God Level Demon

Chapter 2242

Chapter 2242 Bloody Jungle

“Freid Patriarch, I am sure of this.”

Hearing Patriarch’s doubts, Elder Ricky was confident because he knew that Xia Ping had signed a contract with World’s Tree, Xia Ping with World’s Tree strength, and that he had mastered the most ancient plant power and Life Force.

If even Xia Ping can’t save Treant Clan’s Sacred Tree, then no one can do it.

“Is it sure? What is the grasp?”

Patriarch Frederick sneered: “You don’t know the nature of the Daoist class. They are treacherous and have no credit. How many times have they deceived us from Treant Clan? Are you still clear?”


Elder Ricky momentary is stuffed up.

Because Human Race’s retrieval in Universe is really not very good, after all, the number of Human Race’s is too much, even if there are many good people, but some are bad guys and profiteers.

These people specialize in selling fake and inferior products to other races, as well as frequent breaches of contract, like black and black, killing and winning treasures, etc., causing other races to cause indelible losses, and also let many races hostile to Human Race.

Many Treant Clan soldiers also understand Patriarch’s ideas. In particular, Patriarch has also dealt with humans and went to a human auction to buy some drugs that may cure Sacred Tree.

Didn’t expect this news is fake, some Human Race forces deliberately released, in order to lead to Treant Clan, when Patriarch Fleet was fooled, and was ambush of some great expert of Human Race.

As a result, Fred’s friends and family, even his wife, died, and only he was alive and back.

So, since then, Fleet has been extremely hostile to hate human, simply is hatred of absolutely irreconcilable.

Even some Human Race’s slave merchants like to catch Treant Clan as slave, which makes Treant Clan even more resentful of Human Race, so Xia Ping this human appeared in Tree World and immediately caught the attention and tension of countless Treant Clan soldiers.

If it wasn’t for Elder Ricky, they might be attacking Xia Ping immediately.

“Ricky, you can’t speak, are you?”

Patriarch Fred with a sneer: “I guess you must have been deceived by this swindler human. I don’t know what kind of rhetoric this person used to deceive you and make you believe he can heal the Sacred Tree.

But in front of me, this human can’t make any tricks. Human , immediately handing the makeup and wait to be captured , handing over all the Magical Artifacts on your body and surrendering, otherwise I will make you a life and death dilemma today. ”

He murderous aura staring at Xia Ping.

“Patriarch, you don’t go too far. He invited me to come back to Tree World to cure Sacred Tree. Can you do it, can he try it? Why bother to shout and kill here. We have no Treant Clan. This treats the guest’s traditions, and the Human Race is big, not everyone is a bad guy.”

Elder Ricky frowned.

“Shut up, Ricky.”

Patriarch Fleet angrily shouted: “When is your turn to speak, you are just a little Elder, and I am Patriarch, please recognize your identity, don’t be big or small here.

And the Sacred Tree is the top priority of our Treant Clan. Where is the real Forbidden Area, how can this dirty shameless human be close? What should I do if he has any disorientation, what are the three long and short Sacred Tree, can you afford it? How can we be assured that we will not thoroughly check his details? ”


Elder Ricky didn’t make a fight, but it was an angel and couldn’t say anything.

The Treant Clan soldiers in the surroundings are silent, and they feel that Patriarch makes a lot of sense.


At this time ,Xia Ping raised the eyebrow ,looks at Patriarch Fleet : “Not that Tree World is all about Treant? Why are you not Treant? What are you?”

what? !

When I heard this, Elder Ricky shook a bit, and it was an incredible look at Patriarch.

Other Treant Clan Elders are also stunned, and the Great Elder Cecil’s eyes are a little visible.

“Not Treant?human, what are you talking about, Death is near at hand, here is the missing with the public with rumors, what is your heart in the end?” Patriarch Fleet completely didn’t expect Xia Ping Speaking of this, I was scared of complexion and seemed to be seen the biggest secret in my body.

“I still pretend here, my eyes can see all the Illusion in the world, but you cover up very well, but you pass my eyes, you are just a Monster in the outer shell of the Treant Clan, your Soul deep place is hidden ……”

Xia Ping still wants to say something.

But Patriarch Fleet is a complexion change, screaming, immediately interrupting Xia Ping’s words: “Enough, you mean, human, actually dare to come to me, Treant Clan territory to stir up trouble, stir up trouble, you It’s a dead end. Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you and send you into Hell, and I will never be superborn.”


As soon as the voice fell, he immediately shot, showing the magic power of the immortal peak, and the terrible Spiritual Domain, all of a sudden, earth-shattering, seems to form the Death Domain.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

At the same time, thousands of emerald green colored branches broke out from him, forming a Death jungle cage spanning the million. Each branch can be worn with no difficulty to penetrate the body of Immortal Saint. Devouring Power that produces formidable.

This is his Supreme Divine Ability – the bloody jungle!

Once caught in this jungle, even Saint, who has the Immortal Body, will be swallowed up with all the flesh and blood, and even Soul can be swallowed up.

Even in Immortal Saint among, Patriarch Fleet is extremely formidable.

“courting death !”

Xia Ping’s eyes are indifferent, and I don’t even look at it. In the direction of Fleet, it is a fist, Peerless Divine Ability – Divine Sun Fist!

Suddenly, he within the body deep place, all the Strength of Heavenly Flame gathered in the fist deep place, and it became a Sun, emits out of the eternal hot rays of light, has endless heat.

At the moment it appeared, it seemed that the water in the area of ​​a million kilometers was completely evaporated.

The surrounding Treant Clan soldiers couldn’t help but scream, and it seemed that just a glimpse of the sun was enough to make them a dry corpse.

Huā lā lā !

This round of Sun traversed, and the countless branches that Frederd smashed were burned down at once, and the whole blood-stained jungle was burned, and all the water was evaporated.

“Ah! ”

Immediately, Frederick made a scream of screams, and the whole body was hit, all split up and in pieces, and was completely smashed into debris.

Just a fist went on, and Friede was completely abolished.

Kāchā, his body burst open.

But at this time, a black smog flew from the deep place of Fleet’s head, and finally condensed into a black worm, seems to want to quickly break into Void and escape.

(End of this chapter)