God Level Demon

Chapter 2226

Chapter 2226 Chapter Red Dragon Scepter!

“This is the understanding of Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint. This strength is indeed extremely important, but it is not impossible to compete.” Xia Ping rubbed his eyes and revealed a hint of cool glow.

Minerva, who is the Early Antiquity Saint, is definitely Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, and the kind of the eight-waste, showing the ancient antiquity Saint’s Wudi style, trying to suppress people and thoroughly suppress Xia Ping, showing Early. Antiquity Saint’s rude and unreasonable and overbearing.

And he stood in the same place, but it was a body of space, all around the tens of thousands of layers of space, emits out of the permanent ancient aura, almost standing in the invincible position, can not match.

With such a strength, a palm going down, you can make a piece of Immortal Saint with no difficulty.

It’s no wonder that Minerva is so confident that he is far more than Immortal Saint.

But Xia Ping is not the Immortal Saint of the ordinary.

He has Hell’s Golden Crow Bloodline, which is a very talented one. The Magic Power itself can be more than a hundred times more than the usual Immortal Saint formidable, not to mention that he also cultivated the God Level Cultivation Technique Pure Yang Inextinguishable Art and cultivated Coiling. Martial True Scripture, which opened up the nine Violet Palace space, is even more horrible to accommodate Magic Power.

It can be said that even if he has not been promoted to the Realm of Early Antiquity Saint, he does not understand Space Law, but his Magic Power is no less than any Early Antiquity Saint.

Even his strength is far superior to the usual Early Antiquity Saint, which is a myth that comes out of Chaos.


Thinking of this, Xia Ping did not keep a hand, took a deep breath, and immediately infused the world of millions and millions of World spirit into his stomach while running his own Strength of Bloodline.

Bloodline Divine Ability – Hell’s Golden Crow Claw !

In an instant, he stepped out and stepped out, and the strength of each cell exploded. Like the Yangtze River, all the strengths were concentrated on the fist.

Even he within the body more than seven billion Hell’s Golden Crow cell vibrates at the same time, the horrible Hell’s Golden Crow flame is filled, as if the countless Hell rune condenses in the most deep place of the fist.

Vaguely, there seems to be a Hell’s Golden Crow’s Gods and Demons phantom behind him. The hot flame is burning, and even the space around it has collapsed, causing strong spatial fluctuations.

The current Hell’s Golden Crow Strength of Flame is also strong enough to affect the space, as if a Sun is coming, the heat waves rolling, sweeping Nine Heavens and Ten Worlds, like the oven shining eternal, burning Space-Time.

This claw’s might is simply Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, and explored towards a palm of Minerva.


Suddenly this claw immediately suppressed the space fluctuations that Minerva’s Vientiane Stars hand burst out, and it seemed that one claw annihilated the countless layer Dimension space.

It seems to be an Extreme Antiquity claw. It is shot down and the big hand is smashed directly. All Magic Power is disintegrated, completely dissipated, and no longer exists. All Divine Ability Talisman is turned into powder.

Awkward, Minerva without warning, completely didn’t expect this claw’s strength to this extent, the giant claw penetrates Void, the horrible fluctuation of the bombardment on him.

Just a blow, his whole body was blasted out, coughing blood on the spot, flying hundreds of millions of kilometers in the Dimension space deep place, all around the space continues to annihilation.


Minerva’s shocking look at Xia Ping, the pupil’s deep place reveals an incredible look: “You are at most up to Immortal Realm. Why is Magic Power horrible to this extent? You can still be above the Early Antiquity Saint, comprehend I have Space Law? This is impossible. How did you do it in the end?”

He simply can’t believe that this kind of thing is simply an extremely rare and unprecedented event.

As Immortal Saint did not understand Space Law, within the body is not crystallized, spatialized, with the body can swallow the absorption of Magic Power is actually limited, just like a limit.

The Early Antiquity Saint is different. Each cell is like an independent space World. The Magic Power of Rongna is thousands of times of Immortal Saint. I don’t know how Immortal Saint is the opponent of Early Antiquity Saint. It is not the same level. The presence.

But now this brat clearly does not understand the Space Law, just by its own strength, it is enough to repel the fact that it is spread out, do not know how many people are scared.

If this brat comprehends Space Law, then it will get, how terrible it will be, and Minerva can’t imagine this happening.

“Don’t be afraid of him. How Magic Power is tyrannical, no matter how strange his body is, it is impossible to contend that we have realized Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint. I don’t believe that even if you can’t beat you in the momentary, you can’t kill you. “Another red-clothed Saint sneered, flew out and attacked Xia Ping.

Even if I saw Xia Ping’s Divine Ability, the heart is very shocking, but it is still full of confidence, because I realized the Space Law’s Early Antiquity Saint, not only with the body, the Magic Power is a thousand times stronger. At the same time, they recovered the speed of Magic Power, which is also a thousand times that of Immortal Saint.

They breathe a little and immediately form Vortex, taking advantage of the deep place vast and limitless energy, which simply is the eternal battle machine, even if it is tens of thousands of years of battle, will not let the body of Magic Power consumed.

“Middle Grade Saint Artifact Red Dragon Scepter, kill me!”

Red-clothed Saint took out a Middle Grade Saint Artifact from the body. The top of the Scepter is a Dragon Head, vivid and lifelike, and the horrible Dragon Might, which makes the all around space violently fluctuate.

In reality This Middle Grade Saint Artifact is a corpse refine of the Red Dragon, which contains the Supreme Dragon Might and has the Strength of Source of the Red Dragon.


He held the Red Dragon Scepter and sneaked toward Xia Ping. It seemed to communicate with the Dragon’s Dimension. The huge Dragon Race Strength of Source came down and seemed to condense into a Supreme Red Dragon, all around burning a horrible flame, that is the dragon. inflammation.

Vaguely, this red dragon emits Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering roar, all around the Void has a strong vibration, condensed into a substance, like a 涟漪, annihilation Supreme space.

It seems that such an imposing manner can rule the world, killing all creatures, the horrible Giant Dragon Strength bursts out, extremely berserk, even if a World can with no difficulty, this is the dragon of destruction.

“Stupid, still want to kill me? Loss you can cultivation to Early Antiquity Saint, understand Space Law, didn’t expect you can’t see the gap between you and me, killing you, no need to spend too much Time. Don’t say that you are very weak now, very strength is not seven points, even if you are at the peak period, I can pinch you.”

Awkwardly, Xia Ping big hand grabbed and thought, and Golden Slime immediately changed into a golden sword with six Universe Gemstone engraved on it.

He held the golden sword, and the both feet stood on the ground, and suddenly felt the endless force of Earth passing from the Earth deep place. It seems that he and the Earth are fusing together at this moment, and they are indestructible.

(End of this chapter)