God Level Demon

Chapter 215

“It’s a beautiful fireworks.”

Look at the warehouse three kilometers away, a huge black mushroom cloud rises, the layer upon layer heat waves roll, Xia Ping sees the whole body refreshed and finally extinguishes the group of Underworld characters.

Enclosed by this group of Underworld characters for more than a month, at all times there is a danger of Life, almost unable to leave, he also endured for a long time, and now finally burst, set the layer upon layer trap, all of a sudden remove this group of enemy .

Even if these Underworld characters are tyrannical, it is also a dead end under such an explosion.

It’s not that Martial Artist Realm Expert can be Wudi. In front of such a tyrannical bomb, it is also fragile. To resist the power of the bomb, at least to promote to Martial Master Realm.

The character of the Rank is the real sweeping army, not afraid of the bomb, enough to become the Army General Leader’s existence!

“Hmm? Is anyone still dead?”

Xia Ping eyes flash, he saw the center of the explosion in the distance, seems to fly out of the 2-3 road silhouette, but this silhouette whole body is black, all on fire, the body of the horrible fiendish aura.

Awkwardly, his figure flashed, and when I saw it, the three people were the Blood Hand Organization Lord Crown Prince Liu Lie, the Poisonous Wolf Organization High Level Lu Xing, and the Fierce Tiger Organization High Level Chen Guohua.

The three of them survived in the violent explosion, and they still didn’t die.

“Liu Lie is actually alive?” Xia Ping was amazed. He was not surprised if Lu Xing and Chen Guohua and the others could survive. After all, the other is Martial Artist Realm 6th Heavenly Layer Expert, which has some cards. In one’s hand is also normal.

But Liu Lie is just a Martial Artist Realm 2nd Heavenly Layer Expert. How can it survive? !

“The clothes on his body, no way, actually Power Armor?!” Xia Ping was taken aback, and he clearly saw Liu Lie wearing a black Armor.

In the middle of this Armor, there is a nuclear power battery that emits a blue ray of light, which flashes in the darkness, and his entire body is surrounded by an energy cover.

It was because of this energy cover that it resisted a large number of explosions that Liu Lie survived.

“The rich man.”

Xia Ping can’t help but feel that this Power Armor is a military weapon. It is a military weapon that is forbidden to sell. Only Army can use it, and other people use it.

Of course, this group of people are Underworld characters, and smuggling and selling weapons is also commonplace.

But even then, such a Power Armor is worth 1.5 billion federation coins. After wearing it, it can withstand the power of a fierce explosion. Even Martial Apprentice Realm 9th Heavenly Layer Expert can’t kill.

It is obviously that, so the power of Armor is precious.

However, after such a fierce explosion, the power of this Power Armor was exhausted, and another explosion like a moment ago, it is estimated that Liu Lie is dead.

The same is true of Lu Xing and Chen Guohua. They wear a Protective Garment, which is a bulletproof vest that can withstand the laser gun. The defensive power is amazing.

It was because of this Protective Garment that it was saved, but now it was blown up, and even their arms were blown up. They had a lot of blood, their heads were like weeds, and the complexion was dark. Like coke, it looks like an African refugee and looks extremely miserable.


When Xia Ping appeared, Liu Lie, Lu Xing and Chen Guohua were almost mad, and the eyes showed a terrible fury. If the eyes could kill, Xia Ping died thousands of times.

They have the advantage, killing Xia Ping like killing pigs and dogs, but who can think that this brat is so mean shameless, actually ambush the bomb in the warehouse, split second will destroy their people.

Three Great Organizations lost most of its elite, this is an unprecedented loss, it is painful pain!

I don’t blame them for this trick. It’s really that this Xia Ping is too treacherous. Who can think of where the guy is still ambushing the bomb, after all, once the bomb detonates, the brat may also be killed.

They also don’t believe that according to this brat’s Peerless Innate Talent, they have the potential to be promoted to King Realm, and they will mix Perish Together with them, which is unreasonable.

But how do they imagine that World has Clouds and Mist Fruit, a wondrous item that traps them all at once, even if they want to escape, they can’t find a way out.

After a few minutes, the bomb detonated and their people were all buried inside.

Fortunately, they usually have crisis consciousnessness. At all times, they are wearing Protective Garment, which can protect their body. Otherwise, they will definitely follow Hell with those people.

“I’m going to kill you!”

“Abandon, give me accept your coming fate !”

Both Lu Xing and Chen Guohua are angrily shouted, and they can no longer suppress the inner fury. They are like Fierce Tigers rushing up, tearing away, fierce and fierce.

When they shot, they were killing strike, leaving no feelings.

“Stupid, just because of your present strength, I want to kill me too!!” Xia Ping showed a little cold glow, and if it was Lu Xing and Chen Guohua at the peak period, he might still be afraid of three points.

But after the bomb bombardment, the two men were blown off an arm, the lungs were heavy, the strength was reduced by 70-80%, and the realm that had fallen to the Martial Artist Realm 3rd Heavenly Layer had never been compared.

However, they are both crazy, lose their senses, and completely miss the gap in strength between them.

Ten Thousand Beasts Fist Third Style – Bear Splitting Hand !


Xia Ping shot in vain, the whole body is like the Late Antiquity Black Bear, the imposing manner on the body rises in vain, the ground is shattered by the horrible strength, and the deep hole appears below the both feet.

a palm shot, True Qi pervasive, in the midair, a huge bear hand, hiding the sky and covering the earth, shrouded all around, a hundred meters in the square is filled with terrible pressure.

Pēng pēng ! !

Lu Xing and Chen Guohua were all shot by this huge bear. The whole body was like a fly and flew out. The coughing blood was not stopped. The body’s five viscera and six bowels were all labeled mincemeat.

“Aaah !!!”

They screamed, horrified, completely didn’t expect that they were so unable to withstand a single blow, the strength of this youngster is more terrible than imagined.

“Go to death!”

Xia Ping has no mercy, but also a palm when the air is taken, such as the giant bear landing, drops from the sky, bang, the bear hand slap on the head of these two people.

Pā chā A few times, their heads smashed like watermelon, all split up and in pieces, turned into a group of mincemeat.

Lu Xing, Chen Guohua, dead!

“This, this !”

Seeing this scene, Liu Lie, who was originally angry and extremely stunned, was stunned by two Martial Artist Realm 6th Heavenly Layer Experts. Even if they lost their strength, it was extremely amazing.

Because he suddenly thought that he was not the opponent of this guy at all, and stayed here, but also was killed by this brat a slap.


Not saying anything further, Liu Lie fled in the distance and didn’t dare to stay.