
Chapter 1289

HK1272 Learning Tyrant Grade Cheating Device !

Emerald Building, 38th Floor, Dream Entertainment Company Temporary Headquarters.

Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm wears the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, and in the Dream Entertainment Company, sees the Red Warning logo on the transparent screen.

“Hello, sir, here is the Dream Entertainment Company Headquarters. Different areas require different authorities to enter. The Red Warning sign means you don’t have authority to enter.” LIP Lens-type Information Processor’s prompt sound, through the Bone-sense Transmission Earpiece, clear It was introduced into the ear of Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche Storm’s.

Storm nodded. Although he nodded a bit, but the LIP Lens-type Information Processor did not cause any looseness, and the comfort was excellent.

“Manager Xie, can I leave your Dream Entertainment Company Right?” Storm turned to look towards Xie Hui. On the transparent screen, Xie Hui’s simple identity data is displayed.

‘Xie Hui, male, Dream Entertainment Company Deputy General Manager. ‘

Xie Hui affirmed, “The whole range of Shuangqing City, wherever you go, as long as you don’t leave Shuangqing City. The LIP Lens-type Information Processor will remind you when you are leaving Shuangqing City. In addition, each Heavenly Body Qualifications are subject to Hundred-thousand Brave’s World’s copper coin. If there is a default in the return of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, we reserve the right to deduct a certain deposit.”

“Understand!” Storm affirmed that after the official Virtual Goods Trading System was launched, the copper coin had no difficulty for Storm.

In the Official Virtual Goods Trading System, copper coin is always sold. Storm can always receive!

After receiving a positive answer, Storm wore the LIP Lens-type Information Processor and took the elevator to the Underground parking lot. As an Exceed Grade Nouveau Riche. And often come to Shuangqing City, Storm bought his own property and car in Shuangqing City.

For some people, the house and the car are life goals for a lifetime. But for Storm, nothing at all. The car that Storm bought at Shuangqing City is Mercedes-Benz ml350, a high-end atmospheric suv for nearly a million.

The LIP Lens-type Information Processor prompts when Storm is seated in the driver’s seat and the Safety strapis attached. “Sir, is it driving to drive the Auxiliary System?”

Storm nodded and the action was recognized by the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. In Storm’s First Vision. On the windshield, a transparent light curtain appears, showing the parameters of a series.

“Navigation, Shuangqing University.” Storm issued a Voice Command using English. After the command is issued. Storm placed the Super Klein and the LIP Lens-type Information Processor’s outer kraft box on the copilot.

“The route was successfully planned and the best route was successfully selected.” The transparent screen on the windshield showed a mapinformation, and Storm followed the Navigation System to Shuangqing University.

In fact, Storm knows the route of Shuangqing University! However, Storm is verifying the Navigation System. When Storm follows the Navigation System. The LIP Lens-type Information Processor issued a warning in advance when it arrived at Shuangqing University.

“Mr. Shuangqing University is a closed campus, and it is not open to the public. Is it an application, actively registering the relevant information, and getting into the authority?”

Shuangqing University has the Campus Security System protection, and the Core Functions of the Campus Security System has been completely upgraded once, adding the Word Recognition Engine. At the same time, the Dynamic Behavior Catching Program Upgrade is the Dynamic Behavior Recognition Engine, which recognizes the accuracy of the Dynamic Behavior Signature.

Shuangqing University, which is protected by the Campus Security System, usually does not mix into a strange personnel. Even though Unfamiliar personnel will enter the wall and will soon be discovered and locked. Similar to foreign social vehicles, Shuangqing University cannot be entered unless the information is registered in advance.

“Register!” Storm has a curious response. He doesn’t know much about this feature, but he can experiment.

On the transparent screen, a series of text information is displayed:

‘Registered vehicle: celebrate afb888’

‘Register personnel Dynamic Behavior Signature Temporary coding: 007316-386219’

‘Registration time::38:21’

‘authority feedback: allow access’

Below the text information, there are actually two pictures of information, one of which is Storm’s FaCIA l Feature and the other is the license plate number of the Storm driving vehicle.

“Sir, you have successfully registered for your application to enter Shuangqing University. Please note that the information you entered into Shuangqing University has been recorded by Shuangqing University’s Campus Security System.” The LIP Lens-type Information Processor sent a feedback on information.

Storm’s face changed slightly and was lightly snorted. The LIP Lens-type Information Processor feedback indicates that Storm has been locked by Shuangqing University’s Campus Security System, reminding Storm not to make any excessive behavior within the campus. This feeling of being stared at all times makes Storm very uncomfortable.

