Hollywood Drawing

~: Five hundred and seventy-seven - The Flash, announced preparations.

From early to mid-July, Wayne has been trying to block various reports from the outside world and concentrate on the work at hand, except for the occasional evening gathering with Tom Cruise and his wife,


Most of the time, except to go to the location of "X-Men" in Montreal, Canada, the rest is spent in Warner Studios.


Just when "Charlie\'s Angels" was about to enter the official shooting stage, this film, which has been in low-key preparations, finally caught the attention of the media and insiders. When people saw the producer and investor column, only Wei Wei. When the name En-Greenberg was used, it was clear that there was definitely something special about this film.


During the period, some interesting things happened. Many famous celebrities in the circle found Wayne through Warner Bros., expressing their interest in the female protagonist in the movie, and had a collaboration with Wayne Drew Barry Moore called first, and then Milla Jovovich, and even Julia Roberts\' agent, came over through connections and expressed interest in the film.


Especially Dazui Zhu, a first-line actress in the circle, is now in her most box-office appealing years. When her agent suggested that she could consider taking a salary cut to play the leading role, just to participate in this project, she really let her go. Wayne was tempted for a moment.


Similar to Tom Cruise, the joining of such top scarce resources in the circle means that the film will naturally have its own box office guarantee. At least until the first decade of the 2000s, the box office appeal of these first-line superstars will be guaranteed. Fully guaranteed, but after strict consideration, Wayne still refused all interference and was unwilling to get a time bomb in the crew.


It\'s not for the so-called favor and commitment. You know, in his mind, making money is always more important than having **** with women. If there are enough benefits, he doesn\'t even hesitate to replace Naomi Watts directly. But obviously, with a female star like Julia Roberts, the disadvantages in this crew obviously outweigh the advantages.


You know, as long as the crew starts filming, the main decision-makers can only be Luke Simmons and director Joseph McGinty Nicher. The two of them are in the process of work and cannot suppress the first-line actresses in the circle at all. The natural unequal status of the two parties will make the shooting process very likely to get out of control.


After all, this is not a project directed by Wayne himself. It is better to keep it as it is than to use a big name that the crew can\'t control. At least now these three women will only have some kind of secret rivalry. The three of them are very clear, what Things can be done and things cannot be done.


In the end, before the media reported on the crew on a large scale, Luke Simmons led all the staff and flew to Miami on a low-key chartered flight to start the first independent production trip.


After the low-key start of the "Charlie\'s Angels" project, Wayne\'s work has not eased much, which means that every week or so, he has to fly back and forth between Los Angeles and Montreal and Miami to ensure that he is producing. Both projects are under smooth shooting.


Time is slowly approaching the end of July. The yacht beauty party that Tom Cruise said was postponed again and again due to work reasons. Wayne personally participated in the first collaboration between DreamWorks and Warner Bros. At the screening, when the reporters had not yet covered the film on a large scale, a news that made the entire North American media fall into a high nest came from Warner Bros. again.


On August 1st, Warner Bros., a joint subsidiary of C Comics, held a huge press conference at the Warner Bros. Building in Burbank, announcing the official start of preparations for the next masterpiece of the C film, The Flash.


Before that, the media and fans knew that Wayne\'s next movie would be the Flash who appeared at the end of "Batman: The Dark Knight". The speculation and discussion about this movie never stopped. Now Warner Bros. When the news was officially released, not only hundreds of entertainment media were caught in a carnival, but the fans who had been interested in watching the movie by the previous superhero movies are also watching this movie one after another.


The press hall of the Warner Bros. Building was crowded with hundreds of reporters. Their eyes almost tacitly locked on Wayne who was sitting in the middle position, completely ignoring Charles Rowan sitting next to him.


And executives such as Warner Bros. distribution chief Bruce Rosenblum.


The host of this press conference, Warner Bros. rarely invited Joe Kubert, the father of comic superheroes, perhaps for Stan Lee, known as the father of Marvel comics, this old man is not so high-profile, but for DC Comics However, he has considerable symbolic significance.


The presence of these people also made the media fully understand how much Warner Bros. attaches to this "The Flash".


In the face of hundreds of journalists, Bruce Rosenblum threw a blockbuster when he spoke for the first time. This "The Flash" is expected to cost 200 million US dollars to produce, and Warner Bros. attaches great importance to it. The extent, at least in terms of capital investment, is on par with "Batman".


