Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 99: .099 From sports to entertainment

After enjoying lunch, Situ Yunbing took Sigrid for a stroll in the city park of Monaco. The two talked about everything, because Situ Yunbing knew a lot about the future, and he could be a talker with She shared that, for example, he is not optimistic about Nokia\'s future development, Apple will become the world\'s largest mobile phone brand, for example, the United Kingdom may one day withdraw from the European Union, or the development of Internet technology will once again change people\'s social mode and so on.

Sigrid is always curious to ask why Situ Yunbing has many fantastic views. Perhaps in her opinion, many things that Situ Yunbing said have already appeared, but they may not be sure of the trend. This actually makes She was more curious about Situ Yunbing.

When the time came to the evening, Situ Yunbing and Sigrid were walking along the road along the golden coastline of Monaco. Situ Yunbing and Sigrid were very comfortable looking at the magnificent sparkling sea in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Monaco is not big, but it is enough for two people to have a relaxing and happy day. Shopping in the morning, visiting the botanical gardens, parks, and walking along the coastline in the afternoon, the two of them were completely unaffected by the bustling and hustle and bustle of Monaco. , As if only each other.

Sigrid\'s assistant drove to pick her up, and she was leaving.

She stood by the car and looked at Situ Yunbing reluctantly, but did not turn back into the car for a long time.

Situ Yunbing also stood there unkindly, and didn\'t have the slightest sense of gentleman to open the door for her.

The two stood facing each other, staring at each other, with inexhaustible reluctance in their eyes.

Getting means wanting more, and people are always greedy.

For Situ Yunbing, forgetting worries in a day is a great surprise. This day should be satisfied, but he is eager not to end.

Suddenly, the two said in unison.

"I have something..."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the Monaco marshal said carefully this time: "Ladies first."

Sigrid blinked playfully and said, "No, you should say it first."

Situ Yunbing took a deep breath and said softly with a smile on his face: "When I saw the beautiful scenery of Nice, the first thing I thought of was you. I want you to see the beautiful scenery too. I hope that I bring you more of the beauty I have seen, because I like you!"

The sound of the waves echoed in his ears, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, Situ Yunbing always kept a sunny smile on his face. He thought that the young marshal who mustered up the courage to make a bold confession thought he was brave, but Sigrid next The response in seconds was absolutely unexpected!

She had something to say before, but she was silent.

Sigrid\'s eyes sparkled with joy, and he took a step forward, wrapped his arms around Situ Yunbing’s neck, and gave Situ Yunbing a bold and enthusiastic response without words, completely ignoring his side. With passers-by present, Sigrid took the initiative to kiss Situ Yunbing\'s lips.

Situ Yunbing is still no match for the openness of Europe and America. What\'s more, this is France. Sigrid is a French girl. In this situation, perhaps nothing can be more romantic than a kiss!

Situ Yunbing hugged her into his arms, gradually exerting force as if he truly possessed her.

The whole person surged with infinite vitality like blood boiling!

In three months, his fate will be decided!

But he doesn\'t want to be restrained. Rather than fighting to survive, he wants to live unswervingly in order to bathe in the sun, appreciate the ebb and flow of the magnificent sea, and walk the world with his beloved. Go down!

When he and Sigrid were clinking glasses at lunch, he seemed to be enlightened. This game challenge may be to remind him to cherish time and everything in the limited time!

To fight, to live, to live more meaningfully, whether it is failure or success, in fact, the past nearly half a year has been more exciting than Situ Yunbing\'s 30 years before!

When the two separated again, Sigrid\'s face was rosy, and Situ Yunbing\'s blood was surging excitedly and his chest was undulating.

Sigrid burst into a moving smile and said, "From now on, you are mine and I am yours too!"

Situ Yunbing smiled silently, really amused, he nodded and said: "A word is settled!"

Sigrid obviously turned to the car with a cheerful look. Situ Yunbing watched her car start. This time, there was not much disappointment. After reluctantly giving up, she looked forward to the next meeting.

