Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 755

After returning to Dingzhou village\'s residence, Li forgets worry and can\'t wait to tell the beautiful boss about today\'s bet with the dandies.

Such a funny thing, only the beautiful boss will understand the fun.

Sure enough, after Li forgetful said that he had people build the holy clothes of the golden twelve palaces of Saint fighters, and was ready to let Chumo and them Cosplay the golden saint fighters at that time, the beauty boss was more than tolerant.

She gently hammered Li forgetful\'s chest with her pink fist, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "just tease Chumo and them... But it\'s still interesting to think about it. Hee hee, when I was a child, I also loved to read comics. I also saw Saint Xingya."

Li forgot to worry and said with a smile, "ha ha, I\'m idle anyway. I\'ll tease them. I want to laugh at the thought of Chumo and them wearing such golden holy clothes. It\'s time to let these bastards walk back and forth on Zhuque street several times to let the people of Chang\'an have a good look."

The beauty boss blinked and suddenly said, "it doesn\'t seem interesting to just let them walk around in this holy dress. Since it\'s cosplay, why don\'t you let them play the plot in the saint fighter?"

Li forgot to worry and was stunned. It looks like a beautiful boss. Don\'t be black.

"Changqing, do you mean..."

"Hee hee, anyway, Datang doesn\'t have a movie. Why don\'t you get a stage play and let Chumo and them perform? The Saint warrior Xingya theater version should be very popular?" the beautiful boss snickered.

Li forgets his worries and is speechless. Who just said he played tricks on Chumo and them? Looks like your idea is worse?

In a trance, he seemed to see a fox tail shaking behind the beautiful boss

In fact, it\'s no wonder Su Changqing had such a bad idea. She was bored in Datang.

Although there is no shortage of gold and copper money in the government, Su Changqing is still bored by Datang, which has no TV, no movies, no games and no Internet.

The novels stored in her mobile phone have been read back and forth several times and have long been bored.

Originally she didn\'t like playing mahjong, but now she has become a regular guest on the mahjong table. She often takes Niu Yong and Niu Wu\'s daughter-in-law to "build the Great Wall" in the house to pass the time.

Therefore, when Li forgets to worry about letting the dandies go to Cosplay Saint fighters, Su Changqing suddenly thought that it would be more interesting to let the dandies perform a stage play.

After Li forgot his worries and was stunned, he also laughed with the thief. The proposal of the beautiful boss really suits his appetite.

Datang doesn\'t have a stage play. If he can get it out with a beautiful boss, it should be very popular, right?

"Changqing, that\'s a good idea. It sounds interesting. Hey, hey, why don\'t we just play bigger? Why don\'t we buy a piece of land in Chang\'an City, build a theater, and show all kinds of programs in the theater every day. The legend of the White Snake, the ghost of a beautiful girl, Romeo and Juliet, can be adapted to perform. Operas, dance dramas and plays can all be performed OK, there are so many stories in my mind. "

The beauty boss naturally applauded his proposal: "this is a good way! The Tang people must like it. Hee hee, last time empress Chang sun brought those ladies to the house, she just enjoyed watching those singing and dancing girls dance. If there was such a stage play, those ladies in Chang\'an City would be crazy? I see, this theater is a profitable industry."

"That\'s necessary. Tickets to this theater can\'t be sold cheaply. It\'s elegant art. Ha ha, the cheapest one has to pay copper? The box fee is calculated separately!"

"Well, you can also sell drinks and snacks by the way. You can\'t sell them cheaply. At least it\'s two or three times more expensive than outside?"

"By the way, there is no such thing as a loudspeaker now. The theater can\'t be repaired too big. It\'s almost enough to sit two or three hundred people."

"Well, the theater has to be built smaller. It seems that the semicircular theater can gather sound? At that time, someone should build some copper speakers to amplify the sound, which should solve this problem."

"You can find a painter to draw the background for the stage curtain, and you can also use the fireworks you made before as stage special effects."

"Music can be played live by musicians. Let\'s buy some singers and dancers directly."

The more they talked, the more excited they became. They took paper and pen and began to record the venue personnel needed to run a theater, what the theater was like, and so on.

It\'s no wonder Li forgetful and Su Changqing are so interested. The entertainment in the Tang Dynasty is really boring. Even opera has not yet appeared at this time, and there are only acrobatic artists performing in the market.

It was not until Li Longji ascended the throne that he concentrated the Kabuki in the palace in the pear garden to learn song, dance and opera. This is also the reason why later generations call the opera industry the pear garden industry, and Li Longji is also known as the ancestor of the opera industry.

But even if there were operas in the Tang Dynasty at this time, it was not something Li forgetful and Su Changqing would like.

Peking Opera and other operas in later generations have long been very mature and can not attract young audiences, let alone expect them to like those operas of the Tang Dynasty.

But it\'s not easy to rehearse the play.

Saint Seiya\'s golden twelve palaces can remember the plot content clearly, whether in comics or cartoons, but they don\'t have any experience in how to adapt it into a stage play. It\'s a headache to think about it.

Li forgot to worry, turned his eyes and said, "Changqing, I can\'t rehearse this stage play. I can\'t do any music, dance, lines and performances. Hey, hey, it\'s hard for you."

His words made the beauty boss stunned, and then he immediately responded. Where is this goods? It\'s not good. It\'s obvious that he wants to be lazy!

Indeed, neither she nor Li Qieyou is an actor or director from a professional background. It is naturally unrealistic to say that she can rehearse a stage play. If they rehearse their works in later generations, I\'m afraid they will make the audience laugh.

But this is the Tang Dynasty. Who dares to say that the stage play they have made is unprofessional and not good-looking?

What won\'t? In fact, Li forgets the trouble and wants to leave it to her.

Su Changqing naturally wouldn\'t be fooled by him. He threw his eyes at him: "hum, I won\'t!"

"No, you will!"

"No, I won\'t!"

The two parents-in-law stared at each other for a long time, and no one would give in.

It\'s easy and pleasant to watch the performance off stage, but it\'s also troublesome to go to the director to rehearse the program, arrange clothing props, music and dance, lines, actor performances, etc.

"Old man ~" the beauty boss simply used his killer mace, took Li forgetful\'s arm, whined and began to act coquettish.

It\'s rare to see such a beautiful boss. Li forgetful worry was so excited that he got goose bumps all over.

Beauty boss is like this, what else can he say? When she was about to nod her head, she saw Aphrodite humming her hometown song and wriggling her waist into the room.

"Lang Jun, sister Changqing, the cook has prepared dinner. Hee hee, have hot pot tonight."

Li forgot to worry and Su Changqing looked at each other, but a strange smile appeared on their faces