Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 513: June debt

The people's mind is complicated. On the surface, President Huárez overwhelmed the opposition forces, but secretly the situation in Mexico City was choppy.

After the shooting, the blockade against the Austrian embassy was lifted. Originally, the entry of materials was prohibited, but now the Mexican government has taken the initiative to send materials to the door.

There is no way, President Juarez is really scared. The Austrian soldiers came out and swayed around, causing so much trouble. If they were allowed to come out every day, I don't know how much trouble appeared.

If they die a few more, even if the shootings have nothing to do with them, then the Republican government will not run away. The domineering of the great powers, Juarez has already been taught.

Ten years ago, Mexico's government was on the verge of bankruptcy, and Juarez announced a two-year moratorium on foreign debt in preparation for bargaining with creditors.

It turned out to be a beating of society, the Mexican Republican government became the regime, and he returned to Mexico City ten years later.

Life can last for several decades. Without this lost decade, perhaps Juarez's social reforms have succeeded.

After I lost it, I knew to cherish it. I don't know the fear until I have experienced it myself.

There is no fear of the powers in the Republican government, except for the second and middle-aged boys. Juarez's lips did not acknowledge the debts left by Massimilino I, but in fact they were not obedient repayments.

In order to appease the radicals, they have been arguing that "when the situation is stable, they will not repay their debts."

The French feared the fall of Massimiliano I, and that these debts would be ruined. In fact, the Republican government, led by President Juarez, has already counseled and dare not really rely on it.

The so-called toughness is just shouting political slogans. In actual action, it is still very honest. Even if it is a piece of cake, it is necessary to pay the foreign debt first.

Without sending troops to intercept, Governor Hummer marched very fast and arrived in Mexico City in less than a week.

President Juarez's response was not without effect. Austria wants to save face, there is no war, and the army led by Governor Hummer has no excuse to attack the city and set up camp directly outside the city.

The handling of the "shootings" has been stuck at the judicial level. Ministers from all countries are witnesses, waiting for the Mexican government to provide evidence to close the case.

Everything is moving in the right direction, and at this time the meal prepared by Minister Compton was staged. Hundreds of "Austrian citizens" ran over to protest and prepared evidence.

There is no doubt that these are the families of soldiers or relatives and friends. One week before the Republican Army entered the city, their property suffered heavy losses and even killed.

Under normal circumstances, these people have no choice but to accept. This time it's different. With the Compton Minister secretly planning, their courage suddenly increased.

Extraterritoriality makes them fearless. How foreign citizens treat the Mexican government, they follow suit.

Minister Compton, who had just talked with each other, immediately changed his face and snapped sharply: "His President, your army has ignored international law and acted arrogantly, damaging the personal and property security of Austrian citizens. You issue a formal diplomatic note.

Order your government to surrender the responsible person within 24 hours, accept legal sanctions, and compensate our citizens for the loss! "

This excuse is still a bit far-fetched, and everyone knows what is going on. But these people did get Austrian citizenship.

Legally speaking, as long as these people became Austrian citizens, they were protected by Austria before the Mexican Republican Army took action.

There is no doubt that this time must be before that. Minister Compton could not make such a mistake, and the documents issued could prove that they were naturalized before the Republican Army entered the city.

Whether or not the procedure is met is an Austrian internal matter, and no one can intervene.

President Juarez's face changed greatly, and other issues were okay to say. "Hand over the responsible person", that is absolutely impossible. If the people are turned over, the army must be mutiny.

Moreover, even if they commit crimes, they should be subject to Mexican law. How can the Austrians be tried?

Counting on British and French mediation, it is a pity that after the envoys from Britain and France saw the evidence provided by the Austrians, they began to wander.

It's not that they don't want to help, the key is that the evidence is in front of them. The Austrians have documented evidence that these are Austrian citizens, as well as photographs of Mexican Republican Army brutality by photographers.

The three countries, Britain, France and Austria, are nominally allies. Under the circumstances of Austria, they cannot support the Mexican Republican government.

President Huárez knew that the Austrians were in trouble at this time, and proposing these conditions to deliberately make things difficult for them, it was definitely not just for these "citizens."

It is difficult to solve the problem without understanding the true purpose of the Austrians. At this time the Austrian army was already in the city, and it was too late to resist.

The only comfort to him is that the Austrians are still taking into account international influences, and there is no direct action regardless of it, which proves that there is still room for maneuver.

The great powers of this era have a common feature. When the reason cannot reach the goal, they will choose to speak with cannons.

The role of a bridge between the two sides fell on the British Minister Edward. They are best at this kind of thing. Over half of the world's international conflicts in this era have not lost the shadow of the British.


