
Chapter 1010

hk998 dupe master!

Li Jian Nation, Times Square, Rudy Building, southwest corner, Eightth floor above Eighth, rooftop.

Shi Lei held a dark pistol in his right hand. The muzzle was aimed at the Raphael, his left hand was lifted up, he looked at the watch on his wrist and clocked, indicating that he was serious and not joking. Once the prescribed Time Is Up, he will actually shoot.

Raphael Holds p, hands thumb, and quickly presses on the small-sized full keyboard. Raphael did not directly invade the NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website home page, but first contacted the Angel Parliament’s Pseudo ArtifiCIA l Intelligence System Abdiel.

Abdiel’s Logical Thinking Module, although not as powerful as Izual, Abdiel’s support for Raphael is very large. After all, Raphael uses p, which is far less convenient than machine desktops and Full-sized keyboards.

If you use p to invade the NHK Television Station Official homepage, even if Raphael is World Summit Grade Hacker, I am afraid it will hit the street. The performance of p is really too weak. The defense of NHK Television Station OffiCIA l Website has become more and more powerful after several invasions by Mr. M. It’s hard to invade only by p, not the issue of Hacker’s ability, but the difference in the order of magnitude of hardware performance.

Raphael while operating p, while counting in the heart, he has already boasted of Haikou, to black out NHK Television Station’s OffiCIA l Website within 30 seconds, according to the strength of Raphael, really can Do it.

Shi Lei looked at the Raphael with full face. In fact, Shi Lei in the heart has already laughed. Raphael was completely performed by his performance, dupe got a group, so Raphael did not figure out the situation at all.

“Fiveteen seconds!” Shi Lei hinted at the Raphael time, Shi Lei, which puts a little pressure on the Raphael. Shi Lei wants to see the limits of Raphael.

When human beings face life and death, they often have a very strong potential. [

Raphael’s forehead, a piece of sweat, is densely formed. He ignored Shi Lei, but stared at the small screen of p, whispering in his mouth.

Time passes by one second and one second.

In Twenty-seventh seconds, Raphael shouted: “Accomplish !NHK Television Station’s OffiCIA l Website, I’m already dark!”

Shi Lei showed his surprise in his eyes, and then said: “Put down p, retreat twenty steps. I want to check it out!”

Raphael According to Shi Lei’s command, slowly crouch, put the p screen up on the ground, then slowly get up, and do not turn to face Shi Lei. Directly retreat the twenty step.

“Mr. Shi, you look slowly. Please rest assured. I am really Raphael, I received the news, rumored that you have a conflict with Mr. M. So, my Hope is with you to deal with Mr. M. “Raphael said in a sincere tone.”

Raphael without Shithead said that Shi Lei betrayed Mr. M, but cleverly used contradictions to describe the relationship between the two. He also indicated that he is willing to fight against Mr. M with Shi Lei and take the initiative to draw closer to Shi Lei’s.

Shi Lei showed a careful look, took the p on the ground, and retreat a few steps. Warning Raphael said: “Mr. Dulles, you better not act rashly. Before you determine your identity, I hope we don’t have any unpleasant things.”

On the small screen of p, a web page is displayed, which is the OffiCIA l Website homepage of NHK Television Station. Shi Lei quickly checked the situation. He found that Raphael took a shortcut and didn’t invade NHK Television Station’s OffiCIA l Website. Instead, it invaded one of the vGradation.

Raphael just changed a vGradation element, quite a MySQL web page, and modified one of the Little Sections. According to the strength of Raphael, it does take less than 30 seconds to do this kind of thing.

In this vGradation element, Raphael leaves the discourse of provocative Mr. M. After Shi Lei finished reading, in the heart almost blossomed.

‘Raphael is really cute! ‘Shi Lei smiled secretly.

Raphael looked at Shi Lei, across a distance of more than ten meters, loudly: “Mr. Shi, how? Now I can prove that I am a Raphael!”

Shi Lei’s expression was hesitant, and the performance was in place. After waiting for a while, Shi Lei put down the pistol. After the child retired, he put the pistol in his waist again.

“Well, Mr. Dulles, I believe you are Raphael for the time being. So, what are you looking for?” Shi Lei showed a little bit of relaxation and vigilance, but still did not show any goodwill. [

Raphael sighed in relief, he is afraid that Shi Lei still does not believe him. It’s just Shi Lei’s attitude that makes Raphael very reassuring. Shi Lei’s attitude is enough to prove that there is really a gapbetween him and Mr. M.

“Mr. Shi, you said before, you are formally an agent of Mr. M, I have a hatred with Mr. M, and your relationship with Mr. M is also inappropriate. It is better for us to unite and deal with each other. Mr. M. How?” Raphael took a look at Shi Lei’s expression.

Originally, Raphael thought that Shi Lei was at least identified with an interest when he determined his identity and he showed his intention to deal with Mr. M together. But I know, Shi Lei has no change in attitude at all, and it still has a cold-cold expression.

“Sorry, Mr. Dulles, I can’t help you with the matter of dealing with Mr. M!” Shi Lei directly rejected the Raphael proposal.

Raphael smiled and quickly asked: “Why? Mr. Shi, don’t you want to get rid of Mr. M?”.

“Of course I want to!” Shi Lei replied affirmatively.

