Gold coin is justice

Chapter 1116

With the cry, his body began to move like lightning, and the blood red dots on the tip of his fingers became red lines under this rapid movement!

These red lines quickly formed an encirclement net around the mermaid song and the people in the hunter village, and the vampires in Hongxiang village seemed to be holding these red lines and holding out their hands to maintain this solid cage.

In the next moment, the vampire flew out of the red line behind Ariel and tore it at Ariel with those red lines. Unfortunately, before he jumped, the crisp tower had stood behind Ariel, the stones in her hands were raised, and the light of the shield of faith was also blooming at this moment.

(blood language) chain sound! We\'ll talk to you. What do you mean? Want a complete break? "

Cheese caught up and pressed the village head of Lianyin. He also raised his claws and drank loudly.

The chain sound forced back cracked his mouth, exposed his fangs, and shouted almost madly! At the same time, those vampires around also resonate and scream in unison! At the next moment, twenty vampires in Hongxiang village rushed here recklessly!

Simon and others certainly did not need to accompany Ariel and others to die. At the moment of the attack in Hongxiang village, they quickly stepped back and walked out of the encirclement. The vampires in Hongxiang village didn\'t want to attack them at all, but rushed to the mermaid song.

At this moment, souta, cheese, dak and cream guarded Ariel\'s four directions respectively, and their faces all showed panic.

However, even if their faces showed a frightened expression, they still didn\'t mess up and continued to keep their calm.

"The giant ghost will soon enslave you all into blood slaves!"

Ariel suddenly shouted, the cheese was stunned, and immediately shouted the same.

At that moment, the village head of Lianyin, who had already jumped in front of the people, hung his claws in the air, and didn\'t move forward.

With all the vampires around, now they are stunned on the spot. With a little blood, they at least have a little sense. And now that you have reason

Their faces began to show a color of fear.

Seeing that all these vampires stopped, Ariel couldn\'t help sighing a sigh of relief and said, "the power of the giant ghost is almost finished. After this sacrifice, he should be able to gain absolute power. At that time, he will immediately devour your small village and convert you into blood slaves and fuel for xueya village. I\'m sure you won\'t have another sacrifice. "

Although the cheese translation was a little anxious, the tone of voice was not so confident and stable.

But these vampires can still hear the calmness contained in the human female voice.

Village head Lianyin slowly took back his claws that were only skin and bones. He looked over the cream in front of him, opened his mouth with almost all his lips, and opened and closed his yellow and sharp fangs up and down——

"(blood language) human beings... You human beings are the source of disaster! You humans have taken our land... Killed our compatriots! The village head of giant ghost is preparing to fight back against you humans... Against you! Even if we are made into blood slaves, we will not hesitate!!! "

Are these words true?

Ariel turned her head and glanced at Simon and other blood families over there.

Obviously, the eyes of vampires such as Simon are obviously an incredible expression. After all, every one of them still remember that during the festival, Hongxiang village had a conflict with xueya village because of the sacrifice, and almost one third of the villagers died in the village.

"Really? The village head of giant ghost killed so many of your people, but you village head didn\'t even respond? "

Chain Yin opened his eyes, opened his mouth, and shouted in a very sharp voice: "(blood language) I warned them! Warned everyone! You can\'t fall in love without permission! Once a woman in love is selected as a sacrifice, it will lead to great trouble! They didn\'t listen to me! The result will lead to their killing! That\'s their problem! "

Such a sharp voice almost deafened Ariel\'s eardrums. In addition to these sounds, she also saw that the dry face of the village head was full of stubbornness and tension.

So, is he constantly instilling such a reason into himself, and it\'s best to make himself believe it?

"Really? That\'s a pity. But what I want to say is that your blood clan will never be able to defeat us again and take back your land by force. Yes, I said - forever. "

This sentence obviously angered these vampires. All vampires in Hongxiang village became restless, and now they are disgusted with Simon and other vampires over there, staring at Ariel one after another.

"(blood language) really? Do you want to try? human beings! I\'d like to see. I\'ll give you a minute. In a minute, will you be our extra meal tonight? Or you kill all our night people! "

For such a threat, the intonation of cheese translation can\'t help trembling.

Even the cheese guy, let him deal with human beings, he can be absolutely arrogant and domineering. But let him deal with his own clan, especially with the head of another village. Obviously, he is not confident enough to suppress each other immediately in momentum.


Seeing that the vampires in Hongxiang village were about to act, Mashu couldn\'t help shouting, pulled up the stone bow in his hand and rushed forward.

Unfortunately, before she took two steps, Simon stopped her and couldn\'t move forward.

Ariel couldn\'t help but feel sweet about the concern of Mashu.

But... She\'s not ready to admit defeat.

"That\'s why your vampire brains are so simple. In your opinion, the reason why we human beings can defeat you last time is that we have stronger power than you? Oh, it\'s a joke. "

She raised her finger, turned it around her forehead, and continued in a most ironic tone——

"Did you eat blood sugar just now? Then use your brain that hasn\'t been used for hundreds of years to think clearly! What are the advantages of you vampires? What are your shortcomings? And what are our human strengths and weaknesses? "

"Oh, forget it. I guess you can\'t think of it. I\'ll tell you directly."

"It doesn\'t take much power to kill you vampires. As long as you dare to leave the moon god\'s residence one step, then our Terran can send a team composed of farmers to -- "

Ariel\'s mouth cracked, revealing a cold-blooded smile——

"Use the most common sword, one sword at a time, to pierce the hearts of you sleeping vampires. Now, do you understand? "

With the end of the cheese translation, the chain sound of roaring just came out, but the expression on his face gradually solidified.

Although his lips have completely rotten, leaving only his gums exposed, he can still see that he is thinking now, and it is because of thinking

Gradually, his body began to tremble, and an expression close to collapse began to float on his face.

"The advantage of your blood clan is its powerful combat effectiveness at night. But your disadvantage is that you need to hide in a place where there is no sunshine during the day and fall into deep sleep. "

"Seriously, I really can\'t imagine how you can defeat us humans. We human beings can carry out activities day and night. Fight us humans? It\'s still a question whether you can wake up during the day. Do you fight with your fantasies? "

The food supply in Luna\'s residence is extremely short.

It is the lack of food that causes slowness in thinking.

As long as we can live, any word can be believed and any hope can be prayed.

After all... Even human beings cannot be required to remain rational anytime and anywhere when they are hungry.

Therefore, what Ariel needs to do now is very simple, that is to completely break their fantasies. Tell them thoroughly that the reason why they lose is not because they are not powerful enough, but because this congenital defect will lead them to lose to mankind.

"Even if the village head of giant ghost really becomes strong after relying on your hard work, what can it be?"

Ariel continued in that arrogant tone——

"Even if he can keep moving during the day, even if he is exposed to the sun during the day, he won\'t be directly burned to ashes, but he is the only one after all."

"At that time, we humans can kill all blood families except him. Do you think he alone can defeat thousands of human troops and achieve the so-called dream of recovering your night family? Hehe, is it possible? I think only you fools will believe such a nonsense. "

At this moment, Lianyin\'s eyes have almost completely stared out of his eyes. His claws cover his face and mutter with an almost desperate look: "(blood language) No... I\'m right... The village head of giant ghost must be right... He said he would lead us out of here! We must be able to defeat mankind... We have great power... Every member of our night family is a powerful warrior! We can kill hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of human beings alone! We... We...! "