Hard life of Abandoned Princess


Luoluo stood at the side without any noise and took the chance to glance at the account book Pei Luoxuan was looking at.

"Tut!" How extravagant! "They're all expensive, but there are a few people who dare to buy them. No wonder it's so quiet here, only a few nobles dare to come in!" Luoluo said in disdain.

However, Pei Luoxuan was startled as he turned his head towards Luoluo. "I can see the meaning behind this?"

"Yes, I can see that!" Luoluo nodded leisurely.

"What do you think?" Pei Luoxuan suddenly closed the tent, folded his arms and leaned on the chair, laughing as he looked at the Luoluo with a faint unsightly gaze.

"That's all!" The Luoluo shrugged her shoulders and casually flipped through the account book. "I have never done business before, but I have been a commoner, I have bought things before. If I were a commoner, I would never have come to this place to buy fabric. Although it is nice, it is too expensive!"

"What do you mean?" Pei Luoxuan felt that it was a little interesting and continued to smile as he looked at Luoluo.

"Master, master …." The shopkeeper, who was standing at the side, could not bear to watch any longer. He extended his hand and snatched the account book from the Luoluo's hands. "How can a young boy, who doesn't know anything, speak carelessly about business matters!"

"Tsk!" Luoluo curled her lips, "I was too lazy to say!"

Pei Luoxuan did not say anything and just smiled faintly. Seeing that Luoluo was about to turn around and walk to the side, she immediately became angry. Pei Luoxuan stood up and looked at the shopkeeper: "Today is the first day.

"Yes, master!" The shopkeeper quickly nodded and bowed.

Pei Luoxuan nodded indifferently, he walked to Luoluo's side and without waiting for her to turn around, he grabbed her small hand and walked out.

"Hey!" "What are you doing!" Luoluo was pulled out and quickly retracted her hand. She looked at Long Yang warily. "You can't really be that eccentric, right?"

"Do you know whether or not I have any of those hobbies?" Pei Luoxuan smiled at her, indicating his to continue.

Luoluo stuck out her tongue, not daring to think too much. She could only follow behind him, trying her best to keep some distance between them.

"What did you want to say after reading the account book?" While walking forward, Pei Luoxuan asked the Luoluo behind him.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that all the goods in your store are too precious, so the price tag is quite expensive too!" Apparently, you only thought of making money when you bought the goods, but didn't think of spending it on ordinary citizens! "Then your range of earning money will naturally decrease!"

"Go on." Pei Luoxuan looked at her.

"Look, your Pei family does business well in other places, such as the Pei family's restaurant. Why do you think your business is so good?" This was because there were both cheap and expensive dishes. Rich people could eat them, and those with less money could eat them. It was the same for those with more money and less money! "However, this entire cloth manor is filled with precious cloth, and the price is so high. Not to mention ordinary citizens, even ordinary rich people do not dare to buy more!"

"What do you mean …?" Pei Luoxuan suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Get into what is acceptable to the public, and don't let your drapery focus solely on the rich and the rich!" Luoluo thought about it seriously before speaking.

"Actually, rich people don't buy much. Don't you realize that yourself?" Luoluo raised her eyebrows. "Think about it, if ordinary people can't buy these materials, they won't even dare to enter your cloth shop. Because they can't even afford the cheapest things on the side! "Also, those rich people, such as princes and high-ranking officials, their clothes were originally like mountains and seas, even if they had good material, they would still not be able to wear it, especially men. A few men are so particular about clothes, it's fine as long as they wear it comfortably!"

Pei Luoxuan frowned, as he pondered over the words of the Luoluo.

"You might as well go in a little more ordinary stuff, and put it in a few categories, or at least make a lot of money. It's better than waiting for a rich man to buy it in a few days and making just a little bit of money." "If there were three types of guests, then there would be three types of guests. Isn't it much better?"

"Which three categories?"

