britain and France will not watch them expand. "

This willfulness is not original to Marcel Jensen, who has learned from Austria.

On the surface, the Vienna government has more than enough resources, and it seems that every time it tries to contain its competitors, it responds slowly.

In fact, if you look at the map changes in Austria, you know that there is something tricky inside.

Where is the expansion of France and Russia, it is clear that a secret transaction has been made, and everyone expands together. This made Marcel Jensen so excited that Austria could do it. Why couldn't Prussia follow suit?


The seeds have been buried, waiting to take root.

After the secret meeting, the next day Marcel Jensen's light bus appeared generously in the palace. He also served as William's equestrian teacher. It was normal for him to enter the palace.

On the royal racetrack, several princes were riding training. William I did not know when he had arrived on the court.

"What's their reaction?"

Marcel Jensen: "Everyone supports the annexation of Poland. There are only a few people who oppose giving up the German Federation, but I was convinced."

William I nodded: "Well, then secretly start to push forward, do not rush up until the Near East War begins again."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


If anyone hears the conversation between the two, they will be taken aback. The supporter behind the radicals is actually William I.

It is not surprising to think about it carefully. It is normal for a monarch to insert several close friends into various organizations. If an extreme organization, such as a radical group, is not included in its own hands, the monarch will not be at ease!

The king's strength depends on his strength. If he has nothing in his hands, what else would he want to do besides being a rubber stamp?

At the moment William I was not at peace, this suggestion was put forward by his staff, he very much suspected that Austria or France secretly instructed.

However, for the sake of interest, William I decided to remain confused. Let Austria annex the German Commonwealth and cede Rheinland to France. Really, he is a fool. I don't know what political consequences this will bring?

At that point, domestic nationalists will riot. While accepting the plan, William I was ready to respond.

Poland was to be annexed, but the German Commonwealth had to be preserved, and the Rhineland region could not be ceded to France.

Just waiting for a suitable opportunity to spread the news to the British and let them take the initiative to undermine the behind-the-scenes plan, Prussia gets the best benefit.

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