Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 668

Locke doesn\'t know the qualification of his daughter\'s magician, but he can see that his daughter has strong Knight qualification.

Locke\'s physique is at least five times stronger than that before the baptism of the plane law.

However, whether her daughter will learn to fight or learn magic with her mother in the future is not in a hurry to make a final decision. Kayla, who has just eased from pain, is also in a hurry to ask to see her daughter.

She released several light healing techniques for herself and drank the supplement made by Locke\'s order. Kayla, who was still slightly weak, looked at her daughter handed over from Locke and showed a kind smile on her face.

"Let me see, show me." Christine has always been so anxious. The growth of age not only doesn\'t make Christine stable, but also needs Locke to worry about it from time to time.

Leah next to her was also full of joy. Her brother finally had children, which made Leah give an account of the entrustment given to her by old Locke and TIA.

Angelina was in a strange mood at this time, a little happy and a little unspeakably depressed. It would be better if she didn\'t give birth to Locke\'s mentor.

Grace, at Locke\'s instigation, gave bounties to the people in the mansion. Locke should ask for a prize when she got her daughter.

Xiaxi and Raffi also stood beside Locke and watched the child smile.

"Who are you, please?" Just as the family was jubilant, a servant\'s inquiry came from the courtyard.

The maid had some fear on her face, because the woman in black in front of her fell from the sky.

Growing up in Princeton, the maid was far more knowledgeable than the countryman. Naturally, she knew that the woman in black was either a mysterious magician or a powerful knight.

During his two years in Princeton, Locke often had old friends from the knight hall come to see him. The visiting knights were more powerful than one. The little maid knew that their master was also a powerful knight, and the hostesses were all noble magicians.

People can\'t guess Locke\'s strength, but it doesn\'t hinder their imagination of Locke\'s real identity. You know, there have been several earls of the Empire who have visited this residence in the past two years.

The movement in the courtyard, of course, was discovered by the people inside.

A psychic probe threw it out and knew who it was. Locke\'s body shook.

After swallowing his saliva, Locke said to Keira holding the child, "let me see?"

Kayla\'s face is a little white. I don\'t know whether it\'s caused by the birth of a child, the arrival of the person outside, or both.

After thinking for a few seconds, Kayla said, "well, I\'ll go out with you." Then he looked at the child in his arms.

Speaking of, the child\'s relatives in the world should have someone outside in addition to Locke and her.

Since you were born, you should meet your aunt.

Ashar, who has just landed in Locke\'s residence and consumes a lot of magic, is not quite used to such a strong popularity in the house.

She prefers to stay alone in the laboratory. She doesn\'t understand that secular aristocrats always like to recruit a large number of servants, although she was also an aristocrat more than 200 years ago.

The popularity of the house is second. What attracts Ashar\'s attention now is the heat sources with good energy fluctuations.

Locke, Angelina, grace and others are here. The situation is not beyond Ashar\'s expectation. She is more curious about why her sister will be with them, and some hints given to her by the mysterious magic knowledge are becoming more and more intense.

"Hi, master Ashar, are you back from the digital world?" Locke squeezed a smile on his face and smiled at Ashar standing in the courtyard.

"Yes." Nodding indifferently, which is always in line with Ashar\'s character.

She turned her head and looked at Kaila standing next to Locke. Unexpectedly, there was an extremely strong wave of Magic Elements on Ashar.

"Boom!" The turbulent dark element flame rises on Ashar\'s body surface, which is Ashar\'s new ability in the digital world by integrating his own dark element body.

The rolling devil flame burned more and more, and unexpectedly jumped up to a height of five or six meters.

Lacquer black eyes appeared in the magic flame. Ashar asked coldly, "whose is it?" She meant, of course, the child in Kayla\'s hands.

Kayla has been living with her in the holy tower. If she wants to have any emotional love, Ashar will know. Now she has children quietly. Ashar just thinks who bullied Kayla at this time.

The two sisters have lived together in the holy tower for hundreds of years. Although they are not good at expressing each other, there is no doubt about their deep feelings.

Even if the bully of Kayla is a level 3 strong man or a demigod, Ashar will not let go easily.

Holding the baby in her arms to her chest, Kayla lowered her head and said nothing, but she still looked at Locke.

