Hardcore Chef Dad

Chapter 504: Breakfast

Hearing what Meng Shitong and others said, Feng Yifan was also a little helpless. Looking back on all kinds of things, it was indeed that he was inadvertently caught up and became a relatively unique phenomenon.

It\'s like the hot stall business on the two days of the weekend, mostly because many people come to watch the five-star chef set up the stall.

What the people who came did not expect was that even if it was a stall, Feng Yifan still took the dishes seriously.

It can be said that after only two days on the weekend, all the diners who have been here are conquered by the taste.

Nowadays, there is a story about Feng Yifan\'s small stall circulating on the Internet.

"Roasted meat and fried rice at noon, crepe small wontons in the evening. This is the old glutton who has really tasted the authentic taste of Chef Feng."

It is also because of this story that only Meng Shitong and the others know that there are already many local video shooters who have begun gearing up to film Feng Yifan\'s stall.

So in this situation, how can Meng Shitong and others fall behind?

After listening to Meng Shitong tell the story almost again.

Feng Yifan couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Although you came very early, it’s useless because we haven’t started preparing. In the morning, I have to cook breakfast for my family, and then I have to send Ruoruo to kindergarten. Only then will we start preparing materials for noon."

As soon as the voice fell, the photographer A Fei immediately said: "It doesn\'t matter, Chef Feng, we decided to record the whole process."

When Feng Yifan heard this, he looked at A Fei in surprise, and then at Meng Shitong and others.

Seeing a group of people looking serious, Feng Yifan couldn\'t laugh or cry and said, "You won\'t be. I\'m going to record all my food, clothing, shelter, food, and Lazarus, right?"

Hearing this question, Meng Shitong hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, “In fact, it’s not impossible. This is a great idea. We can shoot a special feature called "Five-Star Chef in the Market", which will give you a day Record all the lives of women."

Feng Yifan was even more helpless, waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can save yourself. Those things don\'t need to be photographed, and those things are my private. Would you like to let others watch your life? Please think about it in another way, don’t just do it with a beat."

Meng Shitong hurriedly smiled and said, "Don\'t get excited, Chef Feng, I\'m joking. We just want to take a picture of the whole process of setting up your stall, including the process of preparing your ingredients."

He Yaqian went on to say: "We guarantee that your exclusive formula will not be leaked."

Feng Yifan shook his head and said, "In fact, there are no exclusive recipes. The ones sold at the stalls are all relatively common things. Many cooks actually know how to do it."

Meng Shitong said: "Since there is no exclusive secret recipe, please ask Chef Feng to let us take a picture."

Feng Yifan thought for a while and said: "If you really want to shoot, I hope that your subject will not be on me, but on the stall. Take more photos of my apprentice and other stall owners in the small market. , Showing the hard work of those of us who stick to the old streets."

After hearing this, A Fei felt very reasonable: "This is good, so that the theme can be sublimated all at once, and it can also cooperate with some propaganda in the ancient street in the future."

Meng Shitong nodded and agreed: "Okay, this is actually the subject we are already working on. We have already shot a lot of videos about many shops in the ancient street, and also made relevant introductions. Chef Feng’s suggestion reminds us. , I should shoot another video during the stall period."

Feng Yifan suddenly thought of something. He looked at Meng Shitong and others and said, "So, in fact, Su Ji was so famous before, so many people queued up every day, and now I set up a stall and attract so many people to watch, because you filmed it. Those videos?"

When asked this way, Meng Shitong\'s group looked at each other, and they realized only then.

He Yaqian took out her mobile phone and took a look at the video they posted before.

Sure enough, the video playback has already exceeded 3 million, and the likes and reposts are also very high. Looking at some bullet screens and comments in the video, you can clearly see that many people actually went to Su Ji to eat, then went back to watch the video, and left bullet screens and comments on the video.

The barrage at the beginning of the video is now all "I have tasted food on a certain year, a certain month, and a certain day, come to like and recommend.

Looking at it this way, it seems that it is really because the number of video viewers has been increasing, which has caused more and more people to know about Su Ji.

The video from Meng Shitong and the others has inadvertently turned into a propaganda for Su Ji, continuously accumulating reputation for Su Ji.

Among them, in the video comment area now, there is a comment that was liked by the top of the comment, that is, I have eaten Su Ji and then go to the video to comment.

"Watching so many food videos, after eating it for the first time, I found that the video did not even capture the essence of the restaurant. The real deliciousness of a restaurant can only be understood when you eat it. Come and like it after eating and recommend it again."

This comment has the most likes and comments below, and the comments below are all "Leave a comment after tasting on a certain day, a certain year, a certain month, and a certain day", similar to this comment.

