Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 206

"Angelina, ask Locke to come to me this afternoon to get the dagger." In the crystal ball, Qiao Jin said.

"OK." Angelina glanced at Locke exercising in the yard outside the alchemy.

Low level apprentices already have the basic magic message transmission ability. This kind of communication through crystal ball is the most common way of communication. Crystal ball is purchased in the college and is valuable. It is usually placed in space ring.

In the afternoon, Locke appeared in Joaquin\'s living room.

It is worthy of being the Earl\'s residence. Although he has been here once, Locke is still fascinated by all kinds of rockeries and gardens in the house.

The mansion where he and Angelina and other women live is also very large, and they have a lot of yards. Otherwise, they won\'t live in so many dark guards and forbidden guards as guards, but on the one hand, luxury is on the other hand.

They also have such rockeries and garden water systems, but not almost every yard like Joaquin\'s.

Secretly, the count of the Empire was rich. Locke sat honestly in the chair in the living room, tasting the tea served by the maid and appreciating all kinds of handicrafts and famous paintings hanging around the wall of the living room.

When a cup of tea bottomed out, Qiao Jin finally came out.

Joe Jin, who likes to wear a bright red skirt on weekdays, is wearing a beige off shoulder skirt and a pair of silver white cool boots on his feet.

White jade\'s thin legs and pearly toes made Locke stunned for a while.

Qiao Jin, who had just appeared, was obviously very satisfied with Locke\'s expression at this time and snorted "so long?"

"I came as soon as I had dinner, okay?" Make complaints about Rock\'s Tucao road.

"That\'s too slow." Said Joaquin discontentedly.

Locke was too lazy to argue with Joaquin. If he wanted to speak slowly, Joaquin asked him to sit in the living room and wait so long.

"Where\'s the dagger?" Locke asked. His biggest concern now was not what Joaquin was wearing, but his dagger.

After brushing his lips, Joaquin was not happy that Locke only paid attention to the appearance of his dagger. As soon as the space ring on his index finger was thrown, a silver white dagger with emerald color appeared and flew in the direction of Locke.

"Pa!" Locke caught the flying dagger and couldn\'t wait to look through it.

The dagger was originally made of ordinary iron ore, but now I don\'t know what material was added. The blade surface is silver white, and the dagger body is streamlined. It seems to be more fluent than before.

Complicated green patterns are all over the dagger. This is not an ordinary decoration, but a mysterious magic pattern outlined by the alchemist. At present, Angelina can only draw simple magic patterns. This more complex and small magic pattern still needs a long time to learn.

At the end of the dagger, the familiar dark red linen is still wrapped. However, Locke noticed that the original ordinary linen is wrapped with a layer of gold wire. In terms of texture and ornamental, it is better than before.

"Thank you!" This time Locke really thanked him.

"You\'re welcome!" Joaquin said, "because I don\'t know what kind of dagger you like, it doesn\'t move in general, but the details change a little." Joaquin pointed to the dagger and said.

In terms of appearance and shape, this dagger is indeed the same as before, but a normal person will not connect the sharp and luxurious dagger in front with the previous one.

Locke thanked Joaquin not because of the powerful dagger, but because she didn\'t change the shape of the dagger. He cared more about the dagger itself than the power of the dagger.

"Added a little wind magic, and portrayed two simple little magic, roundabout and sharp." Qiao Jin pointed to the green pattern on the dagger.

In fact, it doesn\'t need Joaquin to say that the moment Locke put on the dagger, he can roughly feel what new functions the dagger has.

After throwing the dagger out, the dagger can return to the user\'s hand without slowing down after rotating.

Sharpness first increases the sharpness and cutting ability of the dagger, and then indirectly speeds up the release speed of the dagger. It is likely that you only see a green streamer, and then the dagger has hit the target.

These two magic characteristics alone have doubled the value of this dagger. Let alone the silver dagger blade, you know that in addition to the feathers of qingbu Valley, some precious metals must be added.

After taking his dagger and chatting with Joaquin at Joaquin\'s house for a while, Locke got up and prepared to leave.

"Here you are!" Joaquin threw two bottles of red bubbling medicine to Locke.

After taking the medicine, Locke asked, "what\'s this?"

"Crimson potion." Said Joaquin.

"It\'s enough for me to have a dagger. I can\'t take this medicine anymore!" Locke refused. Locke, who had taken advantage of everything, said he could no longer accept Joaquin\'s gift.

"Don\'t rush to refuse." Joaquin bit his lip and said, "it\'s your reward for saving me!"

Locke was stunned, raised his hand, put it down, held the medicine in his hand, and said after a while, "OK."

Crimson potion is a precious potion that can also promote medium-level knights. Locke really can\'t be promoted to high-level attendants without the help of this potion.

Think you owe Joaquin a favor, Locke said

After seeing Joaquin off, he walked out of her house. At the moment of turning over to the carriage, Locke suddenly realized the second half of Joaquin\'s words.

While Joaquin turned to go home, Locke suddenly asked, "did you save you that night, or did you save you from qingbu Valley?"

Turning to half of Joaquin\'s body, he didn\'t seem to hear Locke\'s question, and then he stepped into the mansion unabated.

Finally, when the servant closed the door of the Earl\'s house, Locke had not got his answer.

Well, Locke tilted his head and entered the carriage. Under the driving of dark guard, the carriage embarked on the return journey.

In June, not only Imperial College entered the holiday, but almost every college in Princeton had a long holiday. Locke had a rare rest for a whole month. This month, he accompanied Angelina and grace and other women in his family. One week, he took them to aiselvis, the province next to Princeton for a week.

Angelina has participated in several missions and gone out a lot, but for women such as grace and Xia Xi, this is their first time to travel abroad after arriving at the omor Empire, and everyone is very excited.

Christine played the most crazy. During the journey, she dragged the hands of women such as Locke and grace, looked curious about everything, and bought gifts for everyone, including Angelina.

The gift money is exchanged for all kinds of treasures in Christine\'s space necklace. Now she is the little rich woman in her family second only to Angelina and grace.