Ashar also turned his head to Locke. Locke touched his gray hair and paid attention to Ashar\'s mood at any time. Finally, he swallowed saliva and said, "cough, that... Child... The child is mine..... Cough."

Locke\'s words didn\'t matter to the others present. They already knew this fact, but Ashar, who was standing in the courtyard, seemed stunned by the surging black flame.

But he didn\'t let Locke relax for too long. Ashar, who slowed down, rose again, and the height was about to reach ten meters.

This is assar\'s posture of releasing all his strength and firing all his firepower.

"Good, good!" In the magic flame, ASAR\'s body has completely disappeared and turned into a majestic tide of dark elements.

With a bitter smile on his face, Locke, the strongest here, stepped forward to resist all the momentum of Ashar.

Kayla is still weak, Angelina and their strength are not enough. Locke is really afraid that assar will accidentally hurt them in her anger.

The most important thing is that his child is still too fragile at this time. Without the protection of energy shield, it is uncertain what irreparable consequences will be caused to her body.

"Leave it to me. Go to the backyard first." Locke said to Kayla and other women with spiritual power.

Kayla knows her sister\'s temper. Looking at Ashar\'s state, she is determined not to end until she teaches Locke a lesson today. Kayla, who is more concerned about the safety of her children, nodded and took Angelina and other women to hide in remote areas such as the backyard.

The surrounding maids and servants had long dispersed as birds and animals. The mansion purchased and operated by Locke in Princeton issued a "creak, creak" wail in the fierce tide of assar\'s dark element magic and Locke\'s wind attribute.

Tiles and stones splashed, and ornamental trees were uprooted. The two secondary level are also regarded as the gas field confrontation of the top strong, which can be seen from the impact on the surrounding environment.

This is also the main reason why the holy tower on the three western islands and the knight palace strictly ordered that creatures above level 1 are not allowed to do it in front of ordinary people. The aftermath of their battle alone is enough to cause irreparable losses.

Ashar, who incarnated in the black flame, said nothing. Only the black eyes in the flame revealed her anger at this time.

On the other side, Locke also unfolded his whole state. The body is four meters high, the body is covered with bone armor, the three bone spurs on the left arm are shining with clank cold light, the right hand is holding a blue long gun, and there are two white wings with metallic luster on the shoulders and back.

"I haven\'t personally seen the real strength of the master since I met him." In the sky, Locke said to Ashar.

"Today, I\'m lucky to be promoted to level 2. Please give me your advice." With a long gun in his hand, Locke performed a knightly etiquette.

Without talking nonsense with Locke, assar, who turned into the devil\'s flame, hummed coldly, coerced infinite power and rushed towards Locke.

The unprecedented pressure added to him. Although he didn\'t want to fight with the master at the bottom of his heart, he couldn\'t do it today. Locke was very worried about whether assar, who was in a rage, would do anything irrational.

And Locke is also very curious. After absorbing the blood of zombie Tyrannosaurus Rex, angel beast and battle Tyrannosaurus Rex, he is promoted to level 2, and has been quenched by the law. Is he assar\'s opponent.

After all, since he was a little Knight attendant, assar\'s impression in his mind was invincible.

Knights often have a competitive heart, and Locke is no exception. His current strength should be a rare opponent among the local knights. I don\'t know which is stronger or weaker against the assar magician.

Assar\'s infinite power approached, and Locke, holding a long gun, sighed, "offended!"


Today, the citizens of Princeton were lucky to see an unprecedented spectacle.

In the past, the strength of knights and the mystery of magicians were praised by bards in the past, so they could get in touch with some. How can there be a war in the southwest city of Princeton today to attract their attention.

Towering black flame, giant with two wings, cyan tornado, magic moves that are countless times more gorgeous than fireworks, fighting spirit that can easily tear gold and stone

In short, today\'s war over shanschel street is enough to become a lifelong conversation for many bottom citizens of Princeton.

This is just that compared with the residents in the distance, it is not so good for the citizens living nearby. Thousands of Princeton citizens were killed and injured by the aftermath of the war between Locke and Ashar.

One seventh of the southwest city of Princeton was semi paralyzed by their war.

The restriction of the holy tower and the knight hall on the strong above level 1 is prescient. Their battle today alone will cause at least 200 million gold moles of losses to Princeton.

Fortunately, shanschel street is a famous rich area. The population density here is not so large. Otherwise, the number of losses will have to be doubled.