There is really a kind of comment that turned into a check-in. Many diners who watched the video and went to Su Ji to eat, all came here to leave a message.

He Yaqian also looked at Feng Yifan and Lin Ruifeng, and said with a smile: "Look, Chef Feng, you can’t blame us. It is indeed that your craftsmanship is too good. You just want to be low-key and can’t be low-key, so everyone goes spontaneously. Promote your Su Kee restaurant."

Feng Yifan was speechless for a while, and didn\'t know what to say. Can\'t let people delete the video, right?

After thinking about it, Feng Yifan greeted several people and said, "Okay, come in first. We have to take pictures and wait until we start stocking up before we start taking pictures."

Open the door to let everyone in. Seeing the equipment in A Fei and A Bin\'s hands, Feng Yifan reminded again: "Don\'t shoot indiscriminately. If you shoot now, don\'t blame me for throwing the two of you out."

The two of them hesitated a little, took a look at Feng Yifan\'s physique, and finally put away the equipment obediently.

Meng Shitong also reminded the two of them: "Okay, don\'t take pictures randomly. Chef Feng will definitely let us take pictures of things that can be taken."

When the group entered the back kitchen, Feng Yifan and his apprentice first moved the purchased goods into the back kitchen.

At first, A Fei and A Bin wanted to help, but they soon discovered that their bodies were really too weak.

Not to mention the comparison with Feng Yifan, even compared with Lin Ruifeng, neither of them had that strength at all. When the two moved in a few things, the master and apprentice had already moved the rest.

A Fei and A Bin were also very embarrassed, feeling that they were deeply hit by Su Ji.

After moving the goods, Feng Yifan prepared to greet Meng Shitong and the others to go to the restaurant and sit down. He also needs to go upstairs to see if his family has gotten up, and he must remind his family that there are guests coming, so that the family should not go down too casually.

But as soon as I opened the door of the back kitchen, I saw my daughter standing outside wearing cute pajamas.

Feng Yifan stepped forward and picked up her daughter and said, "If you get up late today, was it too hard to set up a stall with Xixi, Feifei and Dad yesterday?"

Feng Ruoruo hugged her father\'s neck, resting her small head on her father\'s shoulders and said, "Well, Ruoruo is so tired."

Then the little girl suddenly saw that there were several people behind her father besides Uncle Xiaolin.

Seeing Meng Shitong and the others, Feng Ruoruo asked a little strangely: "Ah, why are you here so early? Aunt Meng? Are you also specially invited to eat breakfast made by dad? But if you want to eat, you have to pay, dad\'s breakfast Don’t give people casual food."

The little girl\'s words made a group of people stunned, and then they all laughed.

Feng Yifan smiled and lightly nodded his daughter\'s nose and said, "You are very rude, you know?"

Feng Ruoruo smiled and put her arms around her father\'s neck and said, "If you don\'t want to make your father work too hard, if there are more people, your father will have to make many breakfasts in the morning. It\'s hard work."

He Yaqian smiled and said: "Our chef Feng\'s little quilted jacket is really warm."

Feng Ruoruo was a little embarrassed to be said so, hugged his father\'s neck, and buried his little head in his father\'s arms.

Feng Yifan asked his apprentice to greet the guests downstairs, while he carried his daughter upstairs to change clothes and wash.

After sending his daughter upstairs and calling his wife up, Feng Yifan went to his father-in-law\'s room again and waited for the waking father-in-law to wash and get up.

After changing clothes for the father-in-law, taking the father-in-law down from the upper floor, and letting the father-in-law sit in the wheelchair, Feng Yifan went to the back kitchen and began to prepare breakfast.

When Dad was preparing breakfast, Feng Ruoruo finished washing first, changed his clothes and **** his hair and went downstairs.

The little girl stood beside her grandpa, looked at Meng Shitong and they asked, "Aunt Meng, are you here to take pictures of my father?"

Meng Shitong smiled and nodded: "Yes, we are here to take a picture of your father."

Feng Ruoruo asked again: "But, haven\'t you already photographed Dad?"

He Yaqian went on to say: "But now your father is famous again. Many people are curious about how your dad made the crepe small wonton and how it is made. The roast goose, roast duck, and barbecued pork all make everyone curious, so we I\'ll shoot again."

Feng Ruoruo suddenly pursed his small mouth and said, "Then you can\'t shoot Dad."

Seeing that the little girl suddenly refused to take pictures, A Fei was very surprised: "Why? If you don\'t want Dad to be promoted?"

Feng Ruoruo hurriedly said: "You have taken so many shots, and everyone will learn by then, and there will be no business in Dad\'s stall, so you are not allowed to take photos."

