Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1373

Yes... Even the strong in battle, but in the face of the change of the whole society, the strong is undoubtedly the weak. And once these seemingly strong lose their way and don\'t know what they will become in the future, they will also become weak

Now, these guild members are praying.

Their eyes looking at Ariel were full of hesitation and expectation.

Ariel also knows that these members are praying for a leader and hope that someone can guide them in the future

Here, the only person who can point out the way ahead for them may really be himself

"Everybody -"

"The pelican city grows to! The people inside, don\'t come out quickly to meet! "

But just as Ariel was brewing what she wanted to say, suddenly, a voice outside the door suddenly broke Ariel\'s words to her throat and let her swallow them directly.

Ariel turned her head and looked out of the window. I saw a group of people still crowded in the street outside, and in the center of these people, there was a small "surrounded person" obviously.

When she couldn\'t see clearly from the window, Ariel slowly breathed out a breath, looked at the people in front of her again, and smiled: "it\'s okay, I\'ve just come back. It\'ll be fine. I\'m going out to meet the new mayor. "

Then Ariel got up from the sofa and was ready to walk towards the gate.

At this time, the corners of sweet wine cheese\'s mouth showed a cruel smile, hehe sneered: "I look forward to the moment when you are ordered to apologize to me. You have nothing now. Look what you put on me! "

Dak has not yet recovered from his father\'s shock of attacking Pelican city. Now he can only quickly appease sweet wine cheese.

Ariel glanced at the long princess. Her expression didn\'t change. She just said faintly, "watch her." Then he opened the door and went out.

Today, it is the afternoon of Pelican city.

The golden sun shines obliquely through the clouds and covers the whole Pelican City, giving people a golden feeling.

Ariel, who walked out of the guild door again, raised her head and looked at the dark crowd in front of her.

It was crowded with citizens, both known and unknown, as well as many workers and their families, all looking at Ariel with panic eyes.

On the next eaves, the flower demon spirit group also seems to have received the news. Under the leadership of the rose, they either sit or float on the eaves and look at the president of the song of the former Mermaid here.

On the other side of the road, some people with blood red eyes were also wearing hats and wrapped tightly, standing in the shadow of the building and overlooking this side. If you look carefully, you can see that the little girl with Mashu is holding her mother and staying there with her family.

As for... In the center of all these people, there is a scene that seems incompatible with the surrounding atmosphere.

A group of people standing in front of the mermaid song guild are obviously wearing the best clothes, the best shawls and gloves, crutches in their hands and leather boots. Their clothes look clean and spotless from top to bottom.

Among these people, round cheese also ranks among them, and some administrative staff who were promoted by Ariel are now standing in it. But they are now at the back, and when they see Ariel, they show a look of shame and fear and lower their heads for fear of touching Ariel\'s eyes.

However, in front of them, there are almost ten people in front... Especially the first one who looks about the same height as Ariel, with wide politeness, one-sided glasses, pocket watch in hand and two mustaches. His whole figure is not lost to the fat man with round cheese. When he saw Ariel, who was now dusty, appeared in front of him, he looked up and down at the former mayor of Pelican city with the corners of his eyes, and a contemptuous voice came from the corners of his mouth.

"Are you my predecessor? Hehe, I\'ve heard a lot. The former mayor of Garcia, I didn\'t expect that you didn\'t die and came back? "

Hearing this sound, the cream that had endured for a long time standing beside Ariel immediately took a step forward. But she was stopped by Ariel.

Ariel stepped forward, looked at the man up and down, and said slowly, "who are you?"

According to everyone\'s impression of Ariel in the past, everyone present felt that this woman was a reasonable, gentle and polite girl.

But now, she should speak directly in such an impolite tone? This was unexpected to everyone for a while.

"You! Who allowed you to talk to me in this tone?! I\'m... I\'m your mayor now! "

The short fat man looked a little angry and cursed loudly.

With his curse, the government officials who entrenched beside him now stood up and showed the appearance of suppressing Ariel anytime and anywhere.

The citizens around are very worried about such a state of conflict anytime and anywhere. Many people have even begun to shrink their necks and sob softly.

