Green Ace Marshal

Chapter 224: .224 Wait and hope!

Situ Yunbing looked serious when he attended the press conference after the game. Some Fleet Street reporters were not polite to him. They arrogantly claimed that the dominance of Manchester United in the game would have made Monaco aware of both sides. difference.

Situ Yunbing responded indifferently: "From the results of the game, Manchester United performed better, but in my eyes the game is divided into two parts, the first half and the second half. In the first half, Manchester United\'s performance was close to full marks. Monaco failed. , But Monaco performed better than Manchester United in the second half, even if both teams only scored one goal.

We lost 1:3 at Old Trafford, but I don\'t think this is already a decisive result. The match is two rounds. From now on we will begin preparations for the second round. "

When asked by reporters why he did not choose to go to Falcao when he was behind, he probably wanted to provoke the internal conflicts in Monaco. Situ Yunbing replied politely: "I don\'t have to answer this question, my troops are deployed. And employing people does not need to explain to outsiders."

Although Situ Yunbing\'s image is not sharp, he always has a clear bottom line. When others cross his bottom line, he will not hesitate to defend himself and assume an inviolable hostile posture.

Ferguson was slightly regretful after the game.

"If there is no loss at the last minute, then Manchester United\'s performance is perfect, but at that moment, the two defenders of Monaco created the biggest bright spot in the game, Manchester United is still a bit slack, which is very bad, I am in midfield I told them at that time, don\'t underestimate the Monaco guy!"

Today Manchester United restricted Gareth Bale and Suarez’s two killers, but in the end it was Vertonghen who was able to save Monaco and make Monaco’s promotion hopes continue to the second round. This is definitely something no one would have thought of. Even Situ Yunbing couldn\'t think of it.

But this is football.

On the way back by plane, Situ Yunbing saw that the players were listless. He couldn\'t help but said to everyone: "Don\'t look like the end of the world. The situation is very clear now. No one in the league champion can stop us. To be crowned, our final goal this season is the Champions League. At this moment, what reason do you have to lower your head and waste time to lose?

Would you tell yourself to come again next year? If this is the case, then you will repeat the same story every year, always looking forward to the next year, and you will wake up until the moment when there is no more Champions League next year in your career. There have been so many. The opportunity was in front of me, and I easily chose to give up!

No, no, never!

My Situ Yunbing will never bow his head again, my disciples, you, I will not allow you to bow your heads, raise your heads for me, and think about what kind of posture you should take to face the next round. It is a resistance. , Is it to release all the energy to fight for reversal, or use Manchester United to be too strong to paralyze yourself, and surrender willingly! "

Situ Yunbing spoke loudly, his face was full of determination, and every player was shocked until Perez yelled: "Never bow your head!"

Many teammates also yelled out, Situ Yunbing nodded, pressed his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Now you first sum up the gains and shortcomings of this game.

Remember, now we are dreamers, not that the dream has been broken, only homesickness is left. "

After speaking, he sat down and the players began to whisper and exchange their feelings during the game.

The members of the coaching staff were all paying attention to Situ Yunbing, but at this time Situ Yunbing looked at the pitch black outside the plane window.

Where did you lose this game?

Rhythm, the British rhythm impact destroyed Monaco!

Does Monaco have an inventory?

For the time being, it doesn\'t seem to be. If Manchester United show the same performance today in the next round, Monaco looks unlikely.

The inequality of hard power and experience has led to a tactical disadvantage. What\'s more, Monaco is now two goals behind in the first leg, and it is also at a strategic disadvantage.


I am afraid that the whole world will not be optimistic about Monaco, just as most people would think Manchester United will advance before the game, there is no upset, and it is developing as expected.

Turn over the inventory, turn the inventory, turn the inventory...

Situ Yunbing suddenly turned to Alonzo and said: "Bring me the recent Manchester United schedule."

Alonzo immediately took out a folder from his backpack and played Manchester United as a guest today. The information in his folder is all about Manchester United, from the status of the team to the characteristics of each team member. Everything is very detailed.

After searching for a while, he took out a page of information and handed it to Situ Yunbing.

After this UEFA Champions League, Manchester United will have two games, and then usher in the second round at the Louis II Stadium.

Manchester United had won the League Cup at the end of February, and the FA Cup was eliminated by rivals Leeds United when they first entered the game in January.

Now Manchester United is left with two lines.

The two league games are against Chelsea at home four days later, and will be a guest at Blackburn next weekend.

Situ Yunbing then stretched out his hand to Alonso: "The Premier League standings."

Alonzo quickly handed another piece of information to Situ Yunbing.

After Situ Yunbing took it and looked at it, he pondered for a long time.

The Premier League has played 32 rounds and Manchester United leads Chelsea by 1 point in points!

In other words, this coming weekend, Manchester United will fight Chelsea for the first time!

