Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 399: Big conspiracy

No one cares about the internal disputes in the Kingdom of Prussia, and most European countries are celebrating this news.

Austria is no exception, if not for its influence, Franz would be preparing a banquet to celebrate this great victory.

Now that the Prussian-Russian war has taken place, the total troop loss of the Tsarist government has exceeded 500,000. It is unclear how many people died, were captured, or were retired due to injuries.

These issues, the Tsarist government did not figure out, Franz naturally will not be boring to help the Russian statistics.

As the victor of the Pope Coalition, the Prussian kingdom is not good. Although they suffered heavy losses, their strength still exists. There is a winter buffer and they should be added back in the coming year.

Of course, this supplement merely refers to military strength, and the potential for war still inevitably declines, even if it is supplemented by the manpower of the two principalities.

Poles are not the same. Even with the support of European countries, they still cannot change the essence of Uzbekistan.

In order to attract more people, the interim government announced: abolition of serfdom and free land for the people.

However, it is one thing to say and another thing to do. The organization of the interim government was chaotic, and the revolutionaries did not have any ruling experience.

First, the nobles were forced to the opposite side, and the internal struggles that followed led to the dissatisfaction of the middle class.

Did not see the actual benefits, shouting slogans blindly, and wear clothes for a long time. Over time, ordinary people gradually lost their passion for revolution.

If not for the victory of the East Prussian War, it will be a question of whether the Polish interim government can survive this winter.

The quality of the policy is not in the policy itself, but in the specific implementation. Obviously, the Polish interim government does not know this, and assumes that as long as the government issues a decree, it will be implemented below.

As a result, it is true that the land is distributed free of charge, and the bureaucrats are free to use it for any distribution. It cannot be said to be bureaucracy, and speculators should be used to describe it more appropriately.

The idealistic interim government, blind to reality, blindly introduced a series of self-conceived good policies. The end result is naturally self-evident, and the country has been messed up.

This is a good thing for Austria. A chaotic Poland will discourage Polish people in the country, which will be more conducive to promoting national integration.

Strategically, Austria successfully used the Popo coalition to weaken the Russians, but did not allow Prussia and Poland to rise to achieve the first-step strategic plan.

Whether or not to continue to weaken the Russian Empire has become Franz's biggest headache right now.

On the one hand, we want to weaken this potential adversary, and on the other hand, we want the Russians to retain a certain strength, which can contain the British in Central Asia.

At the same time as the Russian-Prussian War, the tsarist government has not forgotten to take action against the three Khan states in Central Asia. It was only because of financial inability to support two-line operations that the Russians' military operations in Central Asia were frustrating.

The Vienna government is also arguing endlessly. The Russian empire is not without power. Their biggest problem is that they cannot show their strength.

In theory, as long as the Tsarist government can reach half of its war potential, it can easily settle the Kingdom of Prussia.

Austria's support for them during the Russian-Prussian War is far from being comparable to that of the Near East War. This is also one of the factors that the Russians could not exert their own strength.

This is determined by interests. In the Near East War, Austria had a lot of benefits to take. Even if the borrowed money might not be collected, it would make up for the losses in other ways.

The Russian-Prussian war is different, and it is difficult for Austria to obtain substantial benefits. Dividing up the Kingdom of Prussia can only say that if it is done, it will pay more.

If Franz wants to obtain the population resources of North Germany, it must be rehabilitated by the local people. If you join forces with the Russians to divide up the Kingdom of Prussia, you must never want the local people's approval.

Nationalism is a double-edged sword. Franz used nationalism to establish the new Holy Roman Empire and gained rich human resources in the German region. Naturally, he must also bear the trouble.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Carl proposed: "Your Majesty, now that the Prussian-Russian war has hit, our goal has been reached, and we can consider mediating this war.

The tsarist government's finances have collapsed. Until the war, they have owed us a total of 30 million SHIELD in loans, up to 65 million SHIELD loans, and 18 million SHIELD private bonds.

If the war continues, I don't think the Russians will be able to repay. Coupled with the previous debt, maybe one day the Russians may not even be able to pay the interest.

Even if the Russians win the war, everyone will share the Prussian kingdom, and the gains for us are very limited. "

This is a fact. At present, Russia's total debt owed to Austria has reached 237 million Aegis, and the total principal and interest to be paid each month is 2.154 million Aegis.

It seems that there is not much, and the fiscal revenue of the Tsarist government can be fully afforded. But the Russians don't only have these debts, they also owe money to other European countries.

