Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4272

Through the trans plane space transmission array of Qingyang world as a transit, Locke soon arrived in the wizard star domain.

It was only about 3000 years before and after Locke left the wizard civilization. Naturally, there were no changes in the wizard civilization in such a short time.

Today, the focus of the development of the whole wizard civilization is still developing the newly conquered purple chayan soul world group.

A large number of energy crystals and various rare element crystals greatly enrich the details of wizard civilization.

Even in addition to their own use, these energy crystals and crystals are also exported in large quantities to the civilizations of anti light Protoss alliance members such as the galent Federation, which are used to earn rare resources of other civilization specialties.

When Locke\'s Space Fortress arrived outside the wizard world, he heard two news that attracted his more attention.

First, the elements and creatures of zicha yanhun world represented by the master of fire officially broke fire with the iron tower world 1200 years ago.

The contradiction between the two sides is naturally based on the hundreds of planes occupied by the iron tower world during the war of Zisha yansoul world group.

Don\'t say why the elemental creatures represented by the fire master only aim at the tower world, not at the wizard civilization occupying more aspects of them.

That\'s because the purple flame soul world has been incorporated into the wizard alliance, and the reason why they dare to "show their teeth" to the tower world is inspired by the wizard civilization.

Although those elemental creatures have exchanged fire with the iron tower world on many planes in the past millennium.

However, the overall intensity of the war and the creatures above level 4 are still at a low level.

This is also why the wizard civilization has never recalled Locke who is far away in the fairy kingdom.

The war between wizard civilization and iron tower world will not break out at least in the short term.

Wizard civilization still needs to sort out the war proceeds and speed up its own development. At present, the iron tower world does not directly border with the star domain controlled by Wizard civilization.

Even if war breaks out between these two large world civilizations in the future, it may take tens of thousands of years, or even longer.

Because the wizard civilization should first clean up the large number of medium, small and micro world civilizations between the wizard civilization and the tower world.

Or conquer, occupy, or draw overhead, just as Locke said to Nu Wa sage when he left the immortal region, after the purple Temple burning soul world group, there is also a vast sea of stars and a variety of civilizations waiting for them to conquer.

In addition to the ongoing medium and low-scale wars in the zicha yanhun world group, the second thing that attracted Locke\'s attention was that the galent Federation officially reached an armistice agreement with the jingluogulian civilization 700 years ago.

Armistice is not the same as seeking peace.

The war that almost shook the foundation of galent\'s federal state, with the passionate war mood of the federal army and people and billions of citizens, I\'m afraid the president and those military chiefs can\'t be stable in their own position if they don\'t destroy the silent civilization.

The armistice is to gather strength to deal with the next more intense battle of civilization.

This is clear to both the galent Federation and the dead creatures of the lonely civilization.

Hundreds of years of recuperation did not restore much vitality to the galent Federation.

Even in the vast space behind them, one fifth of the planets are still in biochemical disaster areas, and nearly half of the planets are in medium and high biochemical danger.

Solving the rear problem as soon as possible has been the main focus of the galent Federation in recent hundreds of years.

And because the war with the lonely civilization would break out again at any time, the galent Federation had to arrange most of its military forces on the front line of the war.

The only thing better than the silent civilization is that the galent Federation is not fighting alone this time.

With the addition of many anti light Protoss alliance planes such as the rose Dynasty civilization, the current situation of galent Federation is better than expected.

"The galent Federation hopes that we can send one or two dominant forces to help them cope with the war of civilization."

"To this end, in addition to paying a number of resources and costs, they are also willing to share stellar war fortress technology with our Wizard civilization." After entering the wizard world, sarafa came from the Mamet Alliance for the first time and said to Locke.

The overall combat power level of the star level war fortress of galent federation can be comparable to that of level 6 peak creatures.

This is a real national treasure.

In the past, the star class war fortress was the top war machine of the Federation under the Russian lombas class Titan ship.

Of course, this is the past.

The development of science and technology in the Federation is not invariable. The strength of wizard civilization has improved by leaps and bounds in the past 100000 years. How can the galent Federation fall behind.

Perhaps in the view of general large and medium-sized world civilizations, the technology of star war fortress has been very great, but for the big wizard civilization at this time, this thing is just like that.

Technology is not equal to material objects. The wizard civilization that plays with rules has drawn big cakes to deceive the weak and ignorant middle and low-level world in the past.

In general, the technology of galent Federation and the magic alchemy of wizard civilization are still two completely different development systems.

Perhaps the alchemists in the wizard world can really bypass the analogy and obtain some valuable knowledge wealth. It is not enough to just want to join the two dominant combat forces.

"I guess the galent Federation should give the same conditions to the rose imperial civilization." Locke said.

"No mistake, the rose Dynasty civilization has been one step ahead. We have obtained the star level war fortress of the galent Federation. As a price, in addition to nearly 30 million mecha and the minder Corps stationed at the federal border, one of their level 7 minders has also been involved in the war against the lonely civilization for a long time."

"According to some news, the level seven thinker of the civilization of the rose Dynasty signed an offensive and defensive agreement with the galent Federation for at least 2000 years." Sarah nodded.

Star level war fortress technology is comparable to level 6 peak creatures, which only refers to those individuals who have just entered level 6 peak.

Not to mention the peak despair and the half step peak despair, it\'s hard to see whether the strength of the strong in the middle and late period of quasi saint can be achieved.

Moreover, the stellar war fortress is an "antique" developed by the galent Federation more than 100000 years ago.

Compared with its combat power and strategic significance, the cost of building such a big guy is probably enough to surprise the large world such as wizard civilization and rose Dynasty civilization.

After all, wizard civilization does not have a complete set of construction factories and industrial chains of galent Federation. Locke doesn\'t know how many processes it takes to build a star war fortress. It must be difficult for those top alchemists in the world to know.