God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1922

For Yang Junkun\'s explanation, the wind chime continued to tilt his head and looked at her with black gem like eyes. Yang Junkun was ready to move with his exquisite and perfect face.

At the next moment, the wind chime bloomed a more brilliant smile and said with a smile: "what does it matter to have a family, and he is so excellent? Even if I like him, what\'s wrong? Not only I like him, but also my sister likes him. Moreover, my sister has more vision than me. She is my idol."

"Your sister!" Yang Junkun followed the wind chime\'s eyes and finally turned his eyes to Feng Xian next to him. Since Yang Junkun entered the door, he focused all his attention on the wind chime and Song Fei. In addition, Feng Xian turned her face sideways and was ignored by him. Now when the wind chime said this, Feng Xian turned her head and looked at Yang Junkun with an inexplicable smile.

Yang Junkun was shocked. He thought that there were such beautiful women in the world. For a moment, he felt that all the women in the world were not as good as the fairy woman in front of him.

Feng Xian\'s appearance is famous in the fairyland with beautiful women everywhere. And the fairyland women, because of their cultivation, are all evil figures in the world. It\'s hard not to be surprised by Feng Xian\'s appearance.

A few days ago, Yang Junkun received news from several friends that there was a beautiful woman who brought disaster to the country and the people around the wind chime. At that time, Yang Junkun just smiled. In his opinion, how could anyone be more beautiful than the wind chime.

But now after seeing Feng Xian, his mind has changed again. He not only needs to get the wind chime, but also needs to get the sister of the wind chime. If he puts the two sisters in bed together, it must be a very wonderful enjoyment.

Yang Junkun smiled at Feng Xian and said, "Feng Ling\'s sister? What do you call me, Yang Junkun of Yang\'s group." he stretched out his hand to shake hands with Feng Xian.

Generally, when facing the girl, Yang Junkun only needs to play the name of the Yang family, and the women stick it upside down. But this time, he is disappointed. Feng Xian doesn\'t mean to shake hands with him at all. Instead, she turns her head around and says faintly to the wind chime: "look what messy people you pay."

How could her jade hand contact with people like Yang Junkun, not to mention in front of Song Fei.

Yang Junkun\'s "elegant" smile was fixed on his face, and the anger in his chest could no longer be restrained. When did he receive such an insult, he even had the impulse to rob the grocery store and take Feng Xian back forcibly. Only considering that there were many reporters following the wind chime outside, did he force him to bear this tone.

Crazy, he felt that the people in front of him were crazy. A person like garbage or a person with a wife, two role beauties threw themselves into arms, but they ignored him.

Yang Junkun no longer elegant, but said in a deep voice: "this beauty, I hope you don\'t regret what you said today."

Feng Xian didn\'t answer him at all.

Then Yang Junkun turned his eyes to Song Fei: "Song Fei, I\'ve never served anyone before. Today I\'m convinced. We\'ll meet again. Let\'s go."

Song Fei smiled faintly and said, "let\'s go!"

The arrival of Yang Junkun is just a small episode for Song Fei and others. They are not even qualified to disturb their interest.

Feng Xian said with a smile, "Xiao jiu\'er is crazy."

Song Fei said with a smile, "aren\'t you tired of playing?"

The wind chime\'s head shook like a rattle: "you don\'t know. I stayed in Lingyun city for tens of thousands of years. The seventh sister took me out for tens of thousands of years. How long have I been playing now? Where is enough? I want to continue playing. In fact, although people in the world are weak, this society is still very fun."

Song Fei said with a smile, "just have fun." it can be seen that she is really immersed in the fun of playing, and the whole person is much more cheerful than before.

Feng Xian said, "didn\'t you use your strength to cheat?"

The wind chime shook her head and said, "I\'ve cheated before, but I find that it\'s boring, so now I follow the rules of the game here. It\'s fun. Brother Tianyu, I\'ll take you to a dance another day. There are all celebrities in the society."

Song Fei said with a smile, "do you think the so-called celebrities can arouse my interest?"

"Alas!" the wind chime said bitterly, "to tell you the truth, I want to take you as a shield. There are a lot of flies named Yang just now. People revolve around me every day, and I don\'t want to use my strength to shoot them all. If I do that, it will cause a social sensation and affect my interest in playing. Will you just act as my boyfriend?"

Seeing that Song Fei didn\'t answer, the wind chime shook Qin Xiaoru\'s hand and said coquettishly, "sister Xiaoru, would you advise brother Tianyu?"

Xiao Ru was the softest. Seeing the wind chime\'s plea, she couldn\'t help looking at Song Fei.

Song Fei said with a smile, "well, I haven\'t experienced the so-called dance. I\'ll go with you. Do you want to change your clothes?"

"No, no, no! You look good in this dress." Fengling smiled, then chirped and talked about the things of the past few years. The girl was a nag and couldn\'t find a person to talk to in the world. He had to go back to the fairy world to talk to Fengxian every other time. At the moment, when he met so many acquaintances, where would he be willing to leave? Fengling didn\'t leave until the next morning.

Song Fei drove the wind chime away, and secretly said that the girl was really engaged in amusement. She even saw that she was driving over without using magic power.

The next morning, all the headlines in the major news newspapers were about the wind chime: "the goddess Xiao jiu\'er hugged a strange man. Where is the other person sacred?" "Xiao jiu\'er entered a grocery store until he appeared the next morning. Has the goddess entered the wolf\'s claw?" "the goddess secretly met the mysterious man and didn\'t return all night? What is the identity of the other person?"

All kinds of eye-catching words hang on the headlines. They not only push the wind bell to the mouth of the wind sharp waves, but also make Song Fei famous. Many people even come to the grocery store to see Song Fei, and even a group of fans come to see Song Fei.

Song Fei, as if nothing had happened, was still lying on the master\'s chair shaking gently. All the people who wanted to trouble themselves were thrown out by the big goat.

At eight o\'clock in the morning, Lao Li hurried to Song Fei\'s grocery store and said to Song Fei, "I don\'t know when the big goat and the little brother can pass."

Song Fei said with a smile, "the action is fast. Did you delete it so soon?"

Lao Li said with a smile: "one day and one night is enough to delete the election, and they all came to H city by helicopter. Hey, thanks to you, we asked for two more places in H city."