Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and seventy-five - Wayne Greenberg is a devil!

Hollywood draws 675 - Wayne Greenberg is a devil!

"Mr. Seyduk, the scar you have on your face now, you say Wayne Greenberg stepped on it, didn\'t you?"

"That\'s right, in the media interview area behind the 70th Oscars red carpet, many guests who came to the Oscars ceremony saw it. There were also a large number of media reporters and staff of the Oscar organizer, and many people saw it. , how did Wayne Greenberg beat me, no, no, it wasn\'t a beating, I swear to God, he was trying to kill me!"

Saturday is a traditional day off in North America, and countless families have the habit of watching "Good Morning America" ​​during breakfast to understand social trends. Precisely on this ABC channel\'s ace program, a big bomb was directly released this morning, and a reporter named Vitaly Seduk took the stage.

In the ABC studio, the hostess covered her mouth with one hand, and her face was full of disbelief. This picture, coupled with the man sitting on the side for an interview, seemed to instantly arouse the sympathy of all the audience.

The director of the TV station was very dedicated. At this moment, the camera zoomed out, and a handsome photo of Vitaly Seduk was posted beside him. Compared with the two, it is almost hard to believe that this man with three centipede-like cuts on his face on the TV was still so handsome a few months ago.

The three sutured wounds running through the face seemed to silently prove the facts that the reporter accused.

"The Oscar red carpet at the end of March, I believe many people have watched the live broadcast." The hostess looked at the man opposite under the camera with sympathy, and asked suspiciously: "I was on the TV at that time, but I saw nothing at all. Chaos. You said there were many media reporters at the scene, I believe someone must have filmed this process, right?"

The ferocious Vitaly Seduk, who was like a little daughter-in-law who was wronged and had nothing to say, shrugged lightly at the camera and complained: "Who knows? But I dare to swear to God , someone definitely filmed me being beaten.

As for why so far, no media has reported on this matter, I think it has something to do with him being one of the top men in Hollywood\'s wealth. You know, this is how society is. In the eyes of that big director, I\'m just an insignificant person. Maybe he never thought about what I could do, didn\'t he? "

From an ordinary person\'s point of view, Vitaly Seduk\'s answer is very credible. That\'s right, the rich and powerful people don\'t care about the lives of ordinary people like them. The law seems to ignore these people.

In just a few words, countless ordinary families in front of the TV seemed to be aroused anger from their hearts. Although things like this happen every day on this land, after all, the group of ordinary people is the largest, and human nature is born to sympathize with the weak, especially when one is also weak.

Conspiracy theories, no matter when, have a huge market among ordinary people. Come to think of it, it\'s been nearly two months since the Oscars ceremony. In the past two months, there has been no rumors. The first thing most people think of is that there is a black hand that covers up all the evidence. Now, all the people in the know have been bought!

The TV station seems to be intentionally guiding the audience\'s thoughts, but it did not explain clearly at the beginning, why this reporter named Vitaly Seduk was beaten.

However, this problem cannot be bypassed after all. As one of the largest public channels in North America, if you want to maintain your authority and fairness, you must explain the cause and effect of the incident.

"Can you talk about why Wayne Greenberg is hitting on you."

The expression on the hostess\' face was both sympathetic and unbelievable. At this moment, she was like an enthusiastic big sister who asked this question for all the audience in front of the TV. "As we all know, Wayne Greenberg is a famous gentleman, good-natured, he is a recipient of the Congressional Gold Medal, and people\'s impression of him is closer to a young and elegant knight."

"No, I dare say, everyone is deceived by his appearance!"

Hearing the host\'s question, Vitaly Seduk said immediately and decisively: "I once thought he was a gentleman, but when I was working, I made a little joke with Naomi Watts. , he immediately became angry and completely exposed his true image.

Under the appearance of a gentleman like Wayne Greenberg, there is a violent maniac, a murderer who is used to solving problems with his fists. I swear, the look in his eyes when he raised his feet and kept stomping on my face was terrible. like a devil. "

"Wow, unbelievable..."

The supporter covered his mouth again at the right time, and shook his head sadly.

When the two talked about this, the TV director waved his hand from outside the camera, and an organized clip was immediately inserted on the TV sets of countless North American families.

