Harry Potter: I Am a Legend

Chapter 336

A corner of the labyrinth.

The mist in the air turned red at some time. Nicole lemme looked up at the bloody moon in the sky with a solemn look. He took off his black hat, turned his head and called out, "Wormtail."

No response.

So he called again, "Wormtail?"

No one answered.

Above the fog, the dark clouds gather at the speed visible to the naked eye, among which the rolling flow is a sound of thunder, and the labyrinth shrubs make a sound, which makes people anxious.


He exclaimed in the loudest voice he could make.


a gray mouse sprang out from the corner of the maze. In the process of running, his body swelled and turned into a short, dirty man in a jacket. He rubbed his hands nervously: "coming, coming, what's up, Mr. lemme..."

"let's go, ready to call your master out."

Lemme said without expression.


The dwarf looked at his watch in disbelief: "it's not the appointed time yet, the matrix and the holy instrument may not be ready..."

"it's too late." Said Nicole lemme.

"What happened, Mr. lemme?"

"For God's sake!"

Nico lemme suddenly got angry. He grabbed a stone and hit Peter on the head: "why do you have so many problems that you haven't responded for so long?"

"I'm preparing the crucible!"

Pettigrew, hit in the head by a stone, hugs his head and screams.

"Can't you let your damned master phantom come over?" "Isn't he the greatest black Wizard of all time?" said Nicole lemme

"The master is too weak! He can't bear the pressure of space tearing... Besides, Mr. lemme, you have promised Mr. greendevo that way... "

" shut up

Like a cat in the tail, Nicole lemme drew out his wand and pointed it at the short man.

Pettigrew covered his mouth and stepped back a few steps. His frightened eyes turned straight like a mouse being watched by a cat.

Nico lemme gasped heavily for a moment before he calmed down. He put away his wand and said with a black face, "go, get that damn beast. Go now. Don't waste a second!"

His face was stiff and Pettigrew didn't dare to retort. He rushed into the maze like an amnesty.

Nico lemme kicked the lawn angrily after Pettigrew left. He looked up at the bloody moon outside the fog and said, "Damn it, you all damn it! Everyone should die! "

He's trapped in a maze, and he's so angry about something that hasn't happened, he's so angry that he's ripped half of his hair off.

Ten minutes later.

The sound of horse's hooves came from the depths of the maze, and he calmed down from his rage, his face cold and gloomy.

Dada dada!

A giant Unicorn comes out of the maze.

The unicorn shook his neck angrily, trying to shake the rope around his neck. Pettigrew was thrown around by it in a mess on the ground. He wanted to hold the big beast, but he couldn't hold him at all.

At the sight of Pettigrew's awkward posture, Nico lemme pulls out his wand and strides forward. He throws the wand, and the wand emits a few forked electric lights, like a harness rope, around the unicorn's neck.

Violent magic triggered Unicorn more fierce resistance, it frantically struggle, will pull its dwarf Peter thrown into the sky, Nico. Lemme expression like iron. He took a glass ball from the wizard's robe and hurled it at the unicorn.

The glass ball hit the unicorn's neck and was smashed to pieces. A pink and crystal clear smoke seeped out of the glass bottle and wrapped the unicorn's head.

After inhaling the smoke, the giant Unicorn seemed to be drunk and staggered on the ground. It snorted, shook its head and tried to get out of the pink smoke, but fell to the ground, shaking the ground twice.

Nico lemme took his wand and stepped forward.

"Don't hurt him!"

There was a shrill voice in the distance.

A girl came running from a distance, rushed to Nicole lemme and shook his shoulder: "Hey, let him go. What did he do wrong? "

The dark clouds in the sky covered the moonlight. A flash of lightning broke the darkness and made three people and one beast white. The unicorn of Shenjun was frightened and tried to stand up, but could do nothing.

"Hey, do you hear me? Let him go!"