"One of them is quite rich. You can buy some good new goods like good silk or whatever. Generally, you can have money. You can buy some good quality materials with good value and good color. The other type is poor money. You can buy some ordinary materials." "Also, lower the price of the most expensive ingredients a little, or many people will not be able to bear it!" Luoluo said as she nodded her head. In the blink of an eye, she looked at those cheap cloths that were sold at stalls on the side of the street.

Pei Luoxuan followed her gaze and frowned slightly.

"The original purpose of the Pei clan was to provide the highest quality fabric. If the royal family or the wealthy families were to follow your instructions, wouldn't that reduce the grade of the Pei clan?"

"Please!" Luoluo suddenly rolled her eyes. "Doing business is for serving the masses, okay? If you pay attention to quality, you can design some new things, new materials, or make some rare fabrics to attract people! Are you really giving up on the needs of the people just for the sake of class? "

"I don't want to give up this part of the people." Pei Luoxuan frowned, he lowered his head and did not speak, as though he was considering the feasibility of the Luoluo's suggestion.

The Luoluo did not make a sound, and casually walked together with him on the street. However, her heart was still beating fast. She was always on the lookout for people from the Palace of Hua-Yang.

"Luoluo, you are very clever." Not long after, Pei Luoxuan suddenly opened his mouth and turned to smile at Luoluo.

"Of course!" "The Luoluo smiled humbly, then laughed foolishly," "" However, if you really earn money using the method that I told you to use, you have to give me 5% of the profits. I'm short of money! " In the future, she would have to raise her own child by herself. If she didn't take advantage of this time to reap more benefits, her future life would definitely be worse than that of Huang Lian.

"Yes." Pei Luoxuan smiled faintly.

After that, after returning to the Pei Jia Stronghold, Pei Luoxuan actually pulled Luoluo along for an entire afternoon to study, before he finally understood the matter of exchanging goods for prices. Only then did he decide to do it the next day.

"Heavens …." Luoluo looked at the moon outside. "I didn't expect my speech to be so tiring …"

"Do you often get tired?" Pei Luoxuan placed the fan to the side, stood up and called for someone to prepare some food for him: "I will get you something delicious, as a reward for being my new advisor!"

"Advisor?" Luoluo was startled, then looked up at Pei Luoxuan in puzzlement.

"Wouldn't it be too much of a waste of talent to be a mere servant for such a smart Luoluo?" "You are not afraid of being wronged, but I am still afraid of the wrath of Heaven!"

"Tsk!" Luoluo gave him a disdainful look, turned around, and ran to the window to breathe the somewhat cold night air. Sometimes, as long as she filled her heart with these trivial matters, she wouldn't have to think about others or think about others.

"Luoluo …." Pei Luoxuan suddenly called out to her from behind.

Luoluo turned around and looked at Pei Luoxuan. She was surprised to see a faint smile in his eyes, as well as some sort of meaning that was worth investigating.

"Wh-what?" Luoluo leaned against the window, looking at him with doubt.

"Tell me, if you were a woman …" Pei Luoxuan pursed his lips, his eyes carrying a deep meaning.

"Tsk, I'm a man!" Luoluo immediately raised her head and glared at him, intentionally thickening her throat. "You're only born with such a womanly attitude, don't look down on me!"

"Naturally, I think highly of you!" Pei Luoxuan chuckled and took two steps forward. He sized up Luoluo and said, "You are too skinny!"

She was indeed very thin, hiding her small body in a man's costume, which was still too large to make out her figure.

"It's nothing!" "Hehe!" Luoluo gave an awkward laugh as she scratched her head, "Ah, that's right …" That... Is there, uh... "Where is the bath?" While talking, the Luoluo's face turned red.

Pei Luoxuan laughed roguishly, then suddenly used his fan to pick up Luoluo's chin: "We are two men, why can't we bathe together? "After dinner, we'll go together?"