The clips broadcast on TV are basically all the records of reporters and celebrities on the red carpet of previous awards ceremonies joking and spoofing. The stars and big names in it are all very generous, even if they are spoofed by some reporters, they have no intention of turning their faces.

There is no doubt that this is the TV station telling all viewers that this kind of thing is not uncommon, no matter what the big red carpet scene, the same thing happens all the time.

When the edited clip ended, the camera was aimed at the studio again. At this time, looking at the reporter with an ugly wound on his face, most people believed his innocence.

"Wait, no, Mr. Seduk."

As if remembering something, the female reporter suddenly asked, "It\'s been so long, why are you willing to stand up and reveal the truth until today?"

This is the question of all the viewers who are watching TV. Since they were beaten like this, shouldn\'t they call the police at that time? Even if you want to reveal the truth, you don\'t have to wait for now.

Vitaly Seyduk glanced at the camera covertly, making sure that he was taking a close-up of his face, as if he was too nervous and too scared, his lips trembled and said: "I\'m in prison...! "

"ohmygod!" The host screamed as if frightened, "What did you say? You, a victim, are actually in jail?"


After a little hesitation, Vitaly Seyduk gathered up his courage in front of the camera and continued to grit his teeth: "I don\'t know what I did wrong, after rough treatment by the doctor that day, I was sent directly to the hospital. Sent to a state prison for molesting and molesting women! I wasn\'t released until three days ago."

The picture on the TV is like a show, and countless audiences sitting in front of the TV are full of anger.

Especially when the victims personally told that they not only did not receive proper treatment, but were still in prison, most ordinary people felt the powerlessness of being weak. In the eyes of many people, the reporter who is being interviewed on the TV is like a hero, a hero who bravely exposes the truth, a Don Quixote-style character.

"...This time, the reason why I stand out at the risk of being retaliated is to expose the devil of Wayne Greenberg to all ordinary people who don\'t know the truth, and hope that the public will not continue to be harassed by him. Appearance deceives. I think a lot of people have seen his movies, and from that perspective, those cruel stories may have all happened to him.

A violent maniac, the works made by the perpetrator may be the truth in his heart! Here I would like to remind my colleagues to be more careful when interviewing Wayne Greenberg in the future. It is best to write a suicide note at home. Who knows when he will attack again and beat you up like me? Fortunately, there are security guards this time, next time you may not have such good luck.

I want to tell those fans who like his movies, this person is a pervert, as perverted as his works, he is not worthy of the public to admire, to like..."

Seeing that Vitaly Seduk was standing in the position of a weak man, and the accusation became more and more vigorous, the TV director frowned and waved at the host.

"Mr. Seduk."

When the host received the signal, he also felt that it was too much, and immediately interrupted the other party\'s plan to continue. "Have you thought about how to deal with this matter?"

"I won\'t just let it go, otherwise, there will be more innocent people like me who will be persecuted by \'big men\' like them!"

Knowing that the show had come to an end, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Vitaly-Seduk cleared his throat, with a resolute expression on his face, and said loudly facing the camera: "I\'m going to sue him, no matter how powerful he is, In the face of darkness, I will not choose to give in. I want to tell everyone that if you have money, you can\'t do whatever you want. If you do something wrong, even if you are a world-famous billionaire, you have to pay the price you deserve. At the same time, I also warn you …”


In the living room of Greenberg Manor at the end of Mulholland Drive, Naomi Watts turned off the TV angrily, and now she felt nauseated when she saw that ugly face.

"This **** with the words on it, f**k!, what does he want to do?!"

Very rare, the always elegant Australian actress burst into foul language, her face was white with anger. "Wayne, he wants to destroy you, damn, he wants to destroy you!"

Wayne leaned on the sofa, shook his head with a cigarette in his mouth, and said helplessly, "Hey, hey, hey, honey, don\'t get excited, it\'s not that simple."

In the wonderful monkey play just now, even as a director, he really felt that the reporter on the TV had a good performance. When it\'s time to be pitiful, there is even innocence in his eyes. When it\'s time to show courage, he looks like a warrior who is about to die. Sure enough, he can live in Hollywood. No one has poor acting skills.

The coffee table in front of him was full of messy newspapers, all of which Sergey bought early in the morning, plus the show on the TV, it took only one morning, and Wayne felt like he had arrived The opposite of the public is not without comical. +Bookmark+