Hibiscus shook lemme's arm hard. Pettigrew crawls out of the unicorn. He rushes to the girl, grabs her by the arm and pulls him away from Nicole lemme.Nicole lemme looked at the girl who was held by Wormtail. She said nothing and her lips were pale.

"Mr. lemme Peter Pettigrew reminded him, "start the ceremony."

The reminded Nico lemme was biting his teeth and sweating on his forehead. He looked away and groaned: "Damn, grindevoir, Riddell, you are really a devil..."

"Mr. lemme!"

Pettigrew stepped forward and reminded him, "when shall we start?"

Nico lemme looked at Peter Pettigrew's thick, short, dirty fingernails on the girl's delicate arm. He frowned in disgust. "I know what to do. You let her go first."

Pettigrew Peter released hibiscus, but he still pointed his wand at her and retreated slowly.

Nicole lemme squatted down and asked Furong Delacour, "how do you like this unicorn?"

"Of course, some people don't like him."

Hibiscus collapsed on the ground, looking at the unicorn of the horse: "he is so beautiful."

"Do you want to ride him?"

Asked Nicole lemme, not in a rolling tone, but shaking his hand behind his back.

"You let me ride him?"

She asked curiously, "won't he be angry?"

"Well, if you use a little technique, it won't be too much of a surprise."

As Nico lemme spoke, his sweat cascaded down his forehead. His face twitched and he laughed as unnaturally as if he had been electrocuted.

"That's good"

Nico lemme turned and winked at Peter, who understood and took a bottle out of his pocket. He opened the bottle and poured the green juice on the grass.

Countless twining vines grow rapidly on the grass, which are intertwined like skeletons. Finally, the vines were twisted into the skeleton of a creature.

Later, Nico lemme waved his magic wand, and more tiny vines grew on the vines. They were dense and differentiated, covering the thick vines that had formed the skeleton like muscle fibers. After covering them again, green leaves grew on the vines.

Finally, a three meter tall female Unicorn made entirely of plants stood on the grass in the maze.

Nicole lemme looked at the fake Unicorn made of plants and turned away from it.

Standing under the unicorn, Pettigrew touched the soil with the last green drop of his fingertips.

As a result, the ground plants grow again. This time, they intertwine with each other and grow into a beautiful flower ladder. The flower ladder runs from the ground to the chest of the female unicorn, where there is a hole the size of a person.

After all this, he couldn't help smiling evil, "go up."

"What is this?"

Furong curiously looks at another female Unicorn composed of vegetation in front of her.

"Holy things." Pettigrew his shoulders indifferently: "if you want him to accept you, you have to become like it."

"It's a terrible crime to hurt unicorns. They are the pets of the gods, and they will be returned to the gods in the end." Furong said seriously.


Wormtail began to laugh. He shook his head and said, "in that case, God shouldn't have created them."

With that, Pettigrew his hands and bent down like a professional bartender: "please."

Furong looks at the ladder in front of her. Her eyes are full of confusion. She touches the ladder and retracts her hand like an electric shock, just like a child teasing a cobra.

But Wormtail is impatient. He grabs Furong's skirt, presses her back and presses her on the vine ladder.

When the ladder came to life, it rolled Furong like a snake, rolled her without any hesitation, rolled her into the chest of the false unicorn, and didn't even let her make a sound.

After she entered the body of the false Unicorn from her chest, the green false Unicorn made of plants bloomed countless white flowers, which looked like a real unicorn.

On the other hand, the male unicorn, depressed by the pink smoke, stood up in surprise after seeing the fake Unicorn full of white flowers, and snorted.

Another flash of lightning, Wormtail laughed happily.

And Nico lemme listened to the noise behind him and covered his mouth.



on the other side, the auditorium.

"What are the warriors doing?"

"Why can't we see what's in the maze?"

Someone yelled angrily, "let's watch the competition!"

"Liar, liar!"

"Waste our time.""Come on, let's see the players."

"Yes, why is it that the competition has been almost half an hour since it started and nothing can be seen inside? What are you doing, organizer?"

