God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 2126

The five element array is arranged in five directions. Five people sit in five different directions.

Nowadays, except for Qin Shihu who wants to fight against the spear of evil gods alone, everyone else has to face at least two enemies.

Yu Xiang Wang holds a long gun and stabs the weak part of the array with each shot. His understanding of the five element array seems to surpass the people of Qingtian sword school, so that the five element array can not change better.

Originally, there were countless changes in the five element array. Everyone could change positions and help each other, but under the destruction of King Yu, every change of array became very difficult.

"Five elements change!" Qin Shihu, who presided over the array, drank and blessed Yue Sihua with more power, which greatly reduced Yue Sihua\'s pressure. Only in this way, there will be more pressure in other places.

Because there are only five people, each position is extremely important and cannot be broken.

"Hahaha, kill!" after holding the map of mountains and rivers, although the demons have not broken through the five elements array, they hit the ground very well. They believe that as long as time goes by, they can consume the power of qingtianjian.

In terms of his powerful mana alone, Qingtian sword sect is not as good as the devil saint. After all, Qingtian sword sect has just stepped into the heaven emperor, and they have been practicing for many years in the position of the heaven emperor.

"Guild leader, haven\'t you finished yet?" Qin Shihu looked at Song Fei\'s position. There, Song Fei sat cross legged like a pine, but Qin Shihu also felt that Song Fei\'s strength was getting stronger and stronger, which made him feel frightened.

"Continue to insist!" Qin Shihu shouted, "for the sake of the sect leader and Qingtian sword sect."

The big goat laughed loudly and said, "for the sake of Qingtian sword sect! Kill immortals."

The war demon God waved a long gun and blocked the power of killing immortals. The pure power made him retreat again and again, and the tiger\'s mouth jumped in pain.

After standing still in the void, the war demon God said with a grim smile, "see how long you can wait." holding a long gun, he continued to greet him.

"Sunflower water, extremely cold!" Yue Sihua slapped it, and a layer of blue ice crystals were condensed thousands of miles ahead, glowing with wonderful blue light.

This is the magic power that Yue Sihua realized from the land of nine Yin. The ice crystal formed can freeze everything and resist the attack of all things. When he casts this spell, he is confident that he can resist for a long time.

Behind the ice crystal, Yue Sihua was panting. This blow made him consume a lot of power. He could use it twice at most. After two times, even his mana would be consumed.

Of course, this solid ice crystal is not fixed in one place. As long as Yue Sihua is willing, he can move at will.

"Break him!" the lion camel king shouted. Together with the earth demon God, they held each other falsely, and the power of the earth gathered together to form a towering mountain.

They picked up the mountain and moved slowly, as if this move had exhausted their great strength.

They soared into the air, and the mountains in their arms expanded infinitely, covering the whole void.

"Fall!" the lion and camel King drank, and their mana emerged. The mountain, with great momentum, smashed down from the sky.

"Bang!" the blue crystal barrier turned into ice cones and dissipated.

Yue Sihua has great powers. The lion camel king and the earth demon God who have lived for countless billion years have the same extraordinary means and great powers. Together, they soon broke Yue Sihua\'s defense.

"Kill him!" cried the lion camel king. They both knew that this was a breakthrough point in this battle. As long as they were successful, they would occupy the first skill. When they could divide the treasure, they would naturally get better treasures.

Of course, it\'s a breakthrough point. If you go to the Optimus sword school in other points, the breakthrough point will become someone else, and the two of them will be considered incompetent.

At present, except that the big goat is difficult to break, we don\'t know when we can break through the other points. Qin Shihu, in particular, was already tottering under the attack of the spear of the evil god.

"Bang!" the lion camel King\'s mountain axe turned into an axe shadow all over the sky and cleaved to Yue Sihua. Behind him, the earth demon God clapped a palm, just like the whole heavy ground, pressing down to Yue Sihua.

Tuke water, the power of two people working together, occupies a huge advantage.

"Kui water, extremely cold." Yue Sihua drank, knowing that he would be broken by the other party, but in order to protect Song Fei, he could only delay for a moment.

Yue Sihua is good at flexible changes and thousands of incarnations. At the moment, he sticks to the same place, turning his original advantages into disadvantages. What he is not good at is defense.

The blue barrier once again blocked the attack of the lion camel king and the earth demon God.

"Hey, boy, let me break you again." after the lion camel King\'s attack was not completed, he continued to join hands with the earth demon God to cast mountain magic.

In the distance, Qin Xiaoru threw out her right hand, and the endless blade of space came hanging in the direction of lion camel king like a storm.

"Hey, hey, you want to be distracted if you join hands with the three of us." Yu Xiang Wang Heng took out his long gun and stabbed Qin Xiaoru\'s space blade into nothingness.

Qin Xiaoru had no choice but to focus on the attack of the three.

The lion camel king and the earth demon God were not in a hurry. In Yue Sihua\'s anxious eyes, they watched them show their magic power and break the blue barrier into hundreds of millions of ice flowers again.

"Hoo!" Yue Sihua breathed heavily and used extreme cold twice in a row, which almost exhausted his mana. Next, if he fought with mana, the price was that he could no longer use extreme cold.

In addition, if you continue to cast extreme cold, your will no longer be able to fight.

"Father, isn\'t it all right?" Yue Sihua whispered. Then, Yue Sihua\'s anxious eyes disappeared and became very firm. He followed his father\'s eastern expedition and western war. Countless times he fell into a desperate situation, which was even more dangerous than now. All the dangers came over. Will he fail this time?

can\'t. Yue Sihua told himself that his father had never disappointed himself.

In that case, there\'s nothing to worry about. Just fight.

"Poop! Poop!" Qin Shihu was the first one who couldn\'t bear it. Qin Shihu\'s flesh finally suffered a heavy blow. He vomited blood. His flesh collapsed everywhere, exuded drops of blood, and dyed his black clothes red.

"Daddy!" Qin Xiaoru drank anxiously.

"I\'m fine." Qin Shihu looked up with unprecedented firmness in his eyes. Looking at Hugh standing in the void like a God, he roared in his heart: guild leader, even if I die, I won\'t let them disturb your cultivation.

A fairy sword appeared in the palm of Qin Shihu\'s hand. The unprecedented killing power broke out on the fairy sword. The light on the sword pierced the eight wastelands of the universe, and the sword raged in the sky. Qin Shihu\'s eyes showed an unprecedented determination.

Hugh in the sky smiled faintly and said, "mole ants, are you going to work hard? It\'s really a loyal dog."

"Daddy!" Qin Xiaoru screamed sadly in the distance.