God Level Demon

Chapter 2224

Chapter 2224 kills Early Antiquity Saint!

what? !

When I heard these words, Sofia, Minerva and other four major Antiquity Saint complexions changed like a raw cockroach. The complexion is almost as black as coke.

They also felt the horror of the Strength of Curse that penetrated into the body. It was a time of breathing, and it seemed to spread its whole body.

“Nooooo, save me, save me, save me Ah!”

The most injured black-clothed Saint screamed, and he felt like he was caught in a fantasy, countless horrible ghost is biting his Soul, as if it was from Nine Nether Hell’s strength.

Even if he has Immortal Body, there is no use under this Strength of Curse. His body, his Soul, and his Magic Power are decaying and decaying.

In an instant, his whole body actually began to rot, filled with the horrible black aura.

“Retire, retreat!”

Minerva and other Early Antiquity Saint were scared to death, their hairs were erected, and they clearly saw a terrible Curse aura in every corner of the black-clothed Saint.

And these black aura condensed into a head devil, madly swallowing his flesh and blood, all Life Force was swallowed up by this Strength of Curse.

Just a time of breathing, flesh and blood on his body is gone, leaving only a pile of bones, like the death of millions and millions of decaying bones, the aura of Celestial Five Wanings is filled with him.

“Save, save your life, save your life, save me!”

Black-clothed Saint screamed, but the aura on his body became weaker and weaker. For example, the old people who entered the Death, his whole body had only bones left and right, and anyone could see his current horror.

There is no Saint dare to approach, because after swallowing flesh and blood and Soul on black-clothed Saint, this Strength of Curse seems to be moisturized, and the formidable aura is climbing.

If they dare to approach, they will immediately be followed by the Strength of Curse Corrosion, stepping into the black-clothed Saint’s.

The next second, the black-clothed Saint couldn’t say anything anymore, because the strength had completely Corrosion his Soul, and finally his Soul aura dissipated.

On the ground is just a pile of black bones, there is a horrible Strength of Curse, even this strength is still spreading, the Earth of Corrosion, formed a Strength of Curse, all around is filled with unpleasant stench.

“Quickly, quickly exclude this Strength of Curse, otherwise we will die. This is a taboo from the Dark Forbidden Area. Even the Invincible Saint may not be able to stop it.”

Azure-clothed Saint angrily shouted, surprised and angry.

Minerva and the others were even more flustered. They clearly saw the black-clothed Saint’s, but an Early Antiquity Saint, and realized the existence of Space Law’s formidable.

But just a few breaths of time, actually turned into a pile of dead bones, completely without resistance.

“Burning Magic Power, Heavenly Demon ignites, blows me!”

Azure-clothed Saint angrily shouted, he naturally wants to blew himself, and with a bang, his entire body has a fierce explosion, and all the flesh and blood are completely shattered.

The area of ​​the square miles was immediately smashed into a huge deep hole, and all the flesh and blood blood essence were spurred out, like bloody rain, poured over the Earth.

Suddenly these blood contaminated with Strength of Curse immediately corroded this Earth, Corrosion into a black Earth, and filled with dark strengths everywhere, turning into Demon Territory.

With a bang, his Soul took the opportunity to leave and get out of his body.

Huā lā lā ~~

Then he grabs the Strength of Universe Source, reborn quickly, flesh and blood reborn, and restores the original body again. He gasps and sweats.

“This will do.”

In the dark, Xia Ping saw this scene, not to mention the eyebrow, didn’t expect this way.

In the face of the Strosth of Curse’s Corrosion, the azure-clothed Saint make a prompt decision, immediately blew the body, smashing all the bodies of the Strength of Curse Corrosion, leaving only Soul.

As a Saint, as long as Soul exists, it can be reborn and restored to the body. This is actually a gecko’s end-of-life survival. It must be said that this is a very clever practice.

After all, once the Strength of Curse Corrosion had Soul, they could no longer get rid of it. It was better to abandon the rotten body and survive the smashing of the Strength of Curse Corrosion body.

This also prevents them from stepping on the black-clothed Saint’s footsteps.

When Minerva and Sofia and other Saints saw it, they also had the same kind of learning. They didn’t dare to delay. Soul immediately shelled, blew the body, and completely smashed the Strength of Curse.

“How could you let you succeed? All are going to die!”

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of cold glow. He couldn’t see the sights at the group of Illusion Clan Saint. He would have to h a person when he’s down, and they took their lives and killed them.

And when this group of Early Antiquity Saint blew the body, it will also be a big loss. It is their most vulnerable moment and the best time to assassinate. Don’t miss it.

Hell’s Suppressing Demon Spear Fourth Style: Destruction !

In an instant, Xia Ping runs Qi Art, his own body of Magic Power, Hell’s Golden Crow’s bloodline, and his Soul, True Spirit, all completely fusing together, body internal deep place is filled with immortal aura.

He took Hell’s Spear from his body, condensed the Strength of Hell, with speaking, and smashed it toward the azure-clothed Saint. Hell’s Spear was so stabbed.


This a spear, without any sound, while merging Void, without any Magic Power fluctuations, space fluctuations, as if jumping out from the other end of Dimensional World.

Xia Ping The entire figure is completely merging Void, walking in the Dimension space among, like the shadow in the dark deep place, his speed is almost as fast as the light can’t capture.

No one can describe the horror of this a spear, simply is the supmor realm that reaches the Immortal Level, vast and great, containing terrible devastating fluctuations.


The next second, this dark-gold long spear pierced the azure-clothed Saint’s body.


The azure-clothed Saint was completely stunned, his eyes wide open, and the pupil’s deep place showed incomprehensibility, doubt, unwillingness, panic, and incredible. He didn’t seem to know what was going on. His body was pierced by a long spear. .

Clearly a moment ago, he fought his life, and finally got rid of the entanglement of the Strength of Curse, so that he could live, and who could think of a secret murder in the dark.

In a flash, from Hell’s Spear internal deep place, there was a devastating wave that instantly infiltrated the upper and lower azure-clothed Saint’s body and Soul deep place.

This strength destroys everything, like Gods and Demons.


Azure-clothed Saint Even if he understood Sky Law’s Early Antiquity Saint, he couldn’t resist the blow. His entire body collapsed and turned into a powder.

a spear goes down, this azure-clothed Saint is dead.

(End of this chapter)