His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 870: He seems... crying?

"The **** cold lizard is so cruel! How can I treat a girl like this!"

"I heard that it was because the newcomer did not obey him and was unwilling to give him sleep. It almost killed him. He is still in a wheelchair now!"

"It's too miserable. I will continue to be punished as soon as I wake up, and I will be punished to sweep the floor."

Those voices that had already sunk into the dust now echoed more and more clearly in Feng Xian's ears.

Suddenly Qianmiao's voice came, and he suddenly turned his head to face the outside of the street.

Eyes filled with hostility and regret, reddened slightly!

Qian Miao stared at his left hand suddenly clenched into a fist, as well as the look of turning his face away from her. After thinking about it, he said, "I never called his brother."

The man nodded, but didn't look back.

His finger bones are still bulging sharply, and the whole person is restraining certain emotions forcefully.

Five seconds later, his hands spread out slowly and his face turned back.

The mask blocked the upper part, and his expression was not clear.

"Let me see your hand?" he said suddenly.

Qian Miao stretched out his hand to show him.

Fengxian held it carefully, as if holding a treasure.

Then, he pushed her sleeve up, exposing her wrist.

Qian Miao watched him staring at his wrist, but he didn't know why.

She left him alone, watching as long as she likes to watch, turned her head, and ate without delay.

Put your hand on his hand, in a relaxed state.

In the show, Feng Can laughed a lot, and added a lot of words in the later stage, making it more funny.

She occasionally laughed, and watched TV after one bite.

Suddenly a very comfortable sensation came from her wrist, and Feng Xian was gently massaging the acupuncture points on her head.

She glanced at it and said, "Are you studying this?"

The man's palm suddenly held her back, his five fingers inserted into her fingers and held her.

He lowered his eyes, as if he was restraining a certain emotion.

Qianmiao's heart shook and looked at him quietly.

A hot temperature came from her palm, and she suddenly realized that he seemed to be... crying?

She leaned closer and took a look, and she was really thinking too much.

How could this man cry.

However, his eyes were very gloomy, and he seemed to be hit by a heavy event.

The man's hand slowly loosened, and the corners of his mouth opened with a smile: "What else do you want to eat?"

His voice is a little dumb.

Qian Miao stared at him, shook his head, absent-mindedly: "It's enough to eat these."

The man got up: "I'm going to the bathroom."

He walked away quickly.

Qian Miao looked at his back, then at his left hand, his body temperature still remained above his head.

Feng Xian left the shop and made a phone call.

"Yes, add water, add a large tank of water to all four sides of the ring." His voice was low.

The male voice was cheerful: "I said Baiju, you have quit, why are you still in charge of the alliance?"

Feng Xian looked into the distance: "I'm back."

After the meal, the two returned to the stadium.

At this point, we are almost ready.

Feng Xian was called away by the team leader, and Qian Mian stayed and did the final cleaning.

When they separated, the two seemed to have never known each other, and went their separate ways, without causing anyone to doubt.

At this point, the people in the stadium are almost gone.

Only the three of them were left to clean up the trash and finish.

The black chicken stepped forward and said, "Boss, the hands and feet of the cold lizard on the ring are too dark. First, dry ice is installed. When the smoke comes out, he can control the agency and trip people at any time."