
Chapter 953

hk941’s powerful Third Generation The Steel and Iron!

Shuangqing City, Jingya Garden.

Shi Lei sits on the ergonomic health chair, lying on back at a hundred and thirty-five degrees, using the Room Sound System and Sound Acquisition System to keep a conversation with Li Cai.

“Good news? What good news?” Shi Lei asked curiously.

Shi Lei is still thinking about how to deal with AIRE n Island. Due to the attention of the whole world, all of them are concerned about AIRE n Island. It is impossible for Shi Lei to throw the Steel and Iron directly and let the military Specialist of the whole World go. analysis.

“hēi hēi, Big Brother Stone, Third Generation The Steel and Iron took all kinds of new technologies. I stole a lot of things from my research institute in old fogey, including x2 propeller technology, ultra-light anti-tank technology. There is also the unique Sound-enveloping Muting Technology and Electromagnetic Absorption Technology!” Li Cai boasts the all kinds of advanced technology from Third Generation The Steel and Iron.

However, although Shi Lei knows a little about mechanical science, there is absolutely no such thing as Li Cai!

“Please speak your mother tongue!” Shi Lei said with a slapin the face.

On the other hand, Li Cai’s face was a bit sloppy, but he forgot that Shi Lei didn’t understand mechanical science and technology. “Big Brother Stone, the so-called x2 propeller technology, is exactly as stated Third Generation The Steel and Iron, with two main propellers that provide more power. It is the x2 propeller technology that makes Third Generation The Steel and Iron Unprecedented climb speed, steering speed, and cruising speed.”

Shi Lei knows x2 propeller technology, Li Jian Nation’s Sikorsky Helicopter Company, which has a Full-sized Helicopter with x2 propellers, which can reach 400 kilometers per hour and is faster than Third Generation The Steel and Iron. . Li Jian Nation’s military, the latest ‘Comanche ‘Helicopter, also uses x2 propeller technology. [

“Well, I know this.” Shi Lei replied to Li Cai.

Li Cai continued: “The ultra-light anti-tank technology, precisely as stated our research institute, the old aluminum technology, has a firmness beyond Steel and Iron, and only one third of Steel and Iron. “”

Shi Lei’s mouth is a glimpse, there is a bit of God’s “color”, Li Cai this brat is a proper bullshit 呐!

“Little Plum, I heard you say, this technology should be confidential technology Right?” Shi Lei asked Li Cai. If it was confidential technology, would his old fogey give him this?

“It’s confidential technology. However, it doesn’t matter if my old fogey gave me anyway. Anyway, they didn’t apply it. I took it over and applied it, and it helped me to carry out Real Combat Test. My home old fogey thanked me for not being too late, how can I say what I am? ?” Li Cai explained to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei once again produced the idea of ​​’this is a pair of marvel fathers and sons’. Li Cai’s father, who is in charge of the Chang’an Aircraft Industry First research institute, is the key research unit of Nation. Can the technology be taken out casually?

“Little Plum, are you sure we won’t be held by Nation for this matter?” Shi Lei confirmed.

Li Cai said in a tone of ‘Reassuring, everything is me’, “Big Brother Stone, you are relieved, my home old fogey knows more or less, he guessed, The Steel and Iron is My masterpiece! I was formally at home, and I took the picture of The Steel and Iron. My old fogey gave me some advice for a long time! It was a pity that there was no fh “fuck” as System, and the law against The Steel and Iron. Remote “operation” control.”

Shi Lei Obviously understand the law, Li Cai’s old fogey, what is this mentality! Li Cai, the Bear Child, seems to have done a lot of bad things when she was a child!

“Sound-enveloping Muting Technology and Electromagnetic Absorption Technology, what is High-tech?” Shi Lei asked.

Li Cai thought for a moment, how to explain in the language that Shi Lei knows, “Big Brother Stone, the so-called Sound-enveloping Muting Technology, you can understand the technology of transplanting Shadow Dragon onto The Steel and Iron, let The Steel and Iron It has a similar Silent Flight effect from Shadow Dragon. However, the quiet effect of Third Generation The Steel and Iron is still comparable to Shadow Dragon.”

Li Cai paused a bit and continued: “Electromagnetic Absorption Technology is another security technology. This technology can be seen as Stelipth Fighter’s Helicopter extension technology. This technology guarantees Third Generation The Steel. And Iron, to the greatest extent avoided by radar.”

“Little Plum, these technologies are used on Third Generation The Steel and Iron, how much is the battle of The Steel and Iron, and what about our knockoff version Electromagnetic Artillery?” Shi Lei listened to Li Cai’s instructions, some understand And, in short, The Steel and Iron are some forformable.

“Big Brother Stone, there is no way to compare. The real power of Third Generation The Steel and Iron can only be reflected in practice.” Li Cai doesn’t know how to describe Third Generation The Steel and Iron. Great, anyway, compared to Second Generation The Steel and Iron, Third Generation The Steel and Iron in the full aspect of the “sex” ability, the explosion of Second Generation The Steel and Iron.

