Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4696

The good news that Wukong defeated level 7 master Shalu and defeated yuanneng civilized Legion in war zone 8 didn\'t come long.

There is a new situation in Theater 2!

The endless Lord, who has been stuck in the late state of level 8 for hundreds of thousands of years, finally broke through the shackles and understood the profound meaning of the source of power in the endless battle and fighting, and directly promoted to the peak of level 8 on the battlefield!

This is the third level 8 peak combat power of the bright Protoss! (PS: the ultimate angel is included here)

The merging of the three levels and eight peaks means the absolute prosperity of the bright Protoss and the arrival of the peak.

Until now, the bright Protoss has really established a victory on the dimensional battlefield!

This is no longer the time to call the so-called "advantages" or "disadvantages", but the time to determine the "winners" and "losers".

Although the source energy civilization still has some power, the so-called war is just a "struggle" in the face of the general trend coerced by the bright Protoss.

The endless Lord, who broke through the peak of level 8, hit the Lord of stars hard at the first time when he completed his power perception, and pushed the No. 2 theater led by him straight to the hinterland of yuanneng civilization for an incomparable long distance.

And the advance of the endless Lord does not mean that he led the angel Legion to advance slowly, but that he himself took the lead in killing to the hinterland of yuanneng civilization.

After causing extremely heavy losses and huge casualties to the source energy civilization, the angel Legion on on the front line of the war came to accept everything.

Even the endless Lord who has embarked on the road to prove Tao is more powerful than the ordinary level 8 peak master, so although he has just broken through to the level 8 peak, he is enough to reach a staggering level.

For those angels on the battlefield front of Theater 2, their intuitive feeling is their own propulsion speed. There is no endless Lord rushing faster in the hinterland of yuanneng civilization!

Not only did the Supreme God and the ultimate Angel next door feel the great movement made by the endless Lord in Theater 2, but also Locke in theater 5 far away clearly felt the power oppression of the endless Lord.

It\'s not a short time before and after the destruction dominates Locke\'s climb to the top of level 8.

With the absorption of the power of destruction in the past civilization war and the gathering of the power of destruction all the time in the whole process of dimensional hegemony, Locke has also made great progress in the realm of level 8 peak.

It is precisely because in the process of dimensional hegemony, Locke sensed that this promotion way of destroying all things could indeed make him feel the state of level 9, so he was determined to work with the light Protoss.

The endless Lord who has just broken through the level 8 peak is obviously still a distance from Locke at this time.

However, Rao is Locke, who has absorbed a huge amount of destructive power. At this time, he can\'t help looking at the No. 2 theater. Locke can\'t help marveling at the bright morning star that is extremely dazzling in the depths of the source energy civilization army.

"This level of power is really exaggerated."

"But even the level 8 peak is so strong and it is so difficult to break through. I\'m afraid the level 9 road of the endless Lord in the future..." Locke looked at the bright star representing the endless Lord and couldn\'t help whispering.

At this time, the Lord of infinity is strong, but from Locke\'s point of view, such a difficult promotion and breakthrough process also indicates that the Lord of infinity is basically impossible to go to the Ninth level in the future.

It\'s not that the endless Lord doesn\'t have this potential and inside information, but it\'s true.

And although the endless Lord is an eight level peak God with eternal soul, the picture in Locke\'s eyes is a meteor that constantly emits its own light and heat.

The Lord of infinity is the way to burn himself and burst out the last light and heat!

Locke didn\'t know whether the endless Lord did it for the light Protoss or for the fallen Eternal Lord.

But what Locke knows is that when this dimensional hegemony is coming to an end, I\'m afraid the endless Lord will come to its own end.

The characteristic of eternal soul does not mean that level 8 masters can recklessly squander their own dominant soul.

Even Locke, who has the life energy of the lost paradise and the gold and jade mother flower as the backup information, needs to take it easy on the battlefield. The endless Lord who has burst out all his strength all the time, even if there is the temple of light to supplement it, it is definitely a situation where he can\'t make ends meet.

The mighty and powerful of the endless Lord once again refreshed the cognition of Locke and yuanneng civilization.

Especially at this time, the masters of stars who are facing the majesty of the endless Lord, countless source energy civilization fleets and source energy warriors, annihilated into particle powder between the waving of the endless Lord.

These civilized fleets and source energy soldiers are the direct lineage of the Lord of the stars, and they are all old subordinates who have fought with the Lord of the stars for many years.

The leader of the stars in the late stage of level 8, unlike the God of source energy, has such great ideals and aspirations.

Although he is a strong supporter of the God of source energy, the Lord of stars also has deep feelings and recognition for those who follow his source energy fleet.

If the masters of other sources can retreat, then the masters of stars can never retreat.

The body flowing with blue blood represents the heavy injury borne by the Lord of the stars at this time.

A trace of scattered star power rippled on the main surface of the stars, including the blue star power arc, which also appeared around the Lord of the stars.

The huge gullies on the ground and the surrounding scenes of ruins mark the powerful oppression and blow brought by the endless Lord to the Lord of stars.

But even in this case, the Lord of the stars still firmly stopped the body retreated by the iron boxing of the Lord of infinity.

After the endless Lord broke through to the peak of level 8, the two source energy sub cities urgently arrived near the battlefield of the Lord of stars by leaping in time and space.

The source energy arm is turned on immediately.

Up to now, even the original more than 30 source energy sub cities have gradually become extremely scarce.

Almost every battlefield needs the pressure of source energy sub cities, including many source energy sub cities that have been scrapped in wars over the years, or are in a state of severe damage and in urgent need of repair.

The two yuanneng sub cities that arrived at the battlefield in time are the last two intact fortresses in the reserve base of yuanneng city.

It is also the space-time traction characteristics of the active energy city that these two source energy sub cities can reach the battlefield in the shortest time.

But how much power bonus can the two source energy sub cities bring to the Lord of stars?

Even the master of stars in his heyday, with the blessing of the two source energy sub cities, is not necessarily the opponent of the endless master of the eighth level peak.

At this time, with his serious injury, maybe it\'s just a matter of how long he can last in the hands of the endless Lord!

The Lord of the stars still maintained his high fighting spirit and the belief of not retreating until death in the process of being seriously injured and being constantly defeated, which made the endless Lord who understood the true meaning of power look at him more.

This is indeed a worthy opponent. The endless main body is permeated with the power of white light and collides with the Lord of stars in the form of source energy armed again!

The incomparably violent dominant turbulence, and brought near destructive power to the middle and bottom creatures, sweeping the surrounding battlefield again!