"I tell you! I don\'t care if you were the mayor of Pelican city! Whether you are the president of this nonsense guild or not! "

The new mayor stretched out his index finger, pointed to the ground heavily in front of Ariel, opened his mouth and shouted——

"But now! You are no longer the president of any guild! The mayor of this city has become me, dear Viscount pap! Do you understand? Now, the only thing you can do is to go back to your house quietly, pack up everything and go to Hanhai city immediately. After all, this is your Majesty\'s order! "

Everyone, listen to the roar of this Viscount PAP.

People could even see some of his spittle floating on Ariel\'s face. Watching that mouthful of smelly saliva stick to the beautiful girl\'s silent face, people\'s hearts not only can\'t bear it, but also have a little more sadness.

Yes, the former mayor and president just keep such a cold expression now... Can\'t she really do anything? Or

"You, say you\'re the mayor of Pelican city?"

Compared with the arrogance of the current mayor, Ariel just took a handkerchief from her pocket, slowly wiped the saliva from her face, then squeezed the handkerchief in her hand, shook it, loosened her fingers and threw it on the ground——

"Then, dear Pelican city mayor, why are all the factories in Pelican city closed now? Without factories running, what will our city\'s economy do? "

Viscount papu didn\'t want to answer Ariel\'s topic at all, and he didn\'t know whether he knew how to deal with Ariel from who in advance. Instead, he waved his hand directly and shouted, "all right, everyone! All go back! All go back! Go back and pack! Your majesty has ordered that no one should disobey! Now I am the mayor. No one is allowed to disobey my words on behalf of his majesty! Go away! Go away! "

Of course, Ariel can\'t allow this person to break up everyone now. After all, now is the time to establish her own authority. If she can\'t succeed, she will be really finished in the future!

Now, without saying a word, she took two steps directly towards the current mayor.

The two government officials or bodyguards around Viscount BAPU immediately reacted when they saw Ariel\'s action, coming from both sides to grab Ariel\'s shoulders.

Touch -!

At this time, a shield warrior and a paladin standing behind Ariel had rushed to the left and right sides of Ariel very quickly, opening their shields to block the grabbed palms.

Ariel thanked Brad and Britta for standing firmly on their side at this critical moment. But at the same time, she also saw the confusion in the eyes of the two front row after blocking outsiders. Obviously, she can\'t drag any more.

"Hey, I\'m asking you. What about the economy of our city? You obey your Majesty\'s order to shut down our whole Pelican city. What should we do with so many workers here? What will our Pelican city\'s population of nearly 10000 live through? "

Viscount papu over there looked a little flustered when he saw two adventurers fighting around the girl. He stepped back a little and said loudly, "what do you... What do you want? Do you want to rebel?! How brave! You know, Baron guangzhongguang\'s army is nearby! How dare you touch my finger? I\'ll be able to put you to death immediately for treason! "

After listening to such abuse, Brad couldn\'t help it. He lowered his shield slightly and shouted, "conspiracy? What rebellion?! Our president is the prince\'s mistress! If it\'s impolite, you\'re the impolite guy! "

Viscount PAP glanced at Brad and snorted coldly, "to put it bluntly, it\'s just a mistress at most! Moreover, now your majesty has personally ordered to deprive you of all your rights! Hum, now... Now I\'ll spare you. Dare to scare me again, or I\'ll put you all in prison! Hum! "

"I\'ve asked you for the third time. What are you going to do with... The economy of this city? "

However, Ariel\'s expression is still so indifferent. Her voice even seemed to have no emotional ups and downs, just reciting it slowly.

"To abolish the mermaid song? That\'s no problem. Mermaid song is just a brand. "

"It\'s no problem to deprive me of my position as mayor. I didn\'t like the position of mayor very much. I took it on your recommendation in order to appease the law and order and citizens of our city as much as possible. "

"But you want to deprive everyone in this city of their source of livelihood? Do you want to starve everyone to death? Under such circumstances, what kind of mayor are you? "

Ariel raised her hand, pointed to Viscount PAP in front of her, and suddenly turned up the volume——

"Catch them all!"

This order was somewhat unexpected to the members of mermaid song. Su TA standing next to Ariel obviously hesitated, but Brad nodded, immediately raised his shield and rushed to the government officials ahead!

How could these administrative officials be opponents of such a strong shield soldier? It was immediately dispersed, and Brad immediately grabbed Viscount Papp by the back of his neck like a chicken and pressed him to the ground.

With Brad taking the lead, the other guild members behind could not hesitate any longer. Su TA then went up and controlled an administrative official. The cream also jumped out, kicked an administrative official who took out a knife in his arms and changed his hand to suppress it.