"No way!" Luoluo immediately ran to the side, her face completely red. "I don't want to bathe with you! "I, I've had a problem since I was young, I'm used to bathing by myself!"

"What are two men afraid of?" Don't worry, I'm definitely a real man. I won't have any evil intentions towards you! "I don't have those weird hobbies either!"

"Thank you!" Luoluo curled her lips and muttered with her head lowered, "Of course you're a real man, but I'm not …" The Luoluo said in a low voice.

However, Pei Luoxuan only smiled faintly.

"I don't care. I haven't had a bath in two or three days. I want to take one myself!"

"Forget it!" Pei Luoxuan did not plan to tease her anymore, what if he forced her to suddenly run away? He couldn't bear for her to leave.

"Young Castle Lord, the dishes are ready!" Several maidservants suddenly walked in and respectfully bowed. Then, they placed the dishes on the table one by one.

Pei Luoxuan looked at the dishes on the table and nodded to the maidservants. They left one by one and obediently went to the front door.

Luoluo was startled, she looked at the big fish and the big meat on the table, there was even soup, she swallowed her saliva, although it had been a long time since she had last eaten, but she could not touch it. Oh my god … How could she have forgotten to tell him today that she didn't want to eat greasy food?

"Eat!" Your stomach is screaming again! " Pei Luoxuan chuckled, he walked to the side of the table and poured himself a cup of wine.

Luoluo hesitated for a moment before walking up. She hesitated for a moment then sat down, looking at the table full of delicious food, but she did not dare to eat it.

Child, I don't even dare to eat it because of you all, is it easy for me … Luoluo sighed in her heart.

"What is it?" Looking at Luoluo in a daze, Pei Luoxuan frowned at her. "Why aren't you eating?"

"I …." "My …" Luoluo glanced at a plate of relatively simple tofu that was placed beside Pei Luoxuan, then lifted it up and placed it in front of him.

"Luoluo?" Pei Luoxuan looked at her. "Why aren't you eating anything else?"

"I …." "I don't like greasy..." Luoluo curled his lips.

"How could that be?" Pei Luoxuan chuckled, he then picked up a piece of chicken leg and placed it in the Luoluo's bowl: "If you can't even eat these things, how can your body take it?"

"I …." Luoluo bit her lips, "I really don't want to eat it!" However, there was an extra fragrant chicken leg in the bowl. She was truly greedy …

Eating slowly, there shouldn't be any problems, right? He should be able to vomit … Also, pregnant women are afraid of the smell, so the chicken leg should...

Luoluo licked her upper lip, picked up the chicken leg with one hand, and started eating it small bites. Luckily, she did not feel like vomiting.

Seeing that she was willing to eat it, Pei Luoxuan then drank a cup of wine without worry.

"Eat some more fish!" Pei Luoxuan smiled and placed a piece of Red Braised Carp into Luoluo's bowl.

The Luoluo was shocked as she looked at the fish in the bowl stiffly.

"Try it, these are all body tonics. You have to eat more!" "How is it possible to be so thin!" Pei Luoxuan laughed, and also picked up the handkerchief to the side, extending his hand to wipe the grease around Luoluo's mouth.

Luoluo was startled, and looked at Pei Luoxuan in shock. Why is he so good to me … This way … Gentle …?

"Eat!" Pei Luoxuan smiled as he looked at her.

"Oh …." Such should be the case. Luoluo frowned helplessly, she placed the unfinished chicken leg to the side and picked up a piece of meat from the ground and placed it in her mouth.

"Ugh …"

Luoluo quickly covered her mouth.

"What's wrong?" Pei Luoxuan frowned.

"I'm fine …." "I'm fine!" The Luoluo covered her mouth as she whispered to Pei Luoxuan. Then, she looked at Pei Luoxuan, as if begging for help, "Where is the place to bathe? "I'm full, I'm going now …"

"But I've just eaten something, now I'm going to wash my body …"

"It's nothing!" "Tell me where it is!" Luoluo tried her best to resist the feeling of wanting to vomit.