That evening, the British Minister Edward appeared in the Austrian Embassy.

Putting down his coffee, Edward asked gracefully, "Her Compton, your country's actions in Mexico, and the London government is paying close attention.

We are allies, and if you need help, you're welcome. But what exactly do you want to achieve? "

The British "help" is not so much a help as a warning. When expanding overseas, Austria was not prepared to borrow British manpower, and the gadget Franz was afraid he couldn't afford it.

The hidden meaning was comprehended by the Compton Minister. Emphasizing "ally" means nothing more than harming Britain's interests. Asking "help" is nothing more than a warning not to go too far.

Taking the coffee on the table, Compton took a small sip, and said without hesitation, "The evil republican thought must be contained.

Without giving the Mexicans a little lesson, wouldn't it make the republican mind more rampant? If it spreads to the European continent, I am afraid everyone will be uncomfortable. "

This explanation obviously does not satisfy Edward. When did the Vienna government become so internationalist?

It must be known that since Franz in power, he first indulged the Russian Empire and then became a French. It does not look like a responsible European power.

Edwards believed that the Austrians cracked down on republicanism. As the backbone of a monarchy, the rights of the Austrian emperor are no less weak than those of the Czar.

It's just that Austria's reform was early, social reforms have been completed, these developments are very good, and the society is very stable.

On the issue of cracking down on republican thought, the position of the monarchy is the same. This is a struggle for the right to speak in the ideological world, and everyone will not give up easily.

Edward asked uncertainly: "Her Compton, is this your country ready to restore Massimilino I?"

In terms of interest, it is not in Austria's interest to do so, and it will be too costly to pay for the restoration of Massimiliano I.

However, in a country with a strong imperial power such as Austria, many times it is not possible to just look at the interests. The will of the emperor can also determine the direction of the country.

Although Maximilian I was incompetent, he was the younger brother of Franz, and it was possible for Franz to invest in his capital.

A similar situation did not occur only once or twice in European history. Edwards is not sure if this will happen in Austria, after all, Franz's image to the outside world is too perfect.

Minister Compton shook his head and replied: "If you can support the restoration of Hermitage Maximilian I, it is naturally best.

It is just because of some special problems that the major powers in Mexico now do not welcome this Her Majesty.

Our conditions are simple. The Mexican government has three options: first, to continue to support Massimilino I as emperor, then these minor issues need not be mentioned, and the constitutional monarchy is acceptable;

Second, to make up for the losses of Austrian citizens and bear the cost of this troop, a total of 12 million Aegis. If you don't have money, cede Chiapas, Tabasco, Oaxaca, Veracruz, and Yucatan. "

Needless to say, the third way, Edward also knows. The most common method used by everyone is that negotiations cannot be resolved by force. If the Mexican government thinks it can win, it can try to solve it by force.

Edward thought for a while and said, "Your country still has such a good appetite, but just such a condition, can Mexicans bear it?"

Obviously, Edward does not want to see Austria's unscrupulous expansion in Mexico. If it is not restricted, it will eat away the whole Mexico sooner or later.

Compton smiled slightly and justified: "You can't say that. As long as the Mexican government restores Massimilino I, there is no cost to pay.

If they are patriotic enough, they should accept our goodwill. Know that Her Majesty Massimilino I was kind and would not hold them accountable for conspiracy and rebellion. "

Edward rolled his eyes and accepted the restoration of Massimilino I. How could things be so simple.

Constitutionalists, conservatives, and Catholics are fine. It's okay to have an empty emperor, but for the Republicans, it is a disaster.

It is equivalent to denying their legitimacy from beginning to end, and political shocks can make President Juarez get away.

The seemingly least expensive option is actually the least acceptable option for the Republican government. This condition was raised, whether the Mexicans would accept or not, the Mexican government would split.

The conditions proposed by Minister Compton were made solely to intensify the internal contradictions of the Mexican government.

Other political power groups will use this as an excuse to attack the Republican government for their own selfishness and to disregard the national interest.

No matter what choice President Juarez makes, there will be a lot of trouble. Such an obvious target, if it has nothing to do with the Habsburgs, is a ghost.

Now Maximilian I was lonely, and even if he restored it again, he was only an emperor with rubber stamps. There would be no birds at all and he would not bring any benefits to Austria. This condition is worthless, and it is clear that it is aimed at the Republican government.

Edward didn't say anything more. President Juarez led the rebels to overthrow the rule of Massimilino I and severely hit the Hapsburg family.

Now that he is going to get revenge, it should be his bad luck. At this level, Edward doesn't want to participate.

Deep down, he has started to mourn for President Juarez. Whoever made him unlucky, caught up with the heyday of the Habsburgs.

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