It is bound to be a fierce confrontation that consumes a lot of the two teams.

The best result for Manchester United is definitely to win Chelsea, and the lead is extended to 4 points. The most favorable result for Monaco is naturally Manchester United\'s loss. As long as Manchester United loses, then Manchester United will have to go to Blackburn next weekend. opponent!

As for the schedule during Monaco, Situ Yun is very clear. Monaco has three league matches to play, double matches a week, without rest.

But when speaking to the players just now, what Situ Yunbing mentioned reminded himself.

No one in the league can stop Monaco from defending its title.

It is only a matter of time before Monaco wins the cup.

In this context, not to mention that Monaco has three league games to play during the period. What if there is one more game?

The consumption of the team depends entirely on the formation of Situ Yunbing.

Situ Yunbing closed his eyes and thought for a while, and then made up his mind. He returned the two documents to Alonso, stood up again, walked to the cabin aisle and clapped his hands to attract everyone\'s attention.

When everyone looked at him, Situ Yunbing said to everyone with a solemn expression: "Now you have to remember every word I said. Go back today and the team will be off for two days. You will give me a good rest at home. With your family, you can go around Monaco, but don\'t tire yourself, I need your adequate rest!

Then in the three league games before Manchester United, I will use the strategy of substitution and main rotation to line up troops. I will tell you in advance that it is for you to be mentally prepared and not to have extra ideas!

Remember, take a good rest. If you let me know who goes to nightclubs or things like playing games all night, sorry, you can go directly to the reserve team and stay until the season is over.

Now that the critical period has come, I will not give up any chance to reverse Manchester United. Now I solemnly inform you that it is to let you know that we are preparing for the second round of the game with Manchester United. From today, it has started from when you go home and sleep in bed! "

The players looked at each other, Situ Yunbing\'s order was abnormal.

In general, if the team is over-competitive, Situ Yunbing will give everyone a day off, but this time it will be an extra day, which will definitely make them more relaxed.

As for the three league rotations, everyone has no opinion. The substitute players are excited and have a chance to perform. The main players are all focused on the second round of Manchester United.

Listening to Situ Yunbing\'s words, they thought that Situ Yunbing had already thought of how to restrain Manchester United, but they had not announced the specific combat plan.

The players nodded seriously, they firmly believed that Situ Yunbing could lead them to complete the reversal!


The next morning, when Sigrid woke up from his sleep, he unexpectedly found Situ Yunbing sitting at the dining table in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room with breakfast on the dining table. He was enjoying the sun and reading the newspaper leisurely.

In her pajamas, she came to Situ Yunbing behind him, lay on his back and wrapped her arms around his chest. She lowered her head and saw a striking line in the newspaper.

"Monaco lost to the Dream Theater, there is only a glimmer of hope for promotion!"

Thinking of last night\'s game, Sigrid suddenly walked angrily to sit down opposite Situ Yunbing, grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it in his mouth, and said unhappily: "I hate Manchester United."

Situ Yunbing was quite surprised and asked: "Why? Manchester United\'s number of fans in the world is not the first and definitely second."

Sigrid shook his head and said: "The Manchester United fans around you were saying bad things about you last night and didn\'t know how to respect it at all."

Situ Yunbing laughed blankly. Sigrid did not sit in the ordinary stands last night, but sat in the VIP seats to watch the game. This is also what Situ Yunbing meant. When going abroad to compete, she can still be in the VIP seats or private boxes. Let Situ Yunbing rest assured.

As for those Manchester United fans on the VIP bench who said bad things about Situ Yunbing, it may just be that they are not optimistic about him, at least not as superficial as the united Red Devils fans on the sidelines mocking him.

Situ Yunbing laughed and said to her playfully: "I thought you had taken these things lightly."

Sigrid suddenly realized that she was also a public figure. Some people liked her and some hated her. In social networks, it’s not uncommon for people who don’t like her to slander her. At first, she will really get very bad mood. Just get used to it, just ignore it. Instead of being angry for those who don’t like yourself, it’s better to live better and work harder for those who like yourself.

Situ Yunbing put down the newspaper and began to have breakfast with Sigrid in the sun.

The French media are much pessimistic about the promotion prospects of Monaco and Bordeaux.

Monaco was defeated by Manchester United 1:3 last night, and Bordeaux tied with Bayern Munich 2:2 at home.

Two weeks later, Bordeaux visited the Allianz Arena and Monaco faced Manchester United at the Louis II Stadium.

The situation in Bordeaux seems to be better, but in fact the French media are more optimistic about the strong recovery of Bayern Munich in the second half of the season, while Monaco has almost all been sentenced to death.

While eating breakfast, Situ Yunbing would look at the scenery outside the window from time to time, the scorching sun is like fire, as if the light never ends!

A word kept echoing in his mind.

All human wisdom is contained in four words.

Wait and hope!