God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1795

One by one, the vines, like ignoring the space, beat the people of Qingtian sword sect at a very fast speed. On the top of the vines, ugly mouths opened, revealing sharp teeth inside. Suddenly, poisonous thorns spurted out of the mouths to stab the people.

Except for a few people of Qingtian sword sect, others simply dare not fall into the vine alone. They cooperate with each other, attack, defense and auxiliary assistance. Even if the spikes are dense, they are blocked by mountains formed by the power of earth.

Soon, the vine showed another characteristic: continuous extension.

Before, vines could attack the people of Optimus sword sect from a distance, because the length of vines seemed endless. Now, vines suddenly extended and danced, trying to wrap all the people who tried to distance away.

In an instant, more people of Qingtian sword sect turned their attack to defense, defending the vine everywhere.

In the distance, Song Fei said, "Wan Shuang, Lei Zhu, cast spells."

Their Jinxian level magic had been exposed anyway, and Song Fei didn\'t take them as his cards.

"Reverse the chaos of yin and Yang." the vitality around the big tree was distorted instantly, as if heaven and earth had changed. The big tree made a serious mistake in its judgment. The vines that had been drawn in advance turned back, and countless vines twisted and wound each other at a time, forming a dead knot one by one.

The effect of reversing Yin and Yang on the tree lasted two breaths, which can beat hundreds of times back and forth for the extremely fast vine.

The tangled vines had serious trauma, and there were countless dead skin and dead vines.

The horror of the way of yin and Yang is not only entangled by vines, but also a powerful avenue of attack, reverse rebirth and death.

After using the magic power of this move, Jun wanshuang immediately swallowed a pill and sat in the middle of the crowd, closed his eyes and didn\'t care about anything outside his body.

"The thunder light is limitless!" with the roar of the thunder column, the surrounding heaven and earth were wrapped by thunder. Soon, thunder as thick as skyscrapers fell from the endless sky, enveloping the whole tree,

The vines, which had been aging under the yin-yang way, now have greatly reduced their defense. Under the fierce thunder, they turn into sawdust and finally into dust.

The joint attack of the two men almost destroyed most of the vines. Plus the vines cut by the people before, there are still one-third of the vines of the big tree.

The mournful wail never stopped on the tree. The two huge branches like arms suddenly contracted the branches and leaves, condensed into an iron fist and blasted at Song Fei and the big goat.

Dashan sheep was unprepared and was punched by a big tree in an instant.

Song Fei, like a flexible fly, instantly crushed a flashing symbol and appeared on the other side outside the iron fist. Then he bullied himself again and continued to kill the vines on the big tree.

The shape of the tree suddenly retreated, and a pair of huge eyes stared at Song Fei tightly, with a thick anger in their eyes.

Song Fei\'s heart moved and secretly said that the big tree should show great moves?

Because he is too big, his step is a distance of 10000 meters.

Song feilang said, "be careful."

The next moment, the tree turned and ran away.

"Shit!" Song Fei scolded secretly. The crazy attack of vine just now almost made Song Fei forget the timidity of vine. Vine is controlled by the big tree, and the courage of the big tree can be imagined.

The big trees fell on the ground and ran wildly. With each step, a large number of trees were collapsed, the forest was ravaged, and weak animals ran wildly in the forest. The huge forest ushered in a great disaster.

Although the vine is fast, it remains hidden. The target of the tree is too big. How can it escape the pursuit of Song Fei and others? Countless attacks fell on the tree, and more vines blocked in front of the attack were cut off.

Dashu seemed to know that he could not escape the pursuit of Song Fei and others. He stopped and suddenly turned back.

"Be careful!" Song Fei stopped first.

The green light on the big tree rose sharply, and the whole tree was like a luminous Jasper, crystal clear and incomparable. If it weren\'t for the ugly big mouth and big eyes on the tree, perhaps the big tree at present is a good scenery.

With the green light, the originally cut vines miraculously grew back and continued to hang on him like the hair of a big tree.

"* * *!" the people scolded their mother. With the re growth of vines, the attack just now became useless.

Lei Zhu said, "it\'s a miscalculation. Seeing that his vines can extend indefinitely, you should be able to guess that his vines have the ability to grow."

Song Fei shook his head and said, "there is no unlimited power. If his vine is really so terrible, there won\'t be only one vine attacking us."

Song Fei guessed that the unlimited extension of vine before must be related to the current ability, but it must not be used without restriction.

Song feilang said, "yanrou, have you found anything?"

As Song Fei\'s voice sounded, people turned their eyes to the most beautiful woman in the crowd.

Bi yanrou nodded silently: "his vitality is disappearing, about a quarter of it."

"Hahaha, I see." Song Fei said with a smile, "well, just continue to kill and see how much vitality he has to fight with us. Yanrou, use Huichun sword. All the disciples of the way of wood help yanrou use Huichun sword."

"Yes!" the crowd responded. As the Huichun sword took off, Bi song and other monks of the wood way successively input their mana into the Huichun sword.

The next moment, the green pilian crosses the void like a bridge between heaven and earth on a big tree.

The tree was frightened and quickly resisted with vines. All the vines in front were broken, and the huge body of the tree was blasted into a huge deep hole.

The light on the big tree rose sharply, the huge hole in the tree began to recover, and the vines began to grow wildly.

In the distance, Biyan Judo: "the vitality is reduced by half at the peak, leaving only one fourth."

The attack of one hit Huichun sword is equivalent to twice the effect of everyone\'s attack for a long time. It can be seen from the advanced golden fairy power.

Of course, after using one hit Huichun sword, the people who just added Huichun sword have no combat effectiveness in a short time.

Song Fei said, "well, if you cut off the vine this time, he has no power to regenerate. Let me kill him."

Just in case, Song Fei didn\'t use the broken dome or rain and dew, but continued to press on with the people and attacked the tree in the same way as before.

The vines were cut off and damaged one by one, and the injuries on the tree became more and more serious. There were more and more deep holes in the body.

"Let you attack grandpa!" the goat roared and inserted a sword into the trunk.

"I, I surrender!" a hoarse voice came from the trunk.