Great Tang's Talented Little Landlord

Chapter 476

Zhang Liang, the Duke of Changping County, was annoyed by Li\'s forgetful words, so he wanted to teach the young man a lesson.

He suffered a lot from Li forgetful worry several times in a row. He had already seen Li forgetful worry unhappy, so he just followed Wang Renyou and Zheng Yuanshou.

Now, being so impolitely refuted by Li forgetful in front of everyone, there is some blood surging up.

"Huxian uncle, don\'t be presumptuous, I..."

Before Zhang Liang finished his words, he heard Li Er drink violently: "that\'s enough! Zhang Liang, you are also a veteran in the army. How can you speak so out of tune? Ziyou cares that he cherishes his family\'s life. How can he become an officer of the Tang Dynasty and can\'t resist the knife and gun of the Turks? What nonsense do you say!"

Zhang Liang\'s blood, which had just poured into his head, was scolded by Li Er, and immediately subsided like a ebb tide.

He just returned to his taste. Huxian uncle, whom he had just denounced, was his Majesty\'s nephew... He is now the master of simplicity in the heart of the emperor. He was blinded by lard. How could he offend him?

Zhang Liang is not one of those aristocratic family leaders, but he is not qualified to challenge Li Er.

Although the reason why Zhang Liang was killed in Zhenguan 20 years was deliberate rebellion, in fact, where did he have such courage.

After being reprimanded by Li Er, Zhang Liang immediately grinned a smile more ugly than crying: "yes, your majesty, it\'s Minister Meng lang. he was excited for a moment and made no choice. He apologized to Huxian Bo. I was confused and talked nonsense just now. Huxian Bo should not blame me."

Seeing that Li Er took the lead for himself, Zhang Liang immediately bowed his head and softened himself. It\'s not good for Li to forget his worries.

He could only nod silently to accept Zhang Liang\'s apology.

Li Er will speak to protect Li forgetfulness, naturally because there are differences between intimacy and estrangement.

He now has great trust in Li QIAOYOU. His subordinate nephew, who is not out of five clothes, not only has excellent literary talent, but also has made great achievements many times.

Which of the things Li forgets to worry about is not an important national weapon that benefits the country and the people? Not to mention, he also saved Li Er\'s legitimate son, Li Chengqian; He also saw through the intrigues of those with ulterior motives and found the Prince Li Zhi

This one thing after another has long made Li forgetful\'s position in Li Er\'s heart very important.

That\'s why Zhang Liang\'s words about Li forgetting worry naturally made Li Er very unhappy. He just scolded Zhang Liang directly, which can be regarded as a solution to Li forgetting worry.

But it\'s not over.

After reprimanding Zhang Liang, Li Er waved to Li Qieyou, called him to his side, lowered his voice and whispered to him.

"Ziyou, Zhang Liang\'s words just now are nonsense, but they are not unreasonable. Since you and Junji are going to have a gambling fight, you should have such psychological preparation. This knife head is wrapped in cotton cloth. It\'s really not decent. Why don\'t you think about it and follow the usual practice. If you love your own music, I\'ll tell Junji later to let him explain it and don\'t hurt you How about the life of the family episode? "

Seeing Li Er persuading himself in this way, Li forgot to worry and was a little flustered.

He never thought that things would develop like this, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"Uncle, I......" Li forgot to worry for a moment and didn\'t know what to do.

"Ziyou, listen to me! I won\'t hurt you. Although Cheng Zhijie is close to you, they must think so in their hearts. If you want to insist today, you must wrap your head with cloth before you are willing to gamble, maybe Cheng Zhijie won\'t say anything, but who won\'t look down on you in the hearts of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty? They will certainly regard you as a weak and incompetent person, Would you rather? "

Li Er\'s words made Li forget his worries and felt more and more blocked in his heart.

He never thought that these Manchu civil and military in the Tang Dynasty were so barbaric and did not take human life seriously!

Li forgot to worry. He only felt that he was holding his breath, but he didn\'t know how to vent. Li Er\'s words are naturally good for him, but this is not what he wants.

"Uncle, let me go and discuss with the central part of the house." Li forgets to worry, hoarse and hard to reply.

Li Er nodded and didn\'t speak any more. He just patted him on the shoulder.

Li forgot to worry, moved his steps and walked towards his own episode.

Niu Yong and Niu Wuzheng stared at him with burning eyes. Behind them were the 73 old soldiers of jinwuwei who had newly entered the affiliated nationality. All of them focused on Li forgetful.

"Mr. Lang, how about fighting with them with real swords and guns? Don\'t worry, my brother and I will never lose to those bastards!" Niu Wu couldn\'t wait to ask before Li forget you spoke.

Li forgot to worry and opened his mouth, but he didn\'t know what to say.

He knew that as long as he nodded, the Niu brothers would not have any complaints. He must take a knife and fight with the episode in Hou Junji\'s house.


In Li\'s mind, he remembered the words of the beautiful boss three days ago, "... Although they are the part of our family, do you disrespect them too much?..."

He also looked at Niu Yong\'s broken arm, which was left when he was fighting with the Turkic wolf under the Yanmen pass.

That\'s fighting for the country and the people! Die without regret!

The broken arm lost by Niu Yong and the blind eye of Niu Wu are the badges of heroes!

It is the pride of the Han nation!

It is the backbone of the Han nation!

But now I let them work hard with the bastard\'s episode of Hou Junji, but what\'s the matter?

Why should I let such a hero fight for himself?

Is it for the damn monthly salary of 50?

If the cattle brothers have a good or bad, how can they face the two cattle daughters-in-law?

No, it shouldn\'t be!


Li forget worry finally figured out what he wanted. He shook his head slowly and firmly and raised the volume, not only to Niu Yong and Niu Wu, but also to Li Erhe and the aristocratic family Xun GUI present.

"No, I won\'t agree with what Duke Hou said! If I have to fight with real swords and guns, I\'d rather admit defeat!" he turned to look at Li Er, Cheng Yaojin and others, and continued.

"I admit, just now I also thought about letting my family\'s episode compete with the upper part of Duke Hou\'s residence. Although I know that they will win! But I soon regretted, not afraid, not afraid of losing, but I don\'t deserve it!"

Li forgot to worry more and more excited. He reached out and patted Niu Yong\'s chest: "Niu Yong, a member of Dingzhou village in Huxian County, fought a bloody battle with Turks at Yanmen pass in the 11th year of Daye! He cut off the enemy\'s head thirty-one times. This arm was cut off by a Turkic wolf and luckily saved by paoze. For such brave people, how can I dare to drive them to seek private money for me and go gambling and fighting desperately?"

He pointed to Niu Wu: "Niu Wu, in the 11th year of Daye, he was still under Yanmen pass and cut off the enemy\'s head 27. He had countless scars on his body. This eye was also injured and blind in the bloody battle."

"Don\'t mention the cattle brothers. I can\'t bear it! These veterans in my house are old soldiers who have been fighting for my country for many years. Why should I drive them to work for my selfishness?"

"It\'s hard for someone to obey!"

Li niangyou took a deep breath, as if to shout out all the suppressed anger in his heart: "isn\'t it 20% of the winery members? I can afford to lose! Today\'s gambling fight, I, Li niangyou, recognize..."

The word "admit defeat" in his mouth was not shouted out, but Niu Yong and Niu Wu rushed directly over and hugged him. Niu Yong covered his mouth with a broken arm.

"Lang Jun, you can\'t admit defeat! Never! Never..."