Maybe it’s afraid that Shi Lei doesn’t understand, Li Cai continues to explain: “Big Brother Stone, in fact, Third Generation The Steel and Iron removed the Turbine Engine part, both volume and weight, all reduced. Just because of Third Generation The Steel and Iron, equipped with the more advanced and powerful Electric-powered Engine, I chose to install More powerful Weapons System, thicker armor for Third Generation The Steel and Iron.”[

“Hey? Third Generation The Steel and Iron, what Weapons System is now equipped? What level of attack can the chassis armor resist?” Shi Lei asked.

Li Cai replied with pride: “Big Brother Stone, Third Generation The Steel and Iron, currently equipped with 127mm’s aviation machine gun, has a sub-capacity of 500. As for the armor with ultra-light anti-tank technology, even if it is The 127mm snipe rifle, which fired a shot a hundred meters away, also shot down The Steel and Iron, which only caused the armor of The Steel and Iron to break.”

“So amazing?” Shi Lei in the heart was surprised. “If the defense of Third Generation The Steel and Iron is so strong, wouldn’t it mean that the mp7Mini Sub-machine Gun on Second Generation The Steel and Iron can’t beat Third Generation The Steel and Iron?”

“In theory, you can say that!” Li Cai responded affirmatively.

“So what is the power of our knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery?” Shi Lei asked again.

Li Cai 讪said with a smile : “Big Brother Stone, Electromagnetic Artillery research is not very smooth. Although Electromagnetic Artillery’s entry technology is very low, but want to continue to deepen, improve energy efficiency, not only limited by the technology issue, but also Limited to the principle issue of Electromagnetic Artillery.”

The principle of Electromagnetic Artillery is simple and complex. It’s simple because it’s easy to get started. It’s complicated to increase the power of Electromagnetic Artillery, which requires a lot of research. Moreover, Electromagnetic Artillery has one of the shortest orbit requirements, and the easiest way to increase the power of Electromagnetic Artillery is to increase the length of the track.

The steel rails inside The Steel and Iron are only so small that the only energy that can be promoted is exactly as stated!

“Little Plum, you mean, our knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, did the research fail?” Shi Lei asked directly.

Li Cai denied: “Big Brother Stone, not a failure, but an unsuccessful!”

“What is the difference between the two?” Shi Lei gave the glasses on the bridge of the nose. In his opinion, Li Cai’s statement was just a cover for failure.

“Big Brother Stone, what do you say about N235 Metal, which has a huge amount of energy isn’t that right? When I made the Ultra-high Speed ​​Multi-frEQ uency Electric Current Stimulator, I was inspired to develop Like the thing, you can quickly extract the aggregated energy to input more energy for the Electromagnetic Artillery.” Li Cai explains the case of the knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery.

“Currently, our Electromagnetic Artillery energy utilization is still only 5%, but within two seconds, the input Electromagnetic Artillery’s power is already close to 800,000 Joule. I have promoted the Electromagnetic Artillery’s pellet quality to the 10g weight, even if only 5 % energy utilization, the initial speed of the pellet exceeds 2800 meters per second, and the initial kinetic energy of the pellet is close to Forty Thousand Joule. This powerful pellet, if targeted by Second Generation The Steel and Iron, is within one kilometer. Absolutely resist!” Li Cai said proudly.

“Is the initial speed of 2800 meters per second?” Shi Lei thought quickly, this speed has surpassed most firearm weapon, and even theoretically, it should be incredible speed.

“Yes! I started thinking about calculating measurement errors, but after repeated calculations, it is still this value, I am sure this answer. This pill flying speed, nearly two kilometers a second, almost no target, can escape us Electromagnetic Artillery’s aim is to shoot, “Li Cai said in a proud tone.

“Not bad!” Shi Lei praised, with the power of knockoff Electromagnetic Artillery, it can almost be said to be the disaster and nemesis of the ground forces, even if it is a tank, as long as the armor is not thick enough, it may be turned over by Third Generation The Steel and Iron. Ground.

“hēi hēi, Big Brother Stone, Third Generation The Steel and Iron, due to its increased size, the number of carrying guides is relatively promoted. The Steel and Iron of the original Second Generation can only carry four Small-scale guides. Third Generation The Steel and Iron can carry six Small-scale guides, or two Medium-scale near-ground guides and two Small-scale guides.” Li Cai once again said good news.

Shi Lei This time, I got four Air-To-Surface Full-sized mid-range guides from the Rongcheng Military District. I was able to hang two No. 10 on the Third Generation The Steel and Iron to fight Fei Lu Nation. Military naval vessel.

“Little Plum, do you have any other good news?” Shi Lei is very satisfied with Third Generation The Steel and Iron. Although Third Generation The Steel and Iron has not been tested yet, the basic information parameters have been Li Cai is calculated.

With the powerful energy protection of N235 Metal, Third Generation The Steel and Iron must be very powerful!

However, Li Cai said so much, where is Third Generation The Steel and Iron? Li Cai made accomplish, or Third Generation The Steel and Iron, just lying on Li Cai’s design drawings?

“Little Plum, Third Generation The Steel and Iron, have you accomplished the real thing?” Shi Lei asked with an expectation.

(To be continued.)

〖∷update fast ∷: pure text ∷ 〗