Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1181

Simon over there shouted again: "(blood language) cheese! I order you to let Jowell go now! Whether he stole something or not, we night people will naturally judge it! There is no need for mankind to judge! "

At this time, the three village heads of one eye, copper hand and chain sound have also arrived with their former villagers. Simon sees that these village heads have also come, and his voice is even louder.

While the screams of these vampires became louder, the humans on the other side showed fear in their eyes. And some of them obviously came with guys. Ariel saw that some people had pitchfork in their hands and some people had machetes. No matter whether there is fear or disgust in the eyes of these people with weapons, the atmosphere at the scene can reflect this. I believe there is no need to confirm it.

"Oh! Why is it so busy here( Blood language) Oh! How many of the blood clan are there? Have a party? Why don\'t you call me at the party? Ha ha ha! "

Seeing that the situation is extremely critical, Ariel, as a communicator between blood family and human beings, of course, should stand up immediately.

She deliberately made her voice very clear. After jumping off Brad\'s palm, she walked leisurely to the middle of the central square, and also to the middle of blood and human beings.


The cheese, which had already seemed very confused, suddenly saw Ariel. The neutral moment with a little weak eyes seemed to rekindle confidence. Pressing Jowell\'s hand immediately added strength and pressed the blood clan who stole things to scream.

Ariel looked at the cheese and the suppressed blood clan over there. After being silent for less than a second, she immediately turned her head, walked to the blood clan first, smiled and said——

"(blood language) Mr. Simon, what\'s going on? Everyone is a resident of Pelican city. Is it necessary to be so nervous? "

Seeing that Ariel, a human, didn\'t go to the human side first, but to the blood family there, some people on the human side immediately became nervous and shouted, "they steal! These vampires steal! They are really pests! If you steal now, you will kill and suck blood in the future! "

Ariel raised her hand slowly and waved gently to the noise behind her.

The members of the mermaid song immediately understood and walked into the square one after another, blocking between humans and blood families. At the same time, they also looked at those humans with a smile.

"(blood language) so I don\'t know what happened."

Ariel said slowly with her hands on her chest and a smile on her face——

"(blood clan language) I heard that there was an accident, so I came here. Only when I came here did I know that it was the blood clan and our Terran. I got you, so of course I have to listen to you first. Mr. Simon, if you can trust me, can you tell me what happened first? "

Simon looked down at the human. After a moment of silence, he snorted, reached out to the suppressed Jowell over there and said: "(blood language) let my people go first! He used to be a villager of our Hunter village. In the decisive battle of blood teeth, Jowell took the lead and killed several leaders of blood teeth village. The noble and brave soldiers in our village are now pressed on the ground by those humans as if they were beggars. This is an insult to him! "

As he spoke, a strong sense of oppression appeared on Simon\'s face.

Obviously, he is using his power to subdue the human woman in front of him.

Ariel also knows what he means now, but as a decision-maker, Ariel also knows very well that if she is suppressed at this time, things will become more troublesome in the future!

She gently bit her teeth and still made her face full of smiles to face the blood family. His eyes also looked at him without squint, without any deflection.

"(blood language) it\'s easy for me to let the Terran release Mr. Jowell. But I still need to know what happened first. Mr. Simon, I respect you and hope you can respect me. "

Seeing that Ariel didn\'t want to be soft at all now, Simon was silent for a moment. Finally, he snorted, waved his hand and called up a blood clan behind him: "(blood language) Lincoln, tell her what happened."

Then another blood clan came out from behind Simon. Ariel did not show weakness, and her eyes immediately shifted to the tall and thin blood clan, still very calm.

The blood clan glanced at Ariel, then reached out and pointed to the cheese over there and said: "(blood clan language) I! Jowell and I saw the night and wanted to go out for a walk. But as we walked along the street, the cheese guy suddenly rushed up to catch us! I didn\'t beat him and the human (pointing to dak), so I came back to report immediately. That guy falsely accused us of stealing! "

Ariel did not look back, but continued to look at the blood clan with a smile and said slowly: "(blood clan language) so, did you steal anything?"