Hearing what the little girl said, Meng Shitong and others couldn\'t help laughing.

Su Jinrong reached out and touched his granddaughter and said, "You, Xiaocai fan."

Feng Ruoruo looked at her grandfather and said, “Grandpa, if it’s not a small money fan, it’s grandpa. You see that you need to spend money to treat the illness. Then, mom and dad and Ruoruo also spend money, so we have to do business well, not let others learn Yes, then our business would be bad."

Su Jinrong heard what his granddaughter said, but he really couldn\'t refute her.

It must be said that such a large paragraph of Feng Ruoruo really makes sense.

Meng Shitong smiled and said, "If you rest assured, we will never take photos of your father’s secret recipe. We will take photos of your father’s production process so that everyone can understand that your father’s crepe wontons really don’t contain those chicken essences. The condiments are authentic chicken soup and healthy condiments."

Feng Ruoruo asked strangely on her little face: "Aunt Meng, what is chicken essence?"

He Yaqian helped to explain: "It is the condiments added in order to increase the flavor when cooking."

Su Jinrong went on to say: "Now, for restaurants, in order to save time, cost, omission, before cooking, preparation, process, it is also possible, to save the soup, the loss of ingredients."

Upon hearing this, Lin Ruifeng also said: "If you follow my master, you will understand that Su Ji’s daily preparation of ingredients is a very tedious process. It is not only the pretreatment of the ingredients, but also the preparation of some seasonings, especially Diaotang is even more indispensable."

Su Jinrong continued: "Good soup, cooking is the key."

Several people from Meng Shitong listened patiently to Su Jinrong\'s introduction.

Let them also have a new understanding of cooking.

It is the first time they have learned that ingredients are indeed the key to cooking, but it is not absolute. A good cook is to make good use of all kinds of ingredients.

Even if the ingredients are not so top-notch, you have to use the chef\'s means to make them very delicious.

Of course, this is not to say that like many small restaurants on the street, in order to make up for the lack of quality of the ingredients, some heavy seasonings are added, and a large amount of MSG and chicken essence are used to cover up the lack of ingredients.

It is to make better use of the different properties of the ingredients, and use very common seasonings to cook deliciously.

Su Jinrong said with a serious face: "There are many condiments. As a cook, you must be good at using them to blend the flavors to create delicious flavors."

Lin Ruifeng helped explain: "My master meant that there are many natural spices. We must be good at using natural spices to blend, so that we can cook healthy and delicious flavors without using unhealthy seasonings. That method is actually very despicable. "

Su Jinrong nodded in satisfaction with Lin Ruifeng\'s explanation.

Feng Ruoruo said at this time: "My father is so good, and all the dishes he cooks are delicious."

Meng Shitong laughed and agreed with the little girl.

While everyone was chatting and waiting, Feng Ruoruo\'s grandparents and mother also came down one after another.

Seeing Meng Shitong and the others, Su Ruoxi and her parents-in-law were also a little surprised.

Knowing what they came from, Lu Cuiling smiled and said: "Actually, I want to tell you that you really don\'t always take pictures of our house. It makes so many people line up every day, making Ruoruo\'s father so busy and so hard."

Feng Ruoruo heard her grandma\'s words, the little girl hurried to her grandma\'s side, got into her arms and said, "Grandma, Ruoruo also told Aunt Meng, if you don\'t want to make Dad very hard."

Lu Cuiling held her little granddaughter\'s face and said: "Well, if our family is the best and most sensible, it is my father\'s warmest little padded jacket."

Meng Shitong smiled and said: "Auntie is really embarrassed. In fact, we don’t want to cause you some trouble, but now Chef Feng is indeed a bit too popular~www.novelhall.com~ There are so many people watching his videos on the Internet. , We are too late to stop."

He Yaqian went on to say: "So Auntie, let\'s just increase the publicity, and then let Chef Feng increase the price to persuade a group of customers."

Lu Cuiling couldn\'t help laughing: "You girl has a lot of bad ideas, so you can increase the price at will."

Su Ruoxi said at this time: "In fact, it doesn\'t matter. When Ruoruo is on holiday, we will take Ruoruo back to the country, away from everyone\'s vision, and slowly everyone will no longer be as fanatical as they are now."

As soon as his wife\'s voice fell, Feng Yifan walked out earlier: "My wife is right, everyone has gotten up? Then you can have dinner now."

Feng Ruoruo was about to pounce on his father\'s side, but was pulled by her grandma, worried that the little girl would suddenly run over and be burned by the stuff on her father\'s hand. The little girl had to be beside her grandma, obediently waiting for her father to put down the big tray on the table.

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