"Calm down, everyone. It's a bit dark and windy. The trees in the labyrinth seem to be more prosperous than I expected...

host Ludo bagman stammered. He tried his best to calm the audience's doubts, but he didn't have any confidence, because he couldn't see anything, and the whole competition venue became a place from half an hour ago A complete black box.

Obviously, the audience didn't buy it. It's OK that they didn't speak. When they spoke, they all pointed at the host Ludo bagman.

"Do we come all the way here and just sit here and watch the trees?"

"Who came up with the idea? Why use mazes? "

"It's just that the antagonism is so weak that it's not exciting at all."

They waved their hats, smashed drinks, and the crowd was in a uproar. Facing so many questions from the audience, he didn't know what to do. He was submissive, and even the microphone moved from his mouth to his chest.

Keenly aware of the chaos in the audience, greendevo grinned at the top of the table: "the play begins."

He patted the palm of his hand, and the branches of every tree in the maze bear dense fruits, big or small.

But the fruits are eyes after eyes.


In the stands outside the labyrinth, thousands of spectators let out a cry of surprise. Their eyes are like a TV screen, automatically showing the broadcast images in the maze.

"I see it, we see it!"


Ludo bagman breathed a sigh of relief. The passion flowing in his body finally found a vent. He excitedly raised the microphone to his mouth again. "Look, who do we see? It's Harry Potter. What's he doing?"



deep in the maze.

A teenager with disordered hair pulls out his feet and runs wildly. He has disordered black hair, glasses on his eyes and a scar on his forehead. It's Harry Potter.

One hundred meters away from his sight, there is a high platform. On the platform, a golden cup twinkles in the lightning of the night.

The champion of the top three competition is close at hand. No one can help but be excited. He is so excited that he doesn't even see the bushes around him bear one small fruit after another.

Suddenly, a shadow rushed to the road in front of him.

It's a handsome teenager, Cedric Diggory is in the lead, he's racing for the cup at full speed.

Harry knew he couldn't catch up. Cedric is much taller and has longer legs. But he didn't want to give up and speeded up his pace immediately.

Just when they were 50 meters away from the cup, Harry saw a huge thing outside the hedge on the left, moving quickly along a cross road. Cedric was about to hit it, but Cedric was just staring at the cup and didn't see it at all.

"Cedric! Watch your left

Harry Potter yelled.

Cedric Diggory turned and saw it. He flashed quickly to avoid colliding with it, but he fell down with too much force.

Harry saw Cedric's wand fly out, and a huge spider came up and leaned over Cedric.

"Faint to the ground!"

Harry yelled. The spell hit the spider's huge, dark, hairy body, but it was like throwing a stone at it. The spider twitched, turned quickly and rushed towards Harry.

"Faint! Obstacles! Faint to the ground

It doesn't work - maybe the spider is too big, or its magic power is too strong. The spell doesn't work on it, but it irritates it even more. Harry saw eight flashing black eyes and sharp pincers with fear. The spider had already jumped on him.

The spider lifted him into the air with his front legs, and he struggled desperately. He tried to kick it with his foot, and his leg touched its pincers, which immediately caused a deep pain. He heard Cedric yelling, "faint!" But his spell didn't work either - the spider opened his pincers again, and Harry raised his wand and yelled, "get rid of your weapons!"

The unarmed spell caused the spider to let him go, but it meant that Harry fell from a height of three meters. The injured leg couldn't help the weight of his body, so he collapsed to the ground. He didn't even think about it, so he aimed his wand at the spider's lower abdomen and yelled "faint to the ground!"

Cedric called out the same mantra.

The combination of the two spells produced a spell that didn't work: the spider fell to one side, crushed a hedge, and its long hairy legs sprawled on the ground.

"Harry He heard Cedric cry, "are you ok? It didn't fall on you, did it? "

Voice closer and closer, his classmates rushed out from the dark, will he cuddle up from the ground."No Cried Harry, panting. He looked down at his leg, bleeding. There are some sticky things on the torn robe, which are secreted from the spider's pincers.

