Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 379

Hoffa looks at Chloe. I haven't seen her for more than a year, and she is more mature than before. Now she really has some kind of sacred temperament...

"no... I won't kill you."

"You don't even have to think about it," he said

He said, focusing on rowing.

Chloe shook her head and said nothing. She wrapped her shawl around Hoffa's shoulder and followed him to the other side of the frozen fjord.

They soon came to the other side of the fjord. Unexpectedly, Hoffa did not encounter any interrogation here. And the other side is completely different.

He could see a lot of witches on the beach happily raising fire, baking food, as if celebrating victory. Some of them, though, celebrate in a strange way.

Several witches in black robes were chasing several pale maidens by the fire. The maidens were shivering and their clothes were torn apart in the night. They cry and cry, trying to attract unnecessary rescue, but it only makes the witches more excited.

From DORO's words, Hoffa knows that in this era, under the rule of Silby. The wizard should be at war with Muggles. Those Muggle girls should have been looted from the conquered areas.

Some of them held down a girl, grinning and taking out some pink powder from her robe, which was probably the predecessor of the ecstasy, and applied it on the girl's face.

Immediately, the girls' skin was pink, and they stood up involuntarily, from passive to active.

But the witches ran away with laughter, or treated the estrous girls with violence, or punched, or kicked, or whipped, just like animals.

When they are tired of playing, the witches will kill them by the fire, throw them into the sea, or burn them to ashes with magic medicine.

Hoffa stood in the distance, looking at the primitive, savage, uncivilized activities, with rare fluctuations in his heart.

On the one hand, he knew that it happened a thousand years ago. On the other hand, he knew that in ancient times, war was just like this. The winner kills the loser and takes the loser's woman and wealth as his own.

In fact, until industrial society, human instinct was to conquer, kill, plunder and destroy.

They're like a bunch of lemmings, breeding crazily in good times. When the year is bad, when the population is too big for the land, the population will have to decline. How does it go down? Through war, famine, pestilence, and so on. In the fourteenth century, there was a black death in Europe. In less than ten years, the population of Europe decreased by one-third.

This cycle, reproduction, war, death, rebirth.

It was not until the industrial revolution, or even later, that the pestilence of war and famine gradually disappeared.

It is not that human beings have changed, but that productivity has increased. The violent nature of conquest, killing, plunder and destruction has been replaced by a gentler desire to make money.

It is ridiculous to ask ancient people with modern vision or moral standards, because the environment is totally different.

Hoffa has already passed the age of black or white or binary opposition. He has experienced too much and seen too many terrible things done by human beings to the same kind. He has long been indifferent to them.

Now, he just wants to fulfill his responsibility, that is, to figure out Silby's goal, and then stop him.

The rest has nothing to do with him.

He calmly passed by the group of witches without squinting.

But Chloe on his shoulder, looking at the group of sorcerers and girls with emotion, could not stop sighing.

Not long after, he saw the biggest one in the continuous barracks. It was in the dark, with orange lights, as if it was a silent announcement - the residence of the most powerful people.

Here comes the play.

After searching for such a long time, we finally found the location of Silby. With twelve points of spirit and vigilance, he turned into an ordinary patrol wizard and walked towards the tent.

When he got close to the tent, he heard the quarrel in the tent. As he approached, the quarrel intensified.


"delay again and again, when can we attack?"

Someone yelled angrily in the tent.

Hoffa pasted himself in front of the tent and slightly opened the curtain.

It was a man in a red cloak with a golden sword pinned to his waist. He had golden hair, thick eyebrows, big eyes and a neat beard. He looked very manly.

"I've had enough, really enough!"

However, the manly guy looked very anxious at the moment: "if you drag on, those witches under our hands will soon become * *"! I saw them having fun with Muggles yesterday. How ridiculous

Calm down, friend A short man in a green robe was sitting on the opposite chair with a book in his hands, sloshing: "you can't punish our lovely subordinates for a few Muggles.""Let them waste their energy like this?" The red cloaked man was fidgeting about.

The green robed man was unmoved and turned a page of the book leisurely: "it's said that it's good to attack at dawn."


The irascible red robed man banged the table: "it's been a week. It's not bright yet. Are you sure it's not..."

the red robed man lowered his voice and doubted: "what is he thinking? Is he playing with us?"


The green robed dwarf closed the book in his hand and sneered, "when you recognized the king, you were faster than anyone else. Now you are suspicious."

He pointed to the nose of the man in the red cloak and said, "he said that if you act at dawn, you can act at dawn. What's your hurry? Isn't there a king standing on top of the sky when it collapses?"

"You! Oh, dear Red cloaked masculine one buttock sits on the chair, the breath hugs the arm, ignores the green robe man.

Then, in the corner of the tent, a soft voice full of worry said, "don't make any noise. He hasn't eaten much for a month. There must be something on your mind. "

Hoffa followed the voice. It was a chubby, rich looking middle-aged witch sitting in the fireplace with a piece of fabric that looked like a scarf in her hand.

She sighed and put down the fabric. She said sorrowfully, "for a whole month, he only drinks a little milk every day. What can he do after such a long time?"

"You don't care about him. He's grown up."

After the green robed man scolded the cloaker man, he read the book lazily, "as long as he can defeat the church and fulfill his promise to us, he can do whatever he wants under this premise. Don't say to drink milk, even if he wants to share (female) breast milk, I will squeeze it out for him. "

When he said that, the red cloak man and the rich woman were not happy.

"I said," Why have you been together for so many years? Can you be a little bit human? The past is gone. Is it necessary to be so bitter? "

The green robed man retorted without hesitation: "who says I'm worried? I think you can force him to eat! "


"Don't make a noise, don't make a noise!"

