Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1157

"What\'s your... Name? miss. You seem to have said your name before... But I... Didn\'t remember it at that time... "

Behind him came the voice of the red dragon.

Ariel suddenly felt as if a thousand needles were pricking her skin at the same time. The corners of her mouth twitched and slowly turned around under the worried expressions of those companions outside the barrier

How big

Especially when you are close, this red dragon is really big!

Even if it is torn off an arm and cut all over, it is too big for human beings

Looking at the red dragon staring into her eyes, Ariel bit her teeth, simply filled her face with a smile and said——

"Ariel Garcia, President of mermaid song Association, please give me more advice, Mr. chifei."

The red dragon snorted, but such a strange voice made it vomit more blood. The blood further dyed the treasures under its feet, turning the golden color here into scarlet.

"Now... Let\'s talk. What kind of deal do you want

Ariel asked tentatively.

The red dragon trembled and said, "it\'s very simple... Let me go and promise my request... Then, you can take half of the treasure here..."

To tell you the truth, the trading terms are very poor.

It can even be said that there is almost no accident.

Did the Dragon abduct itself into the sealed area in order to spare its life? So, how can it ensure that it can keep its promise?

... ah, it\'s simple. Let\'s propose to sign a contract.

That\'s what the contract says - make sure I, Ariel Garcia, will never harm the red dragon.

Well, that\'s it. Anyway, when you leave this place and arrive at the safe area, others will harm the red dragon, which has nothing to do with you.

Besides, hahaha, is there anyone in the world who can believe that he can kill a dragon by himself, who can only kill chickens and fish?

"Yes, I can\'t kill you. I\'m trapped here by you now, and I can\'t refuse you. In addition, your idea really moved me, so I promised you. "

The blood clans outside the barrier listened to the cheese translation. After hearing Ariel\'s promise, Simon burst out a roar!

But before he rushed to the barrier, the cheese next to him stopped him and said to listen again and don\'t rush to a conclusion.

Similarly, the red dragon inside gasped and looked at the promised human girl in front of him. After a moment of silence, he said slowly——

"I know what you\'re thinking... Miss Ariel Garcia. It\'s just... I\'m not playing a word game with you. But sincerely hope that you can keep your promise... In fact, you must also keep your promise. "

"Ah... You may find it very strange for me to say so. Well... We might as well start from the beginning. "

With the little murmur of the red dragon, its huge body suddenly began to dust.

When its huge body was exhausted, Ariel could not help covering her mouth and looked at what was happening in front of her in shock.

At the same time, everyone outside, all blood families, also stared at the giant dragon in the barrier!

Look at it... Slowly, it becomes a human male!

What appeared in front of Ariel was a human male about 25 years old, with fiery red hair, naked all over, solid muscles, but scarred!

It can also be seen from his scratched face that he is a man with three points of natural and unrestrained and seven points of fortitude.

"What on earth... Are you?"

Ariel swallowed her saliva and looked at the red haired naked man in front of her.

Although the shape is different, it can be seen from the linear pupils that there is nothing wrong with the red dragon just now.

"I want to make a deal with you... Miss Ariel Garcia..."

The naked man took a deep breath, covered his broken arm, slowed down for a moment, and then continued——

"My name... Ah... What was my previous name? Sorry... I\'ve forgotten. Let me sort out my thoughts first... Ah, this thing should start from the war between humans and vampires... "

The naked man paused again and again, and then finally said a fact that surprised everyone present——

"During the war, the red dragon led those vampires to attack the human castle... At that time, I led an army to directly challenge the red dragon. Then in that battle, I killed the Dragon myself. "

After the cheese translation outside the barrier, all the blood families were boiling at this moment!

"(blood language) are you kidding? Lord chifei was killed? "

"(blood language) died 400 years ago? Lord chifei died long ago?! "

"(blood language) who is this guy? Who is Lord chifei who just appeared in front of us? "

For the noisy crowd outside, Ariel just continued to suppress her fear. With her hands on her back, she pretended to have a confident expression and said, "you killed Chi Fei? So, what happened to your red dragon form just now? "

The man sneered, raised his hand over his broken arm, and then thrust it into his chest!

With the blood splashing, he pulled his heart out of his chest!

... wait, is that a human heart?

Ariel still knows more or less what the human heart should look like, but now in the man\'s hand, it is like a peach and emits some light yellow color and aroma... Obviously, it can\'t be called the human heart.

"After killing the red dragon, I cut open its chest and took out its heart. Ah, as like as two peas, the heart of my heart is still the same as the heart of the red dragon. "

The blood hanging on the heart slipped slowly, and soon it was like a real light yellow peach.

The man held this thing and even handed it to Ariel.

Ariel hesitated, but she didn\'t reach forward to take it.

"That year, I ate the dragon\'s heart. Then I felt my body burning and full of pain. I fainted, and when I woke up again, I found that I had been buried in the grave. "

"So, in the history of mankind, I have died in war. But it doesn\'t matter. Because I live again, and... I also have the power of the red dragon. "

The man handed the peach in his hand to Ariel again, looking very urgent.

After looking at the peach heart again, Ariel was silent for a moment, and finally reached out carefully to pick it up.

"Ah, it\'s so warm..."

Feeling the warmth from the little yellow peach in the palm of her hand, Ariel couldn\'t help but praise it.

When holding it, she could feel the faint fragrance from it more and more

It really smells good

For Ariel, who hasn\'t eaten much all night, this fruit is so tempting

"During my coma, many memories about the red dragon emerged in my mind. The more recent the year, the clearer I know. In this dream, I knew that chifei was the patron saint of these blood families, and I also knew about the sacrifice. When I woke up, I found that in addition to having the powerful regeneration ability of the blood family, even my appearance can turn into red jade at will. "

"In other words, I have completely become chifei... I am chifei itself. I am the incarnation of the red dragon and have endless power. "

"I know that Chi Fei\'s power is not complete. It spends too much power to raise vampires like parasites. But I won\'t be so stupid... I\'ll let them give me back their strength. And offering sacrifices is the best way. "

Before long, all the blood clans outside the barrier were boiling.

Ariel turned her head and looked at the excited and indignant expressions of those blood families outside. She resisted the urge to put the fruit in her mouth and continued——

"So you killed Chi Fei? Replaced chifei? But now, you dig your heart for me and ask me to spare your life? What does that mean? "

The man\'s mouth showed a cold smile and said slowly, "you know what it means. Eat my heart and you will be the next chifei. You will have the power of the dragon and the magic of the dragon. And I can give you half of this wealth. You just need to eat this fruit, and I\'ll think you\'ve spared my life. "

The fragrance of small peaches... It\'s really fragrant.

The pungent smell made Ariel want to bite first several times.

She endured

Endure desperately!

But now, this guy even said that he, an ordinary human girl who has no power and no magic affinity, can get the power of the dragon in an instant?!

In the world, will there be a stronger temptation than this?

"Tell me first... What will I look like after I eat this thing?"

Ariel held the little peach heart, and she could feel the saliva flowing in the corner of her mouth.

The man who claimed to be Chi Fei gasped and said slowly with a cold smile, "didn\'t you say it? You will become a new red jade... You will have the power of the dragon. At the same time... You will be the \'mother\' of those things. "