His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 398: Get out, you disgusting pervert!

Lu Wanyu didn't even think about it, just: "Cool, cold, handsome, of course, it's also very warm."

She smiled behind her.

"But dress up, your style has always been sassy and handsome, why do you suddenly like this soft style?"

Qian Mian whispered: "Sent from the elders."

Lu Wanyu understood it all at once.

She also has a lot of this type of clothes, which her dad bought in batches for her when she was still alive.

The two walked into the villa together, and suddenly they heard the sound of someone coming downstairs.

After a while, Qian Miao saw an angry woman standing at the top of the stairs, staring at Lu Wanyu and her viciously.

"Leave her alone." Lu Wanyu looked at Chen Lan coldly.

Qianmiao naturally didn't mind paying attention to such a person, and followed her upstairs.

As a result, Chen Lan stood at the top of the stairs, apparently not planning to let them go up.

"It's not two months since your dad passed away. You brought some random people to the house indiscriminately. Do you think I don't exist?"

Lu Wanyu's eyes were cold: "I think you exist? Which onion are you from in the dung pond, do you deserve it?"

Chen Lan still blocked the way, gritted his teeth and said with a grin: "You can't win this lawsuit. Your dad will give me the company if it's in vain. If I don't let go, you won't be able to get a penny!" Drive you out!"

"Chen Lan, don't think I dare not beat you!" Lu Wanyu said angrily.

She took a step forward, and Chen Lan had to step back.

"If you dare to touch one of my sister's hair, I will do it for you!"

A gruffy man walked down from the second floor. He was tall and fat, with a face full of flesh. He wore black shorts and turned into leggings. He wore a black vest, and his hair was basically shaved, but only left. The pinch on the top of the head has a braid and is tied with a red rubber band.

He swaggered down, staring sharply at Lu Wanyu, and his hammer-big fists seemed to be able to greet Lu Wanyu at all times.

"Go away, you disgusting pervert!" Lu Wanyu glared at him.

However, the man was not angry, his eyes turned from her to Qianmen's face, and his interest was intense: "I want to live here, yes, there are so many rooms at home."

Chen Lan didn't understand what his brother was going to do, so she frowned and stared at him.

"Sister, go and rest. Leave it to me here. With me here, this stinky girl dare not take you." He smiled, his eyes greasy, and the tip of his tongue added a corner of his mouth.

Chen Lan thought that the court would be held, so he put up with it for the time being, turned and went to rest.

The man also let out the stairs slowly and went up for them both.

The moment Qian Miao passed by, he turned around on purpose, causing Qian Miao to touch his arm unexpectedly.

A greasy sensation hits his face.

Qianmiao glanced indifferently and saw his wretched eyes. Qian Miao had no expression, and walked upwards slowly.

As soon as he went upstairs, Lu Wanyu said, "This dead pervert is called Chen Bing. It is the female brother Rao, who is very disgusting."

Qianmiao thought for a while and said, "Is he..."

Lu Wanyu said bluntly: "Although I haven't caught the scene, I'm sure I always look for opportunities to peek at me. I lock myself up every time I take a bath and sleep.

Qian Miao looked up and turned around, his eyes fell on the camera in the corridor.

Asked Lu Wanyu: "Is there a camera in the room too?"

(Which cute person pronounces "wanan" as "official"?)