Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 458: Are acting

The British did not hide the Austrian ambassador to Portugal, and the news passed back to Vienna as soon as possible. This time it was the Vienna government's turn to be aggressive. It is completely unknown how the British suddenly took explosives.

The crisis in South Africa is only a potential one. Now that Austria is busy operating new territories, it has not sought out the British's obscurity.

Not long ago, Colonial Minister Josip Jelacic retired gloriously. Now he is acting as Deputy Colonial Minister Stephen.

Stephen was also a legend. During the colonization of Austria, he was temporarily appointed as the mayor of New Brook, and then opened the Qingyun Road.

He successively served as Governor of West Africa and Governor of Congo, and was later transferred to Vienna as Deputy Colonial Minister. After his retirement, Josip Jelacic presided over the work.

After so many years of development, the colonial ministry is no longer the dispensable department at the beginning, but the real power department after the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finance, and Defense.

Colonial Minister Stephen explained: "Her Majesty, it has been verified that we have not had a major conflict with the British in Africa in recent times.

Just last month, the Governor of West Africa also communicated with the British on the issue of British colonial strongholds in the West African region. Negotiations have made breakthrough progress, and now they are only negotiating on the issue of prices. "

Obviously, the British, Austrian, and South African crisis was not provoked by the Austrian African colonial government. The colonial bureaucracy is not a fool, even if it is to do with South Africa, it will not be now.

Wouldn't it be better to wait for the railway to pass and then pay attention to South Africa?

Moreover, conflicts in the West African region can be resolved through negotiations, and conflicts in the South African region are equally possible.

The militants may have, but we will not choose the British as the enemy. This opponent is well packed on land, and when he wins at sea, he reverses it.

Because of the gold mine problem in West Africa, everyone has been deadlocked for more than ten years. Now Austria has leveled the Dutch, Portuguese, and French, and it is not relying on force, mainly because the gold mine is finished.

To be precise, the gold mines that have been discovered and have mining value in the areas under control of various countries have been mined.

Without economic benefits and strategic value, the remaining problems are naturally easy to handle. Colonies, as long as the price is right, they can be sold.

If anyone pays a high price, Franz doesn't mind selling a few colonies. Austria's colonies are scattered all over the world. Together, they total more than 17 million square kilometers, and many of them are not of much value.

You can tell by looking at the degree of importance that Franz values ​​the African colonies, not because of the richness here, or because of the high strategic value here, mainly because of its proximity and sufficient development potential.

Asia and the Americas may have better natural conditions, but the distance determines the Vienna government's weak control over those areas.

The transoceanic telegraph is still under construction. Before the instant communication could not be guaranteed, the Vienna government had to delegate power to the colony.

It is enough to be able to obtain benefits. Nowadays, except for the strategic value of the Central American colonies, overseas is a weapon that restricts Americans. Other regions are just economic benefits.

Tragically, like Alaska, they have to spend money every year. Franz then circled several uninhabited islands near Canada in preparation for disgusting the British.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg analyzed: "According to the information we have collected, the British have done very strange things. If they can draw the Portuguese, they can indeed dominate in South Africa.

In fact, although they have no alliance, the two sides have long stood together on the South African issue. We are expanding too fast, the Portuguese have been very vigilant, and many times they are biased towards the British.

However, if they were to stand up directly against us, the Portuguese should not be so unwise.

Even if our forces were expelled from South Africa, it would only be temporary. Once the two sides tore their faces, even with the support of the British, Portugal could not keep the African colonies.

If we want, we can end Portugal's colonial empire at any time. In this context, I don't think Portugal dares to jump out.

We can think of it, as can the British. Knowing that you can't do this, I'm afraid it's a big problem. "

Weissenberg saw something wrong, and Franz saw it too, unfortunately not knowing exactly what the problem was, prompting the British to do it.

It is not impossible to win over Portugal. If the interests are large enough, the Portuguese are likely to win.

However, Franz didn't believe the British were willing to give it. Moreover, even if the British promised, would the Portuguese dare to believe it?

Not bragging. The credibility of the British these days is better than the Russians.

Portugal is the ancestor of the powers. These routines were played by them. It is not easy to fool them.

Could it be that the gold deposits in South Africa have been exposed and the British are desperate to take them down, even at the expense of Austria?

After that, Franz dispelled the thought again. It is not so easy to find out the gold reserves. Just the discovery of several gold mines, even the discovery of the Rand mining area, is not enough to make the British risk.

It's not that the temptation of the Rand mining area is small, but the point is that no one will believe it. 60,000 tons of gold reserves, that is a joke. Is there so much gold in the world that has been mined, all a big question mark.

Based on the prospecting technology and mining technology at that time, the reserves were estimated at two or three thousand tons at most, and it was impossible to add more.