As if he knew what the reporters were concerned about, the director of distribution at Warner Bros. finished the film\'s preparation information step by step, and immediately nodded to the press conference host Joe Kubert, who then announced that the press conference had entered the reporter\'s question-and-answer session.

Obviously, this was what everyone was looking forward to. A reporter from The New Yorker couldn\'t wait to stand up and aimed his gun directly at Wayne, who was sitting in the middle. "Director Greenberg, according to the ending of "Batman: The Dark Knight", all fans already know that your next movie is "The Flash", as one of the seven justice giants in the comics, please, why do you Choose him? I think more fans are still looking forward to Superman and Wonder Woman."


"It\'s a difficult choice." Wayne pursed his lips, shrugged at all the reporters, reached out to slightly straighten the microphone on the table, and continued, "The reason I chose The Flash,


It\'s not the Superman that everyone cares more about, or the Wonder Woman, because the Flash is the key to connecting the follow-up characters, more I can\'t reveal yet, but I can guarantee that fans will be able to find them in this film. everything you want. "


For North America in the 1990s, if you only look at popularity, heroes such as Superman and Batman are unique, but this does not mean that the Flash is not famous. If you put aside the three giants of justice, the Flash The popularity of Xia is also very high in this year.


In the revised plan, this character can definitely be regarded as a lubricating existence. It is not wrong to say that he is the key to connecting other characters. Wayne has adopted a lot of changes in the settings of the timeline in the subsequent films. , and The Flash, the ability it represents, is the best time traveler.




As soon as his answer was over, a reporter from "Premier" stood up immediately. "Can you talk about the person who plays The Flash, and the overall story of the film, this has always been the most concerned thing for everyone, and we all found out that at the end of "Batman: The Dark Knight", The Flash has already appeared, But there is no face shot."


Several d movies have been shot, and there is no doubt about the star-making ability of this series, from the earliest Nicolas Cage to the now popular Christian Bale and others, even the main supporting roles in Batman, all from In this series, I have tasted the taste of an overnight popularity, so that my value has greatly increased.


All reporters are clear that with the young director\'s employment habits, there is a high probability that the Flash will not choose a famous actor to play. Only in this way can we fully ensure that most of the investment in the film will be used for special effects and other burns in the film. Money work up.


Therefore, who is the next lucky person who is very likely to explode has become the focus of all reporters. This has almost become the law of Wayne\'s movies. Christian Bale has deeply experienced it. Acting, it is the taste of a lot of media follow-up reports.


"First of all, I must sincerely tell everyone that I am still considering the issue of actors, and there is a high possibility of large-scale auditions."


After coughing lightly and attracting the attention of all the reporters, Wayne said into the microphone: "And everything related to the main players is now classified. As for the specific story about the "Flash" project, I Now I can tell you that this is a story about the origins of the Flash."


Some things are said now~www.novelhall.com~ The suspense will be revealed too early. This is just the preparatory conference for "The Flash". The main purpose is to announce to the outside world that the next film has entered the official press conference through a large number of media. During the production, the ingredients, of course, have to be released little by little.


In fact, the entire press conference was held in this tone. Facing the reporters\' questions in various ways, Bruce Rosenblum and Wayne chose to keep their mouths shut and did not reveal too much. Regarding the specific content of the film, it is just the time for the preparation of the film, and it is still far from the propaganda period.


Although not much information was revealed, the entire press conference lasted for two full hours. After the press conference, Wayne and several Warner Bros. executives had lunch together, and brought a low-key superhero. The father, Joe Kubert, set off together and rushed to Warner Studios, and formally convened the behind-the-scenes core team to start the preparations for the film.


And just a short while after the press conference, Warner Bros. has put the preparatory funds needed in the early stage of 50 million US dollars into the account of a third-party insurance company. This is the most important thing for a film to work. Only when the funds are in place can the next specific work be started.


Compared with "Batman: The Dark Knight", the production funds of "The Flash" are much more abundant. Just as the reporters imagined, Wayne did not want to use already famous actors at all. According to his In the usual way, he is the only worker who can get tens of millions of salary in the entire crew, which is also the main factor to ensure sufficient funds for the production of the film.