He tried to stand up, but his legs were shaking so hard that he couldn't support his weight. So Cedric Diggory held him, and the two leaned against the hedge just a foot away from the semi-finals, with the trophy shining seductively behind them.

For a moment, they had nothing to say.

"This damned weather..."

Cedric Digory was the first to break the silence. He muttered, "I'm afraid it's going to rain."

"Yes, it thunders in early spring." Harry echoed, though he didn't know why he wanted to take over.

"Did you see them on the way, Furong and Krum?" Cedric continued.

Harry: No

Cedric: "it's strange that I didn't see them either, as if they had disappeared for a while..."

"take it"

Harry suddenly interrupted Cedric, and he closed his eyes and gasped: "you've arrived."

Cedric didn't move. He stood there looking at Harry, and then looking back at the trophy, Harry could see Cedric's eager expression in the lightning of the sky. But after a while, Cedric looked back at him and took a deep breath.

"Take it. You should win. You saved my life twice. "

"That's not the rule." Said Harry. He felt very angry, his leg hurt badly, in order to get rid of the spider, he now all over the pain: "who comes first, who scores, you come first. I'm telling you the truth. I can't race on this leg. "

Cedric took a few steps towards the fainting spider, away from the trophy. He shook his head. "No

"Don't carry on the style," Harry pushed him away impatiently. "Go, get it, get it so we can get out. The storm is coming

Cedric saw Harry cling to the hedge to keep himself on his feet.

"You told me there was a fire dragon," Cedric said. "If you hadn't warned me in advance, I would have been eliminated in the first project."

"I got help first," Harry said impatiently. "You told me golden egg's secret. We're even."

"Someone helped me first." Cedric said.

"We're even." Harry felt his leg carefully. As soon as he put the weight on it, it trembled violently. He sprained his ankle when he was thrown down by the spider.

"Your score in the second event should be higher," Cedric said obstinately. "You stayed behind and rescued all the hostages. I should have done the same

"I'm the only one who takes that song seriously!" Harry said crossly, "get the cup! It's going to rain this day. If you don't take it, there may be an accident. "

"No Cedric said.

He came back to Harry. Harry stares at him. Cedric is serious. He's giving up an honor that hechpatch hasn't received in hundreds of years.

"You go." Cedric said. It seems that it took all his perseverance to say that. But he had a determined expression, arms in his arms, and seemed determined.

Harry's eyes turned to the cup. The electric light of the sky printed his face on the cup, and he was in a trance, as if he saw himself carrying it out of the maze. He raised the triple cup high, with the cheers of the crowd in his ears. He saw that Qiu's face was full of admiration, which was clearer than ever. As long as he won the top three championship, everyone would look at him with new eyes

However, the illusion disappeared, and he saw Cedric's stubborn face in the dark.

"The two of us." Said Harry.


"If two people win at the same time, it's still Hogwarts who wins. We are tied champions

Cedric stares at Harry and releases his arms.

"Do you really want to?"

"Of course," said Harry, "of course We helped each other overcome the difficulties, didn't we? The two of us are here together. Let's get it together. "

For a moment Cedric couldn't seem to believe his ears, and then he burst into a smile.

"It's up to you. Come on."

He grabbed Harry's arm and limped towards the trophy. When they got there, they raised their hands above a flashing handle.

"On the count of three, will you?"

Harry Potter said, "one - two - three -"


With a blinding flash of lightning.

A huge Thunderbird comes down from the sky, and the wind blows Harry Potter and Cedric ten meters away.

The creature is ten meters long, with six wings that block out the sky. Its huge beak is shining in the night sky. Every muscle of the creature exudes the breath of going through a hundred battles and tempering. Every feather is as gorgeous and slender as tassel silk.Harry and Cedric raised their heads and exclaimed, "what



I saw the creature that had never seen before stretched out its sharp and heavy claws like the hook claws of a crane, and heavily crushed the glittering cup.