More than 95% of the gold mines in later generations have no value in mining in this era. Includes a lot of rich ore, because natural conditions have no mining value.

Otherwise, gold in West Africa will not be mined for more than ten years. It is not that the gold mines have been mined out, but mainly gold mines of economic value have been mined out.

Since it is not for gold, it is naturally impossible for diamonds. The price of diamonds has not been speculated.

Most people are thinking about eating and can't afford this luxury. Rich people are not good at flickering, and do not take diamonds too seriously.

"Paying close attention to the actions of the British is not just about the African region, but we must be more vigilant wherever our interests are involved.

No matter what the British want, they just have to find a way to destroy it. Now that they have drawn Portugal, let our people go to the trouble. "

Can't figure it out, Franz simply doesn't bother to think about it, and just destroys it. In case it is a false shot by the British, it is not impossible that the real target is someone else.

Franz also played with this kind of thing. In many cases, false information is released in order to distract the enemy's sight.

If someone walks by the nose, it's a good idea, but it's better to change things with inconvenience.

Anyway, even if it is true that Britain and Portugal have joined forces, at most, it will allow Austria to temporarily lose money in South Africa. Now it will return for up to three or five years, and it will not threaten Austria's core interests.


Ministers in Lisbon, Britain and Austria acted, and the atmosphere of the Portuguese government became tense.

This multiple-choice question is not easy to do. If Britain and Austria fought directly, Portugal would naturally be on the British side.

Anyway, there is a barrier between France and Spain on the land, the British Royal Navy at sea, and Austria's tentacles cannot reach Portugal.

Regrettably, the two countries are just colonial conflicts. They are still ten thousand miles away from the outbreak of war. At this time, standing in line is dangerous.

Whoever supports it will offend another family. In the game of great powers, no one can do anything but revenge on Portugal can do it.

The tension of the government soon spread to the people. Many people know that the time has come to determine Portugal's fate.

Portugal is now divided into two factions. Generally speaking, it still supports more British people, but Austria has lower requirements and less risks.

Just to make them neutral, they do not need to participate directly in the confrontation of the great powers, so they have gained the support of the neutral factions, and the two factions are now equal.

As a businessman engaged in overseas trade, Roseton is also very concerned about international politics. Seeing that both Britain and Austria have shown their magical powers, he has even eliminated the recent ocean shipping business.

There are many opportunities to make money, but definitely not now. Are you afraid of encountering pirates when you are nervous at this time?

There is no doubt that once the Portuguese government handles it improperly, their chances of encountering pirates will greatly increase.

The martial arts of the great powers are so high, if you are unhappy, you will have to be behind. Both the British and Olympic empires are cosmopolitan empires. It is simply impossible to avoid their sphere of influence.

For the sake of safety, recently, the frequency of Portuguese merchant ships going to sea has been greatly reduced. The offshore trade is also called, and everyone in the ocean trade is very cautious.

Being ransacked by pirates has a chance to survive; if it is unfortunately ransacked by the navy, it is dead.

Pirates need to cut wool, usually they will not kill past merchants, this is their food and clothing parents; changing the navy robbery is not the same, in order to reputation must also be destroyed.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the navies of various countries will not enter the navy, and occasionally there are several black sheep, that is understandable.

It is best not to bet on this luck, after all, the British and Austrian countries are not high in morals. In case the government just got out of the sea and retaliated against the enemy, they were in danger.

In this era, thousands of ships are in accidents every year, and more than 200 ships are missing. Ocean trade is a real high risk.

As soon as he got under the Foreign Ministry building, Roseton met an old friend. You don't need to ask him to know that they are all concerned about the British-Olympic conflict.

"Julian, how is it?"

Roseton asked expectantly that if he continued to drag this way, he would miss the best ocean season. This era was mainly powered by sails, and the monsoon at sea was also a very important factor.

Julian shook his head and teased and said, "There is still no result. The gang of officials are still arguing, as if Portugal's position is really important."

Roseton clashed with his enemies: "Damn it all, we're going to eat dirt this year!"

The Portuguese bourgeoisie has long been dissatisfied with the government. Despite some reforms, Louis I has not been able to satisfy the capitalists.

The government's hesitation now stimulates dissatisfaction among capitalists. To most capitalists, standing in line now is a joke.

Britain and Austria are indeed attracting Portugal. The problem is that they attach very little importance and do not give much benefit.

That being the case, why is it necessary to risk standing teams, isn't neutrality good? Participating in the British-Olympic conflict is a bad one.

Think of it this way, but it won't work. Portugal's decline has long been decent. They can keep a large colony and rely on diplomatic means to control their sources.

Louis I also wanted to declare neutrality and not take part in the breaking things between Britain and Austria, but things were not something he could say.

The British are reluctant to let go. Austria also wants to see what medicine is sold in the British gourd. The Portuguese government can only accompany it.

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