Rich woman covers her ears with her hands. You are so annoyed. Can you talk well? Why are you always noisy.

Through a small crack in the tent, Hoffa saw three noisy people inside. All of a sudden, I was filled with emotion.

There is no doubt that the one in the red cape with the silver sword on his waist must be Godric Gryffindor.

And the one in the green robe, who doesn't care, must be Salazar Slytherin. Hoffa thought the founder of snake house would be bigger than he thought.

As for the chubby woman sitting in the corner, knitting a scarf, Hoffa identified her as hutchpatch.

In the second grade, Hoffa once saw the fragments of consciousness left by the four founders in the Pearl of Hogwarts, but it was totally different from seeing a real person.

It's just... One of the four seems to be missing.

As soon as the thought rose, a cold question came from behind: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Hearing the sound, Hoffa looked back.


The other man is standing behind him.

The founder of Ravenclaw college, ronay Ravenclaw, dressed in a neat light blue robe, with short silver hair, tall and thin, with prominent cheekbones, doesn't look like a secular beauty, but she has deep pupils and bright eyes. With a breathtaking momentum.

Seeing the founder of his college, Hoffa straightened his back slightly and saluted her: "I hear a fight in the tent, Lord Ravenclaw."

"The night wizard?"

Ravenclaw's eyes softened a little. She didn't know why. The young wizard's black eyes made her feel good.


Hoffa nodded.

He noticed that Ravenclaw had a small jar in his hand. There was a steaming milky liquid in the jar.

"They're used to arguing," Ravenclaw said. "Do your own thing and don't get distracted by other things."

"I understand."

Hoffa stood in place and opened the tent for Ravenclaw.

Ravenclaw came into the tent with a small earthen jar. Hutchpatch immediately stood up and said, "why did you get it back?" Hechpatch asked anxiously.

"He doesn't want it." Ravenclaw said coldly. Put the pot on the table.

"Ah." Hechpatch sat down on the chair and kneaded his forehead with a sad face: "how can he be so temperamental?"

Gryffindor straightened up in front of the long table, frowned and asked, "Ronnie, you are closest to him. You can guess what he thinks every time. So tell us what's the matter with him now. "

"Who is closest to him?"Ravenclaw turned her head with a cold snort.

But then her face darkened.

"I don't know this time. He locked himself up completely. I wanted to see him for several nights in a row, but he turned me away. I usually give him some milk, but at least he takes it in. I don't want any milk today. I called him outside for a long time, but he didn't answer

She said so, even the expression has been indifferent, slothful Slytherin also serious, he closed the book, straight back, brow locked.

"Damn, what the hell happened!"

Gryffindor rubs his hair violently, and rubs his soft blonde hair in a mess.

Hechpatch sat on the chair and cried, "he doesn't drink milk, water or food. Is he going on a hunger strike? It's clear that we are going to win. What is he thinking about?"

"I don't know."

Ravenclaw rare some anxious, "if this closed down, I'm afraid there will be some big trouble."


outside the tent, Hoffa fell into a deep meditation. The guy in their mouth who neither eats nor drinks must be Silby. Otherwise, who else deserves their attention.

Just, don't eat and don't drink? What's that guy playing with? Is he trying to cultivate immortals? There's no immortals in the world for him to cultivate.


"let me have a try."

A clear voice came from outside the tent.

Sullen Salazar Slytherin first raised his head and saw Hoffa at the door of the tent, so he was not happy and said, "where are the soldiers from?"

A shadow quickly spread out from his feet and came quietly around the tent to Hoffa.

Gryffindor is more irritable, he is thinking about the problem, by this sudden interruption, immediately hit the case: "what's the matter, dare to break in without orders, who is your man?"

Two men are so hot, and two women are a little more gentle.

"You should be a little bit less angry, it's not good for your health," hechpatch told Gryffindor

Ravenclaw is still protecting Hoffa, she sternly reproached, "don't you do your own thing? Why are you still running in? Go and get out quickly. "

Hoffa was not moved. He pointed to the jar on the table for four and said calmly, "he doesn't eat or drink. Let me try. I have a way to make him eat."

As soon as this remark came out, Gryffindor was stunned. Hechpatch was happy. Ravenclaw was very surprised. Even the black shadow winding behind Hoffa slowly drew back.

"What did you say?" The four asked in unison.

Hoffa shrugged. "I said, I have a way to get Lord Spencer back to normal. At least, drink that milk."

"Why should we trust you? We've never seen you before." Slytherin kept his unique coldness and vigilance.

"I'm part of the team, anyway." Hoffa said casually, "and in my hometown, where there are many such witches."

"The wizard who doesn't eat?" Hechpatch asked in surprise.

"Almost." Hoffa said vaguely: "I'm in a bad mood, I'm too fat, I'm under too much pressure. In a word, if there is such a problem, just let me have a chat with him, and make sure that the medicine will get rid of the disease, and eat well. "

Salazar Slytherin looked at Hoffa, frowning deeper and deeper.

Gryffindor was not happy. He was not happy when Hoffa came in. He felt that this young looking guy was running trains all over his mouth. He rubbed his sword and said, "this man doesn't give his name. He looks very familiar. He must have no good intentions. Maybe he is a spy sent by the church."

Then he went to Hoffa with his sharp goblin sword.

"Wait a minute."

It was Slytherin who held out his hand and stopped the impulsive Gryffindor. With a long tone, he said slowly: "dead horse should be a living horse doctor. Anyway, no one can do anything to that guy, or let the little guy try."

Gryffindor: what if

"Let him try."

Hechpatch also said, "Slytherin is right, we have no other choice." She looked at Ravenclaw again. "What do you say, Ronnie?"

Ravenclaw looked into Hoffa's eyes for a long time and nodded slowly: "I believe him."