God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1764

The scarlet cloak had the color of fire. With the landing of Optimus, everyone subconsciously felt bursts of cold coming, as if there were a sea of corpses in front.

Optimus devil is famous for his bloodthirsty. Countless experts blocking his way have been ruthlessly killed. Since his debut, there have been endless killings wherever he exists.

His reputation is made of the white bones of an expert in the demon world. Hundreds of millions of demon blood flows under his feet.

With the arrival of Optimus, the bloody plain became a little quiet, with all kinds of expressions.

A black ox head demon clan, holding a long halberd, looked at Qingtian and shouted grimly: "Qingtian, I heard you are very strong?"

Qingtian said faintly: "strong or not, come up and try."

"Hahaha, old cow, I don\'t agree!" the three meter high Tauren stepped on the earth with their right foot, and the whole person rushed to the sky with a strong sense of killing.

A black magic sword was slowly pulled out by Optimus from his waist. The next moment, the black light suddenly appeared, like cutting off the star river.

After the black light, the Minotaur monster looked at his waist strangely, but saw his body slowly split up and down, and blood overflowed from the wound.

"What a fast sword!" the Tauren murmured softly. Then he saw a dark shadow flash in front of him and stabbed his forehead, but he couldn\'t respond at all. Then he didn\'t know anything.

The corpse of the ox head demon family fell on the plain below, and the blood dyed the blood red plain more beautiful.

The magic sword is not stained with blood. The blood rolls off the magic sword and drops next to the body of the Tauren demon family. The sound of falling like raindrops clearly reaches everyone\'s ears.

There was a brief silence on the bloody plain.

The devil blood ant separated into a faint tunnel and broke the silence: "next."

"Optimus, let your grandpa I\'ll kill you." a red demon family with two hands like the front claws of a mantis rushed into the sky. In addition to its body like a human race, its head is also like a mantis.

Blood mantis is a famous and powerful group in the demon world. With the enhancement of its strength, its two front claws will become very terrible. It is a first-class fierce soldier.

The magic blood ant pulls out the sword in an instant, and the two magic swords come out of their scabbards at the same time to meet the claws of the bloody Mantis.

Like the confrontation of the times, the natural dialogue between the two races immediately condensed the eyes of everyone at this moment.

Everyone knows that the two magic swords of Optimus are also part of his body, but what will happen compared with the two sharp blades of the famous blood mantis in the demon world? Every demon clan is looking forward to it.

Whether to break the myth of Optimus or the myth of the invincible blade of the blood mantis, the people watched quietly, and dared not let go of any detail.

The sword light of the confrontation was very fast, and the victory and defeat were divided in an instant.

At the next moment, the sharp blade of the blood Mantis was cut off, and the two magic swords were still intact.

The broken blade fell from the air and was inserted in the grass of the bloody plain and in front of the body of the ox head demon family.

The blood Mantis looked at his broken arm strangely. The two Mantis didn\'t turn their eyes, as if they couldn\'t believe the scene in front of them.

Most of the pride of the blood Mantis comes from the sharp blades turned by both hands, which is also their biggest reliance in fighting. As long as they are close, few races in the demon world can compete with him in the same realm.

Then, the sword light flashed, and the hesitation of the blood Mantis became his biggest failure.

The mantis\'s head was twisted to pieces. The body of the blood Mantis fell from the air and lay not far from the Tauren demon family after the Tauren demon family.

The blood Mantis was defeated, and the defeat was crisp. Everyone was surprised to see all this. The blade of the blood Mantis has always been a magic weapon in the melee of the demon world, but it was defeated miserably at the moment. The magic blood ants in the same realm completely suppressed the blood Mantis.

"Fortunately, as far as I know, there is only one magic blood ant that can cultivate in the whole demon world." someone whispered.

A demon family breathed out and said, "hoo, if there is only one, it can be accepted. If there is a group, we will launch a war of extermination."

With the lives of the two strong ones, the devil family finally acquiesced to Song Fei\'s identity and dared not reject him.

"Optimus, you really didn\'t disappoint me." there was a tall figure in the sky. It was a high demon family with a single horn.

"Brother Li!" Song Fei hugged his fist and saluted slightly. This is the son of Li demon God. Li demon God had a great kindness to Song Fei. Naturally, he was very close to the people in the power of Li demon God.

Creatures in the demon world are fond of sex. Even demon gods are no exception. Many demon gods have many children. Because of their powerful genes, they have unmatched talents at birth.

Although individual talents are different, the word "son of demon God" refers to the top group of people in the demon world.

The top group of demon God\'s sons transcended the limitations of race and really stood out among the heroes in the same realm.

Now there are many gifted sons of demons and gods standing on the bloody plain. These people will be the most powerful competitors for the quota of Longting.

After greeting Li Feng, Song Fei led the two attendants to land directly on the bloody plain, sat cross legged and waited for the demon God to take them to the place where they seized the quota of the Dragon Court.

While sitting cross legged, Song Fei saw someone looking at himself with strong first eyes. He couldn\'t help opening his eyes and looking in the direction of hostility, but he saw a dark figure staring at him.

Song Fei\'s heart moved slightly and said secretly, "shadow devil?"

The night owl demon emperor of the shadow devil family was occupied by the devil blood ant. It can be said that he had a great enemy with the shadow devil family. At the moment, some shadow demons showed hostility to themselves, which didn\'t cause much accident to Song Fei.

"Hehe, Yue Tianyu, let\'s fight again in the Dragon Court." the voice came from the shadow devil, and then he ignored Song Fei.

Song Fei smiled grimly. He also ignored the shadow demons and silently waited for the opening of the Dragon Court.

As time passed, three days later, a small world in the slit of the fairyland was quietly opening. When Song Fei and others reacted, it was already located on a plain full of green grass.

White clouds occasionally float across the blue sky, and the green grassland is full of the fragrance of green grass.

Song Fei was surprised to find that he had a closer relationship with the devil blood ant.

Looking around, countless creatures appear on the grassland. Song Fei\'s area is full of masculine and strong breath, which is the breath of the fairy world.

In addition to their area, some places are cold, full of darkness and cold. Their number ranks second, and they are the area where local experts are located.

The place of the demon clan exudes a strong violent atmosphere. Everyone breathes heavily, and a pair of eyes wander around maliciously.