At present, the debt repayments of the Russians have accounted for one third of the fiscal revenue. If the Russian-Prussian War continues, the financial bankruptcy of the Tsarist government is an inevitable result.

The Treasury Department was already prepared for the Russians to settle accounts, and Franz was also prepared for this.

Although this money is also a war money from Austria, but since it is in your own pocket, you can't use it to spend water, it must be spent.

There is no doubt that this value will not be a division of Prussia and can only be compensated for in other ways.

It seems to Franz that he has already paid for it. At the same time, the two countries, Russia and Russia, have been weakened, and they have become venerated. Austria ’s defense pressure in Eastern and Central Europe has greatly reduced.

However, based on the principle of maximizing benefits, we must definitely find ways to obtain more benefits. How to do this will test Wifranz's diplomacy.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg countered: "It is too early to end the truce, and neither side may accept our goodwill.

With the financial support of Britain and France, the Kingdom of Prussia still has the power of World War I. The Berlin government led by Juncker aristocracy will certainly not cease the truce. They also want to tear a piece of meat from the Russians and lay the foundation of their great power.

The Russians still have their strength, and the Tsarist government will not give up so easily. They managed to establish continental hegemony from the anti-French war. No one would be reconciled if they were thrown out like this.

Both sides have a foundation to continue, we are now mediation is not flattering on both ends.

There is a winter time buffer, and the tsarist government will surely find a way to raise enough funds.

If they don't raise enough funds, then depending on what the Tsarist government has given us, we can sell them for the price.

The biggest benefit to the Prussians from the victory of the East Prussian War was still political, which made it possible to draw Sweden into the war.

Ore has a long history of feud. Over the past three hundred years, they have fought eight wars in a row, and only stopped in Sweden in recent decades.

In addition, the Ottoman Empire may also send troops to recover the Caucasus. They have just completed a social reform. Although the reform was not thorough, they still recovered some strength.

The Three Khanates in Central Asia, which have just been bullied by the Russians, and Persia, which has recently turned face with the Russians, and the Qing Dynasty in the Far East, are all likely to become Russian enemies.

According to the information we have, British diplomats have been very active recently, and their initial judgment is that they are concatenating.

It is conceivable that the tsarist government will not have a better life in the coming year. If the Prussian War is won, these countries will die. If they continue to fail, they will be in danger. "

Looking at the map of Eurasia, Franz had to admit that the Russians' ability to pull hatred was really strong. If John Cow's plan is to succeed, then the beleaguered Russian Empire may not be able to sustain it.

The "Russian-Austrian League" is based on the fact that the strength of the two countries is comparable. If the Russian Empire is to fall, Austria may be the first to fall.

Franz asked with concern: "Is the Tsar government aware of the British plan?"

Deep down, he has taken this negative example of Russia as a textbook and repeatedly reminded himself that he can't wave, can't wave.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg replied: "It is not yet clear that the Russians have not taken any action and we cannot judge whether they have insight into the British conspiracy."

The Austrian Foreign Ministry was able to find the British plan for no other reason, mainly because they regarded the British as their biggest opponent.

Since it is the opponent that must pay attention to the British's every move, then the institutions of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs around the world are tacitly staring at the British.

Prime Minister Felix suggested: "If the British have such a big plan, we need to remind the Russians.

The Russian Empire cannot fall. If it does, then they must dismember them. At present we cannot dismember the Russian Empire, so it is better to keep them from falling. "

It is no problem to dismember the Russian Empire, the key is that there is no way to fragment them. It's not Austria's pursuit to just rip a few pieces of meat off the scraps.

Especially at the critical moment of African strategy, now that the Russian Empire has a problem, Austria will fall into this quagmire and cannot escape in a short time.

Franz thought for a while and said, "Then find an opportunity to tell the Russians the news. But not now, wait until the British plan is almost done.

With so many countries involved, it is definitely not a simple matter to want them to attack the Russians at the same time. The British are probably wishful thinking. "

There is hatred for everyone, there are benefits. These factors constitute the prerequisites for countries to avenge Russia. Unfortunately, governments are not so powerful.

Because of the inconvenience of communication, so many countries cannot conduct adequate communication. Everyone is located in Tiannanhaibei. The so-called joint action is just wishful thinking, and it is easy to be defeated by the Russians one by one.

What's more, the governments of many of these countries are rotten, and they have no courage to regain their lost ground. They must be determined unless the British go to battle in person.

In this case, Franz is naturally in no hurry. After the British were almost ready, they informed the Russians that it would also make Alexander II a little more difficult to play.

If the Tsarist government solved the problem by diplomatic means, wouldn't it make the British very shameless?

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