Great Yin and Yang


After I reminded him, the eldest senior brother finally reacted. He immediately stood up, took a deep breath, looked around and said with doubt, "It seems that we are really in the right. The person who set up this underground palace is clearly an expert in the Dao arts. It won't be easy for the two of us to leave this place alive."

"Why don't we go and see if it's because we were too concentrated on running and didn't see the mystery here. If we go up again, we might be able to discover the crux of this tunnel." I suggested to the eldest senior brother.

As long as it's a formation, it will definitely have an eye. As long as we find the eye of the formation, we can break through the formation, and then we can walk out. We'll walk back and forth, and see if we can find any clues. As the Eldest Senior Brother spoke, he lifted up his peach wood sword. The two of us walked slowly along this seemingly endless path. Each of us walked to one side, heading towards the front.

We each held a powerful flashlight in our hands. As we walked, we carefully observed every nook and cranny.

After passing by the corpses of the dark bandits, eldest senior brother and I walked for more than half an hour. I did not discover anything, and when I turned around to look at eldest senior brother, I found that he had gained nothing. What was even more tragic was that I saw the mural on the wall once again.

After walking for a distance, we saw the corpses lying on the ground.

Eldest Senior Brother and I really had no moves now. We sat on the ground dispiritedly and immediately felt a deep sense of despair.

When we found out that the situation here was not right, Big Senior and I wanted to turn back. However, once we entered the red door, we fell into a trap. If we wanted to leave, it would be even harder than ascending to the heavens.

It was very possible that those corpses died just like that. They were trapped here, unable to leave. After a long time, they were both thirsty and hungry, so they died here.

I shudder at the thought of myself becoming a desiccated corpse and then a bandit, a guardian tool of the tomb chamber.

This reminds me of the matter of the university teacher we met outside the construction site. He said that before the establishment of the school, this place was originally a monastery, but after some unknown situation, all of the Taoist cultivators in the temple suddenly disappeared, which is why the university was built in the temple ruins.

I feel that it is very possible that the Taoists from that Taoist temple went down into this underground palace. They didn't disappear, but they all died in this underground palace.

From the looks of this underground palace, it must have been quite long ago. It was unknown when that Taoist temple was built.

I think that Taoist priest definitely knows that there is such an underground palace. Otherwise, they wouldn't have come down here and built a Taoist temple on top of the underground palace. What exactly does that mean? Was he trying to borrow the Taoist temple's Righteous Qi to seal something in this underground palace?

I told the eldest senior brother about this idea and the eldest senior brother kept nodding his head, saying that it was very possible. It was obvious that there was a very powerful person in this underground palace, so powerful that he needed to use a strong wave of Righteous Qi to seal it.

At first, I was very worried that I would be trapped here to die, but eldest senior brother showed a look of indifference, and comforted me by saying, "There's no need to worry at all, if we can't get out, then we won't be able to get out. Before we come down, I told Zhang Xiaofei that if we don't return within two days, we would ask Yang Tao to inform his master to come and save us."

When I heard that, I also felt relieved. Master's cultivation level is so high, if he comes here, he will definitely be able to solve the mystery of this formation and rescue the two of us.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have come down so rashly. Being aggrieved here was not an ordinary matter.

He then rummaged through the bag that Zhang Xiaofei had given him, and actually took out some food. There were a few bags of vacuum packaged meat, as well as ham sausages, as well as many compressed biscuits, and even a bottle of water. He had prepared it very well, and in a few days time, he would be trapped here for a week, and there would probably not be any big problems.

If it wasn't for eldest senior brother taking out these things to eat, I wouldn't have felt hungry, because since coming to this place, I've always been very nervous. However, I'm really hungry now, I haven't eaten for a day.

Right now, Big Senior and I will separate the food we eat and both fill our stomachs with water. However, we only ate half of our fill, so we don't dare to eat too much.

We don't dare to think too much about this matter. If Master really doesn't come, then we'll be in deep trouble.

After we had eaten our fill, we didn't plan to stroll around anymore. We wouldn't be able to find an exit no matter how much we searched.

In his boredom, the eldest senior brother laughed and said to me, "Youngest junior brother, you keep watch here for a while. I'll go to sleep first, if anything happens, just call me. When I wake up later, you go back to sleep."

It can't be, since he could sleep in this damned place, his eldest senior brother's heart was truly not ordinary.

However, since he wasn't sleeping, he would be idling around here. As the senior disciple spoke, he leaned against the backpack and laid down. Not long after, he heard snoring sounds.

This is the first time in my life that I've been to such a ghastly place, and I'm still a little scared. If I was allowed to come here before we started cultivating with Master, I would definitely be scared to the point of going crazy, crying and crying in despair. But now that I have Elder Senior Brother here, I have a backbone, so I'm not so scared anymore.

When I was half asleep, I suddenly heard a small sound. The sound was very small, but the corridor was very quiet, so I was able to catch it, and I immediately woke up, looking around me blankly, trying to find the source of the sound. At the start, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but after a while, the sound became louder and louder, like the sound of a countless number of mosquitoes moving, as if it came from directly in front of me.