“Why don’t you unite with me?” Raphael hesitated a little and continued: “I have a very strong power and can fight against Mr. M. Please rest assured!”

Shi Lei said coldly: “Because not!”

Waiting for Raphael to ask why, Shi Lei continued: “Although formly I am the agent of Mr. M, but later Mr. M betrayed us, we do not know the real identity of Mr. M, do not know the appearance of Mr. M I don’t know the detailed information of Mr. M.”

“Wait! Waiting, Mr. M betrayed you?” Raphael’s brain couldn’t turn around. Hacker World has been rumored to be Shi Lei betrayed Mr. M. How can it be different from what Shi Lei said?

“Yes! Tell you, Mirror Science and Technology Group. Not Mr. M alone, and others can clamp Mr. M. Although I am an agent of Mr. M, I am on Mirror Science. And Technology Group has made a huge contribution. Therefore, I became the top stockholder of Mirror Science and Technology Group. As for the specific contribution, it is not convenient to tell you.”

Shi Lei paused and continued: “Mr. M has stolen a key Technical Information escape from Mirror Science and Technology Group. I rumored in Hacker World that I betrayed Mr. M, not true. But Mr. M betrayed us Mirror Science and Technology Group !”

Raphael digests the information that Shi Lei said, these are top-secret informations!

Although these informations don’t have much to do with Raphael, they are actually related to Raphael. For example, Mr. M is now alone, and he has a potential ally.

“Mr. Shi. Don’t you really know anything about Mr. M?”. Raphael will be the bitter and secret that Shi Lei just said. All memorized it. Ask again.

“If I don’t know anything, you certainly don’t believe it.” Shi Lei hesitated, his face hesitating.

Raphael knows that there is a play at a glance, and quickly said: “Mr. Shi, what is the information, as long as it is related to Mr. M. All is useful to me. You think about it, you only need to provide me with information, the rest Things can be handled by me. If I can get rid of Mr. M. You can rest assured that your Mirror Science and Technology Group also has a ‘big heart’, which is what Xia Nation says, right. Right ? “

Shi Lei is still hesitant.

Raphael added a fireway: “Even if I catch Mr. M, there is no loss to you, isn’t that right ?Mr. Shi, I promise that our conversation will never be known by the Third people. “”

Shi Lei’s expression is gloomy: “What is the Mayorksa Johnson of the gmersfrstCompany? Are you not very familiar? Don’t you tell him?”.

Raphael shook his head again and again, “Mr. Shi, please rest assured, that person is just a Peripheral Member, I don’t know too much, he is just a small chess piece.”

Shi Lei in the heart Sneer, Angel Parliament’s Second Giant Gabriel, is just a small chess piece?

“Well, Mr. Dulles, I Hope, you said it! Although we, Mirror Science and Technology Group, don’t worry much about Mr. M, but if you tell us the conversation between them, I Hope you understand the consequences.” Shi Lei threatened.

Raphael in the heart is not good, but the face is not revealed, but seriously: “No issue! I will definitely keep it secret!”

Shi Lei continues to threaten: “Mr. Dulles, whether you are a Phinney Dulles or a Raphael. I want to tell you that when you entered the venue, we have recorded your Dynamic Behavior Signature. I want to find you, and It’s not too difficult. Hope you can be committed to confidentiality.”

Shi Lei did not tell Raphael that his Human FaCIA l Feature was also recorded. I only told Raphael that he was recorded the Dynamic Behavior Signature. Because the Dynamic Behavior Signature can be circumvented and does not cause the Raphael to be too strong against the sense of touch.

“Mr. Dulles, I need to ask you one thing before telling you about the information about Mr. M.” Shi Lei looked at the Raphael with a tone of assurance.

Raphael did not refuse, asked: “What do you want to ask?”

“Why are you looking for Mr. M trouble? As far as I know, Mr. M is not killing the last one for you in the net world, you don’t have to work hard with Mr. M!” Shi Lei asked.

This issue, which seems to be the most important issue, represents the fundamental motivation of Raphael to deal with Mr. M. There is always motivation to do one thing, especially this illegal thing, and absolutely need a full motivation.

Raphael is also very aware of the importance of this issue answer. He said the matter of Angel Funds Investment Management Company. Finally, “Mr. M has sent someone to assassinate me. You said that I want to be an enemy of Mr. M. ?”

Shi Lei’s eyes lit up and his tone calmed down: “No! Mr. M Why do you want to assassinate you? Mr. Dulles, ask you an issue. If you are really dead, how will the power behind you treat me?”

Raphael did not consider it and immediately replied: “If I die, and all the evidence points to Mr. M, but can not find Mr. M, the power behind me will deal with you! Because, you are formly Mr. M’s agent!”

Shi Lei said with a sneer : “so it was originally this !Mr. M is not for you, but for me! Not right, this is a double-edged thing! Mr. M, who is so vicious, uses a trick, Calculated two enemies!”

After Shi Lei’s analysis, Raphael in the heart was also shocked. He did not expect that Mr. M was so savvy!

“Mr. Shi, since this is the case, can you tell me about the related information about Mr. M?”. Raphael can’t wait to know about Mr. M related information

(To be continued…)

Ps: Can someone guess the ‘real identity’ of Mr. M?