Unlike before, now he is sure that there will definitely be another time.

After clearing up the mood and preparing to find a place to have dinner, Situ Yunbing still stood still, because the car that was less than 30 meters away stopped again.

When Situ Yunbing saw Sigrid getting out of the car again, he stepped forward and asked loudly, "What\'s the matter?"

After getting out of the car, Sigrid ran towards Situ Yunbing. Those long legs were funny and cute because they were wearing high heels. She smiled and shouted to Situ Yunbing, "I want to kiss again. you!"

Situ Yunbing quickened his pace and started trotting.

"me too!"

The two didn\'t seem to slow down after they ran in front of him, Sigrid jumped up directly, Situ Yunbing hugged her and turned around half a circle, and then the two kissed again on the street.

It only took less than five minutes from the light kiss to the wet kiss.

Who makes this France?


When Situ Yunbing went to work at the club the next day, he was accidentally teased by the coaches.

Everyone was looking at him with a slightly surprised look, and suddenly they would say "Good job!" "It\'s enviable!" "How did you do it?"

Situ Yunbin was confused by them, until Sennos took out a newspaper. On the headline of the entertainment page, it was the scene of Situ Yunbing and Sigrid kissing on the street, and the close-up shots were very good. , It happened to be the moment when Situ Yunbing hugged Sigrid with his feet off the ground and turned around.

Situ Yunbing did not expect that there was really a reporter on the side at the time. He was not very vigilant. In fact, the reporter had been following the film for a long time. From the time he and Sigrid appeared in the Monte Carlo Metropolitan Shopping Center in the morning, a reporter discovered them. People\'s whereabouts, I don\'t know whether they caught Situ Yunbing and became interested, or saw the new supermodel Sigrid, who was persevering in tracking and shooting.

In Sennos\' words, Situ Yunbing entered the entertainment version from the sports version!

Situ Yunbing didn\'t care about this, he was immersed in sweetness, and there was nothing messy to distract him for a second.

It\'s just that this headline title made Situ Yunbing a little confused.

"The Marshal of Monaco collided with 17-year-old supermodel Sigrid and sparked passion!"

17 years old?

Situ Yunbing really didn\'t know Sigrid\'s age carefully.

Because of her tall figure, she usually wears makeup, so although she looks young, she should be around 20 years old.

He hurriedly went online to check Chasigrid\'s information during the break, and only then discovered that it would take more than a month for Chasigrid to turn 18 years old.

After Situ Yunbing learned about it, he didn\'t take it to heart. Anyway, at this age, there is nothing unethical or illegal, so there is no burden.

Moreover, in the eyes of outsiders, Situ Yunbing is just a 22-year-old head coach.

What Situ Yunbing did not expect was that his private life news was still fermenting over the weekend. During his pre-match press conference with Lille, reporters asked him about his relationship with Sigrid and even asked him about his relationship with Sigrid. The long-term plan for this relationship.

Does this have anything to do with them?

Is it related to football?

Situ Yunbing probably ignored the determination of the media to hype hot spots. Compared with Monaco\'s guest challenge to Lille, it is obvious that Situ Yunbing\'s romance may be more selling points!

Because from the media perspective, they are not optimistic about the relationship between Situ Yunbing and Sigrid.

The sports and entertainment circles have always been the most chaotic. Once the relationship between the two breaks down, it may bring the people who eat melons after dinner.

But the premise is that at least the people who eat melon must know the relationship between Situ Yunbing and Sigrid and deepen their impression. This is also a foreshadowing.

Situ Yunbing was a little angry. He was reluctant to talk about his private life, especially since he knew that this would affect the morale of his team, and the media could not bias public opinion.

So he left a word at the press conference and got up and left.

"Since you have no questions about football, then I don\'t have to stay here."

The French reporters were disappointed, and they also lamented that Situ Yunbing is really very rational and calm. If he answers even a question about football, then the hype ability of the media will definitely change the image of the Monaco Marshal!