Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4316

"I\'m so disappointed! How can these dead creatures on the civilized battlefield be so spineless!" In front of Locke, Lilith, who had just returned from a starry battlefield, couldn\'t help complaining.

Obviously, Lilith did not achieve the expected goal in the previous battle of chasing evil eyed violent apes.

A emerald green eye was saved and held by Lilith with a special magic boundary. This eye came from the seventh level master evil eye violent ape.

For the general casters in the wizard world, such dominant materials are definitely the top materials they dare not think of.

But for Lilith, who has seen the world, this thing is just like that.

If he could dig out all five eyes of the evil eyed violent ape, maybe he could make her angry a little bit.

"Didn\'t you get something this time? I heard you signed another level 6 undead?" Locke smiled.

Level 6 creatures are also a rare combat power for the large world. The future outcome of this level 6 creature signed by Lilith with a magic contract is mostly to migrate to the undead world and become another combat power of wizard civilization.

And the magic contract of wizard civilization is not so easy to conclude. Since that guy gave his soul mark to Lilith, it basically means that he sold his life to wizard civilization.

It\'s okay to betray the silent bone gathering civilization. If it dares to betray the wizard civilization in the future, Lilith will not directly crush its soul, but will pull out its soul and let it watch with her own eyes. How the caster of the wizard civilization broke its body into pieces and transformed it into an extremely fierce and strange corpse training synthetic animal.

Including its soul, it will be imprisoned in the bone lamp forever in the future. While suffering from hundreds of thousands of years of pain and burning, it can also provide lighting for Lilith\'s Laboratory

Locke\'s explanation didn\'t make Lilith feel much better.

Lilith just sneered at the level 6 dead Lord she had just signed and said, "I don\'t like a dead creature who cuts off his companion\'s head to show loyalty."

"More importantly, the corpse of the level 6 dead creature that this guy gave me had only half a head!"

"How can I integrate this defective product into the new body training synthetic beast?" Lilith said angrily.

Lilith\'s words made Locke\'s face a little embarrassed.

I really don\'t know how to persuade the level 7 magician. Locke can only say, "not long ago, kakarot got another white bone tower. You can go and have a look. This time the integrity is higher than before."

"It\'s a pity that another white bone tower with a integrity of nearly 70% was captured by the rose imperial civilization."

"Moraya, a level seven reader, didn\'t trade this white bone tower to us. It seems that the rose imperial civilization also tried to study something from the white bone tower." Locke regretted.

Lilith smelled it, and a trace of ridicule appeared on her face. "The rose imperial civilization also wants to explore the mystery of the restoration of the dominant soul from the white bone tower?"

"They look up to themselves too much." Said Lilith.

Lilith\'s sarcasm and pride are naturally justified.

The wizard civilization started the research on the recovery characteristics of the dominant soul with the clues obtained from the bright Protoss, immortal civilization, death country civilization and the seven level dominant Golden Jade mother flower, and has achieved some results so far.

In contrast to the civilization of the rose Dynasty, what do they have?

Readers are not good at exploring the mysteries of truth. They are a group of strong people who pursue the origin of blood.

The mecha makers of the rose imperial civilization may have a set of mecha and battleship fortresses, but they study the energy circuit and rule power contained in the white bone tower Save it.

This is why the galent Federation has never been interested in those white bone towers, and once captured, they will be handed over to the wizard civilization.

Obviously, the galent Federation has more self-knowledge than the rose Dynasty. They know where their civilization is.

She shook her head and Lilith quickly left in front of Locke.

This is a woman who pays attention to efficiency and works resolutely. Since kakarot has got another white bone tower with high integrity, Lilith naturally wants to go and see the situation.

I\'m not sure what secret I found from the white bone tower this time can make Lilith\'s depressed mood better.

It was not until Lilith left that Locke\'s smile gradually faded away.

Like the common hidden concerns of the high-level Federal Military in galent, Locke is also extremely dissatisfied with the progress of the war in the past 200 years.

Looking at what has been done in the past 200 years, the overall progress of the Federation and the wizard civilization army has only reached 23% of the expected goal.

And I believe that with the passage of time and the continuous extension of the front, the advance speed of galent Federation and wizard civilization will be blocked again.

Lilith\'s complaint is a good illustration of the cunning practices of those who are the masters of the civilized undead.

If it is other world civilizations, in the face of these dominant practices, they may directly work hard to kill their mother to see if they will still hide from guerrilla warfare.

However, we can\'t do this for the dead world civilization of jingluogulian civilization.

Even level 8 masters like Locke are going deep into the hinterland of the sea of death. There is no good way. I\'m afraid other ordinary masters and the Legion of bottom civilization will be broken one by one in the tide of infinite death elements.

We can only take these measures of delaying and sneaking attacks behind our backs.

Obviously, the purpose of the civilization is to drag this multi civilization mixed Legion into the ocean of protracted war.

For this situation, Locke was relatively calm. He still took the sky high employment fees given by the galent Federation, and the war capture in the lonely star domain was not too bad.

But the galent Federation is obviously losing its breath. A series of countermeasures and attack plans are in full swing.

Even Locke knew that another conqueror class Titan ship, which was originally in the Federal Home star domain, would join the battlefield if the front-line war did not get better.

In the words of five-star general trichi pan baesa, even if it is bombarded with artillery, it is necessary to open a channel to the parent plane of jiluogulian civilization, or break the regular nodes of all death element tides in the jiluogulian star domain.

Locke can\'t judge whether the galent Federation\'s approach is correct, because he knows that another conqueror Titan is actually used to guard against the light Protoss.

Once the war really reaches that situation, it will be a complete tightrope walk.

No one knows if the light Protoss will suddenly step in.

Locke sighed at the stalemate battle in the lonely star domain, but then he heard another piece of good news.

That is his apprentice golden monkey, who will return to wizard civilization by dominating combat power.