Driving the black Mercedes-Benz ml350 into Shuangqing University, Storm randomly found a tree-lined roadway and then got off the bus.

The LIP Lens-type Information Processor issued a prompt, “Mr., retrieve to the electronic mapof Shuangqing University, currently download, please wait a moment …”

After about 30 seconds, the electronic mapof Shuangqing University was downloaded. The LIP Lens-type Information Processor opened the real mapfor Storm. “Mr., the real maphas been opened.”

Storm looked at the distant road. At every fork of the road, the transparent light curtain showed the corresponding location.

“Navigation: library!” Storm issued a Voice Command in a silent voice. At Storm’s in the heart, he couldn’t help but sigh, the Bone-sense Transmission Earpiece and the microphone are very easy to use.

With Bone-sense Transmission Technology, when you talk to the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, you don’t have to be stupid like a conversation with the air, it seems to have a bit of deep ice.

Storm came to the library with a real-life map. Due to Shuangqing University’s library, a student certificate is required to enter the Access Control System. Storm was already ready to leave, but the LIP Lens-type Information Processor actually issued a prompt.

“Mr. Do you apply for a temporary authority? Warning, sir, temporary authority does not have the privilege of borrowing any books from the Shuangqing University library, and is only allowed to be viewed inside the library.”

Storm had a slight glance. He didn’t think that the LIP Lens-type Information Processor could even apply for a temporary authority?

“Apply!” Storm nodded. Then stand at the door of the library and wait patiently.

After about a minute, the LIP Lens-type Information Processor issued a prompt again. “Mr., the temporary authorization authority is successful, please follow the relevant regulations of Shuangqing University library.”

Storm nodded and used the voice of meditation. Asked: “Why is the LIP Lens-type Information Processor. Can I apply for a temporary authority?” said Storm, who came to the Access Control System.

The Access Control System of the library is similar to the Access Control System of the subway station. Only the Access Control System sends a green prompt indicating that the Storm can pass. Storm pushed the rotary lever slightly with his hand and found that it could be pushed before entering the library through the door.

“Sir, because of the LIP Lens-type Information Processor, you have stored your Dynamic Behavior Signature. EQ uivalent to a unique electronic Proof of Identity. With this electronic Proof of Identity, you can be in the wide range of Interweave Net Miwang. Get quite a lot of convenient privilege.” LIP Lens-type Information Processor responded.

Storm scanned the circle in Shuangqing University’s library. On the transparent screen, there was a numerous text information. These texts are all the books information in the library.

Thanks to the Library’s Safety Monitoring System, the Word Recognition Engine is equipped. Therefore, the entire library’s collection of information, all by the Word Recognition Engine electronic file upgrade. If you want to inquire about a book, just name it and you can find it right away.

This function also realized the Niú bì that Shi Lei originally blown out, and he finally realized this function!

“This…” Storm was a little shocked to say nothing!

This feature is so powerful that if you apply this feature to the Industry that sells books and the Industry that stores paper information, it will significantly increase productivity.

For example, Li Jian Nation’s FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, although the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, has a very strong and sophisticated science and technology. But in the internal evidence storeroom of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, such advanced technology is absolutely needed.

Storm walked slowly, browsing the books in the library through a transparent screen. Storm is not ready to read books. He is not a guy who loves to learn.

“How to answer this question?” Suddenly, a simple female voice like a valley spring came.

Storm followed the sound, a girl with two ponytails and a cotton plain shirt, facing his back. Storm issued a command to the LIP Lens-type Information Processor in a silent voice.

“Query the identity of this girl!”

“Sir, the order is rejected, you do not have the authority of the order. For details, please pay respects to the detailed explanation of the system and the right.” The LIP Lens-type Information Processor gave a negative answer.

Storm frowned slightly, and finally chose to go up, then stood at the left rear of the girl and looked at the open book on the desk. That is a math problem, a high-level math problem.

“Is there a way to solve this problem?” Storm inquisitively asked the LIP Lens-type Information Processor.

The transparent screen immediately shows a detailed solution, including a detailed explanation of each step. The so-called advanced mathematics topic is completely a piece of cake for Izual.

After all, these advanced math problems only require Logic Operations capabilities, not the ability to innovate. Izual doesn’t have the ability to innovate, but with Logic Operations capabilities, Izual is very, very powerful!

It can be said that if you use the LIP Lens-type Information Processor and take the math test, it is completely the learning rhythm of Learning Tyrant Grade’s Cheating Device and 100%!

(To be continued.)