Lincoln glanced at Ariel, pointed to the cheese over there again and said, "what can\'t you come back and talk about? Why involve humans? This is the business of our blood clan. Can you manage it? "

(blood language) I ask you again. Did you steal anything? "

Now the smile on Ariel\'s face disappeared.

She stared at the vampire silently. Even if Ariel looked up now, she didn\'t lose even a little dignity.

What\'s more, the cat lying on her head is looking at the vampire with the same severe eyes.

After a moment of silence, Lincoln\'s eyes began to twinkle from side to side, as if he were speechless. But just when Ariel wanted to say something again

"Miss Ariel, I agree with Simon."

One eye took a step, stood beside Ariel and said slowly——

"No matter what happens, even if our people did make a mistake, it should also be solved by our people themselves."

The vampire with only one eye glanced at the threatening human over there, snorted coldly and continued——

"We, the family of the night, have not been reduced to the point where something happens to our own people and we have to hand them over to human beings."

Well, Ariel must admit that things have become more complicated now.

It\'s so complicated that it\'s not a simple thing to sneak around.

After thinking about it, Ariel said: "(blood language) Mr. one eyed, I know you want to protect your compatriots. What do you think of this? Now don\'t let so many people come out, just send some representatives, and then I\'ll find some representatives of mankind to have a good chat with each other. "

Chain Yin smiled sadly: "(blood language) chat? Hehe, over the past three months, do you humans want to have a good chat with us? I\'m really sorry. I\'ve seen a lot of your human eyes. Tell them that if these humans want to drive us away, just say that our night people are not down to the point where they have to live under the fence like this. "

Obviously, the attitude of chain sound has made the expression on Ariel\'s face gradually ugly.

Seeing the human who brought his family back from the slavery edge of red dragon and red jade, the copper hand on one side came up as a woman and said slowly——

"(blood language) miss Ariel, I know you have your own ideas now, and you also have your own status and identity. Our night people are not unreasonable. "

After three months of adjustment, the female vampire, who has almost returned to the appearance of an old woman in her 60s, looks up at the restless human group over there and says——

"(blood language) our request is very simple. Even if Jowell did steal, it should be judged according to the laws of our night clan. Therefore, we hope that you humans can return our people to us and let us deal with it ourselves. "

Ariel looked at the vampire, at the scarlet in her eyes. After pondering for a moment, she exhaled slightly and said: "(blood language) what are you going to do with him if he is returned to you? What if he really stole something? "

The copper hand turned to look at Simon next to him. After thinking about it, Simon said: "(blood language) if it is true, it should also be punished by our own people. According to the tradition of our night people, if you steal something, you should chop one hand. Although you may think such punishment is too light for our night people, it already represents our attitude in our night people. "

Ariel nodded gently, then turned her head, walked back to the human face and said slowly——

"Ladies and gentlemen, now, the blood clan demands that the thief be handed over to them. This is their man, and they will naturally judge him. "

Hearing this response, the restless people in the crowd immediately began to get restless. They raised their weapons one by one. It seemed obvious that they wanted to rush here immediately!

If she wasn\'t a member of the mermaid song and was still standing between the two sides, Ariel was really worried about what would happen next.

The cheese over there still pressed Jowell. He bit his teeth, prayed a little, and said with a little pain: "president! So... How do you decide? "

Ariel nodded and said, "everybody! Please be quiet! I haven\'t finished yet. "

When the mood of these people calmed down a little, Ariel continued——

"People, I brought them. I am naturally responsible for them. Unfortunately, in the past three months, I only focused on my own affairs, so I didn\'t deal with the problems between blood clan and our Terran well. This is my responsibility and I should bear it. "

After a pause, Ariel\'s eyes began to sweep through the crowd. Obviously, she saw the paladins and magicians of the Holy See and association mixed in the crowd. They are here now to prepare for a good play.

After a little thought, Ariel continued, "so now I\'m going to ask you to give me a chance. I want to agree to the blood clan\'s request and let them take people back. But at the same time, I will also go to see their trial and see how they will deal with it. If you are still worried... Mr. Mayor, can I invite you to go with me? "

Suddenly Ariel\'s eyes fell on the round cheese mayor.