In just a few seconds, the mermaid song controlled the administrative officials led by BAPU.

It\'s just that it\'s easy to control these people, but the real trouble is behind.

"Ah... This! Well... Ariel, you... You\'re... A little exaggerated? "

Cheese and other executives promoted by Ariel were flustered when they saw that the mermaid song really started. The cheese was particularly flustered. He hurried up, stretched out his hands and said nervously——

"Viscount PAP is the pelican city mayor your majesty has personally named himself! You... Even if you have more unhappiness... This is... Too much? Come on! Come on, let Viscount PAP go! Don\'t make things worse! "

At this time, not only the look of fear appeared on the round cheese face, but also the faces of the surrounding citizens were very flustered. After all, for these people, the power of the royal family is absolute! Who ever thought that they had witnessed the scene of resisting the Royal orders?

Similarly, the sweet wine cheese in the guild hall of mermaid song behind has a smile on the corners of his mouth. She looked at everything outside through the glass window, and her eyes were about to reach the peak of excitement: "bitch, you\'re over! Ha ha ha! Just wait for brother Huang to kill you! At that time, I must use your head as a ball and your body as a wooden frame for my daily training! "

Dak frowned, but still repressed his emotions and said, "sweet wine and cheese, you can say less! President, she has been helping you all the time... "

"Help me? Cut. "

The sweet wine cheese glared at dak——

"I despise you, dak. I really look down on you now, dak light in light. "

Turning back to the outside, Ariel didn\'t want to pay attention to the begging and frightened eyes of cheese.

On the contrary, she turned around and waved to the tall Igor behind. Igor nodded gently and squatted down respectfully, so that Ariel could sit on his shoulder, get up, form a condescending vision and look around everyone present.

"Everybody! I don\'t want to rebel against the royal family, and I don\'t want to make things worse! "

"But what is the path the royal family has given us now? If we blindly follow the Royal orders, what will happen to us? "

"In the past year, the economy of Pelican city has more than doubled? I believe that many of the people present have followed me to this city since then, worked hard together and worked hard. What kind of life did you have before working in Pelican city? Do you forget so easily? And what has your life become after relying on the element machine? Do you need me to help you remember“

Ariel held out her hand and pointed to a frightened woman holding hands with her companions in the crowd: "Yura, if I remember correctly, you can only sell your own children to others as food because you really don\'t have food, so you can get back some of your own food to live. Your husband starved to death because of hunger and poverty. After you came to Pelican City, you joined my factory and became a textile worker. Only then can you eat enough for the first time. I can remember how excited you were when you were able to eat a full meal for the first time. You said you had never eaten such delicious food in your life. "

The woman trembled and didn\'t know what to say for a moment.

Ariel turned to the other side, looked at a male worker and said, "Tony, your land has been confiscated because of famine. The whole family has scattered, and you beg all the way. Finally, I came here after I heard that Pelican city had a job. Finally, I became an assembly worker of element car. In the past, those people were able to collect your land \'reasonably and legally\' by \'Your Majesty\'s order\'. Now, they will deprive you of your work \'reasonably and legally\' because of your Majesty\'s order! On the surface, this practice of forcing you to death is legal and there is no procedural error on the surface. But is it reasonable for you? "

The worker could not help but pinch the wrench in his hand and trembled all over.

The pressed Viscount PAP was obviously aware of something and shouted, "you... Don\'t deceive the public! You witch! A witch with enchanting magic! Do you want to use the devil\'s power to bewitch innocent people? "

Ariel glared at the mayor, and Brad immediately got him up, put a big mouth at his mouth, and made him dizzy and speechless.

Then Ariel continued to look at all the citizens present and said——

"As we all know, now there is a serious drought in the whole blue bay Empire, and the food supply is in a serious shortage stage. And this kind of drought has entered the state at the end of the second year, and I don\'t know whether there will be drought for three consecutive years. In this situation, the only thing that can feed everyone is to rely on the strong farming capacity provided by the element car. In this way, we can produce a large amount of food, so that Pelican city is still in a state of no shortage of food. "

"But if we really stop all the element cars so that only the royal family can use these element machines and control these element cars in the blue bay Empire, do you think the first wave of food planted by the royal family on the land they control will be given to us Pelican city first?! Will they first feed us ordinary civilians without eating or drinking? "