"Out of the Luoyuan, take a left turn …"

"Thank you!" The Luoluo stood up in a hurry, and ignored Pei Luoxuan's suspicious look, he turned and ran out.

"Ugh …" "Ugh …" Just as he ran out of Luoyuan, Luoluo immediately held onto the wall and started puking into the grass.

This is strange … She was able to endure this feeling for the first two months, but now that she had been in her stomach for two months, her symptoms of vomiting hadn't decreased at all. It was even more severe than the previous two months.

Only after he vomited a little and felt much better did Luoluo support himself on the wall towards the left of the Luoyuan.

finally stood out from the corner after the Luoluo had disappeared from. He had seen how Luoluo vomited just now. Could Luoluo be sick? Yet, he didn't want others to discover it?

Luoluo walked to the outside of a house that was filled with layers of moisture. She carefully pushed open the door and saw that the extravagance inside was not any worse than the water in the Prince's Mansion.

The lives of rich people were only this much. They were only this extravagant, but no matter how extravagant they were, how luxurious could they be? Wasn't this what they were supposed to be?

As he thought, he closed the door and walked to the side of the water pool that was completely empty in the sky. The water was steaming and there was no one around, probably because Pei Luoxuan had instructed someone to prepare water for him, otherwise, why would he sprinkle so many flower petals in the water that Pei Luoxuan had used before …

Wait! Petals? Luoluo was stunned, looking at the pond, Pei Luoxuan could not know that she was a woman, right? Otherwise, why would the pool have petals?

Err … Could it be that Pei Luoxuan really has some sort of enmity? Luoluo raised her eyebrows. She walked to the side of the pool and touched the water in the pool, feeling that the temperature was very suitable. She carefully looked at the protective screen in her surroundings and felt that no one could see him, then took off her clothes and entered the water.

"Wah …" Luoluo stood in the water and sat on a small step beside the pool. The pool water just happened to reach below his neck, only revealing his shoulders, neck and head. The other parts of his body were all soaked in the comfortable pool water.

"Having not bathed for three days in a row was a terrible experience …." Luoluo curled her lips, lifted the water in her hand and dripped it lightly on the arm she raised.

Suddenly, Luoluo put her hand on his stomach and looked down along the clear water. Looking at his stomach that was starting to rise, she frowned in worry. She only wanted to stay in Pei Jia Stronghold for a month. As long as she could earn enough money, she would leave.

But in this month, her stomach would definitely grow bigger and bigger. In the first two months, she was too thin to notice it, but now, it had already been two months. She reckoned that her stomach was still growing …

"Start wearing my clothes tomorrow." Suddenly, Pei Luoxuan pushed open the door and walked in.

"Ah!" He then raised his other hand to pull his hair down over his head, and all the hair below his neck sank into the water. He looked at Pei Luoxuan, who seemed to have a faint smile on his face, but also seemed to have a faint, evil smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" Pei Luoxuan raised his eyebrows and looked at the person soaking in the water that was surrounded by the mist. He didn't even need to look at her body;

"You …." Get out! "Put down your clothes!" Luoluo clenched her teeth and glared at him.

Pei Luoxuan smiled again, "What are you afraid of, we are both grown men …"

"Out, out, out, out!" Luoluo shouted anxiously, staring at Pei Luoxuan's evil smile in anger.

"Alright, I'll go out!" Pei Luoxuan almost laughed out loud. Placing the clothes in his hands to the side, he turned and looked deeply at the goddess-like woman in the water. With a loud laugh, he turned around and walked out.

After hearing the door shut, Luoluo let out a long breath.

Pei Luoxuan stood outside the door and gently called out.

Actually, he just wanted to go in and scare her and then he … Yet, she didn't expect her reaction to be so huge … Furthermore, he was only bad for once … Next time, he would never look at her like that again.