The mayor, who had just stood in the crowd and stood here as a half leader and half spectator, was suddenly stunned. His complexion suddenly turned white. He looked at the vampire group whose eyes were all shining with strange light, and quickly waved his hand: "no, no, no! I... I still don\'t need it... "

Ariel was not so easy to fool. She winked at the cream and Margo on both sides. The two men immediately came forward, half pulled and half dragged the mayor out and put it in front of Ariel.

Facing Ariel, the mayor of round cheese looked even more ugly. He twitched at the corner of his mouth and said shakily, "well... I don\'t need it? Those vampires... You see, I\'m so fat. If I go among those vampires, I\'ll be sucked dry! "

In this regard, Ariel just smiled, then reached out and grabbed the fat mayor\'s hand, and walked towards the blood clan there without looking back.

In front of Simon, Ariel said again: "(blood language) I agree with your request, and I\'ll give it to you to take back. But at the same time, we human side also hope to send several representatives to see how you want to deal with this matter. Is that all right? "

Seeing Ariel finally let go now, Simon looked down and thought.

Just when he hesitated, Ariel stepped up and said: "(blood language) Mr. Simon, I have agreed to your request on behalf of the Terran. I think I have released enough goodwill. Can you please give me a little kindness? For the sake of being friends. "

This time, Simon finally slowly put down the wooden spear in his hand and nodded gently: "(blood language) yes. We don\'t want to make things so rigid. People are on our side. We will deal with them ourselves and promise to give you a fair solution. "

After the communication, Ariel immediately turned around and let the cheese go.

As soon as the cheese had just released its hand, jovia\'s vampire immediately jumped up from the ground and grabbed the cheese\'s face with a claw of his backhand. However, the cheese was not so easy. He quickly raised his hand to block his claw, and kicked him out with one foot.

(blood language) hum! Don\'t be complacent! Traitor. "

Jovia got up from the ground and patted her clothes. Then, he glanced at the Terran who still seemed excited, snorted again, crossed his hands, walked back to the blood clan and stood behind Simon.

Ariel smiled again on her face. She stretched out her hand, pointed to the new city where these blood families usually live, and said with a smile: "then, please?"


The scene of swords and crossbows is now finally solved.

But Ariel knew it was only temporarily suppressed.

If the problem is not solved, the next time such a thing happens again, I\'m afraid it won\'t be to sell face and can be eliminated in a word or two.

Along the way with these blood families, Jowell and Lincoln, two vampires suspected of stealing, kept talking and laughing with each other, as if nothing had happened. Even after taking two steps, he would turn around and look at Ariel, point and whisper something Ariel couldn\'t hear clearly.


No, it should be said... Why can they be proud?

Ariel raised her head and looked at these blood families moving forward at the same time.

They, no doubt, were brought out of the moon god\'s residence one by one.

Compared with human beings, they know where their weaknesses are and what their strengths are.

None of these blood families has experienced the war 400 years ago. Therefore, there must be no way to say that they have any real hatred towards the Terran itself.

In that case, when they come to human society, they will suddenly burst out such a great complacency? It\'s as if they can really counter attack mankind without effort.

What is the reason?

... the reason is probably related to their current situation.

But what is relevant still needs to be studied.

While Ariel was thinking, everyone had come to the residence of the blood clan again.

It\'s still as dark as usual. If it weren\'t for the arrival of human beings, I believe these blood families wouldn\'t think of going to kaiyuansu lamp.

Entering the gate, with the dim element light, Ariel looked at the house which was almost 100 square meters in size and whose windows were all sealed.

There are no furnishings here... These blood clans really haven\'t put any furnishings in their rooms for three months.

But this is also normal. They have no money and don\'t communicate with humans. With their appearance of living in the cave in the residence of the moon god, they may not feel that they need any furnishings.

With the blood families who came in together, they began to sit on the ground at the edge of the room in twos and threes. The soil on the ground has been very firm by the soles of their feet, so even if they step in barefoot, I\'m afraid they won\'t be contaminated with much dust.

These blood clans either sit by the wall, sit on the wall, or stand upside down on the ceiling. Almost 80 or 90 blood clans are now gathered in this house, leaving a space in the middle for Ariel\'s mermaid song and the mayor of round cheese who is afraid to be silly now.