God-level Closed Beta Player

Chapter 222

Beside a temporary camp, two Buddhas touched his bald head and were confronting Jin Baixue and his party.

"Beauty, join my team?"

The two Buddhas looked proudly at these people.

It\'s a mob. He can destroy them all alone.

"Get out!"

Jin Baixue drank and scolded, "or die!"

"Beauty, if it wasn\'t for recruiting you, the hostages you protected have been killed by me!"

Two faced Buddhas laugh.

Along the way, he has achieved fruitful results. He has assassinated the hostages of several teams, and even the seemingly powerful urban management group has not been spared.

"Talk big!"

Du Guilin ridiculed.

His basketball suit has not been changed, so it has been wrinkled. Moreover, his arms are not protected, but Du Guilin doesn\'t care.

"Boy, shut your dog\'s mouth and go away!"

The two Buddhas are wondering whether to use Du Guilin to make an example of others, but they are worried about doing so, which angers Jin Baixue.

To tell the truth, Jin Baixue is very beautiful, but what attracts the two Buddhas most is her high cold and hard temperament and her dress.

Upper body white shirt, tied in black trousers,.

The shirt is a little transparent. You can see the outline of your underwear, especially when you sweat. When you stick it on your body, it seems that you can even see the flesh color of your skin.

She was wearing a red tie. Except for a women\'s watch on her left wrist, she didn\'t make any gestures or put on any makeup.

Her long hair, combed into a single horsetail, looks like a proud flag.

The sight of liangmianfo involuntarily fell on Jin Baixue\'s feet. Unfortunately, it was black leather shoes with short heels, without any amorous feelings.

If high-heeled shoes are matched with a pair of silk stockings, the Buddha on both sides can lick her fractures.

"Get out!"

Jin Baixue felt uncomfortable looking at the disgusting eyes of the two Buddhas. If the task was not in progress, she would definitely teach the man a lesson.

"It seems that you haven\'t understood your situation, so I\'ll kill your hostages first!"

Liangmianfo is ready to start and let Jin Baixue see his strength, but he suddenly receives a private message, which interrupts his action.

[the wild prophet is not dead. He has gone after your team and tried to kill the escorted hostages.]


The two Buddhas were stunned.

He knew that this message was sent by the brown Trojan horse and would never be false.

Isn\'t that sun yuan a wild prophet?


If the wild prophet is someone else, the first sentence of this message will not emphasize that he is not dead.

That means sun yuan has other ways to survive.

He has other hostages?


He must have taken hostages from other teams in advance.

Thinking of this, the two Buddhas were nervous and had a feeling of admiration.

He is worthy of being the first person in the ancient city to press his head. Sure enough, he has several brushes. It\'s naive to want to kill each other by this tactic.

If liangmianfo knew that sun yuan was using him to destroy other teams, he would admire him more.

In fact, sun yuan succeeded without sending private messages from the brown Trojan horse.

"Beauty, I\'ll spare your life today."

The two Buddhas finished their cruel words and were ready to rush back, but after taking a few steps, they stopped again.

Although he made his own arrangement, sun yuan is so strong that he will succeed in killing the hostages in nine cases out of ten. It may be too late to go back by himself, so it\'s better to catch a hostage for safety.

Thinking of this, the two Buddhas looked at Jin Baixue: "sorry, today, the hostage and you, I\'m going to make a reservation!"

With that, wisps of blood mist appeared on the two Buddhas, which condensed in the air to form a Buddha statue.

Jin Baixue rushed over happily and fearlessly.

"Sister Jin, fuck him!"

Du Guilin cheered on one side.

Other players are hiding away, deeply afraid of being affected by the battle and dying on the spot.


"These bald heads are very clever!"

Sun yuan squatted in the grass and investigated the enemy from the perspective of the ghost cat.

These people were all dressed in raincoats and covered their heads and faces, and the hostages they chose were similar in size to humans, so it was really hard to find them for a while.

However, sun yuan was patient and wise, and soon found the hostages.

Because the hostage must be protected, not only to prevent it from being killed, but also to prevent it from escaping, there should be many regiments around him, and his personal combat power is very strong.

Sun yuan soon saw several big men gathered together. Then he lurked over with a ghost cat and found the hostages.

"There are a lot of enemies!"

If forced to kill, sun yuan was confident that he could kill the hostages, but it was slightly more difficult, so he walked around the only way for the team in advance and buried ten mines.

Before entering the tower of God, he bought them from the mall through an automatic vending machine.

But this time, sun yuan was unlucky. The mine was a little far from the hostage, but he waited. When the bald regiment passed by, he detonated the mine.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When the mine explodes, the shock wave raises the rotten soil and withered branches and leaves on the ground, making them splash like raindrops.

A dozen bald heads were affected, injured and fell to the ground screaming.

"Enemy attack!"

Deputy commander Shi Ze roared. Although he didn\'t see the trace of the enemy, he still took a machine gun and fired around.

Even if we don\'t hit, we hope to take this opportunity to let the enemy mess up.

"Just you!"

Sun yuan took a porcupine crossbow, aimed at the Shize and pulled the trigger.

Under such circumstances, those who still calmly fight back are elite and must be killed first.

Whew! Whew!

The crossbow and arrow broke through the air.

Shi Ze is worried that there is a trap on the arrow. Otherwise, why not use a crossbow instead of a gun?

He didn\'t dare to make a hard connection and rolled aside.

Sure enough, the crossbow hit a big tree beside him and exploded like a rocket.

"Be careful, the enemy is strong!"

Shize shouted to remind that those who can have this weapon must not be miscellaneous fish players.

Sun yuan missed the attack and immediately gave up Shize. Instead, he aimed at the hostages and shot out the remaining burst arrows.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

The arrows flew by, hit the bald heads of the group protecting the hostages, and directly blew up three bodies, even the hostages were affected.

As sun yuan ran and shifted his position, he replaced the arrow box for the arrow, and then fired again.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

This time, sun yuan did not attack the hostages, but the bald heads around him, especially those who wanted to fight back, were taken care of.

Fear of death is human nature, so these people immediately shrunk their necks and began to hide, deeply afraid of being stared at by sun yuan.

The hostages also took the opportunity and began to escape.

A bald man tried to stop and was knocked over with his shoulder.

What sun yuan wanted was this opportunity. He activated the lightning boots and rushed behind the hostages. His right hand quickly pulled out the burst bat from the big yellow bull\'s space backpack and swung it towards the back of his head.

Liangmianfo was worried that the hostages would escape, so he handcuffed his hands. This time, it was cheaper for sun yuan.

Even if the hostages move freely, they can\'t stop sun yuan, not to mention this, so sun yuan easily blows his head.


With the death of the hostage, sun yuan immediately began to evacuate.

The bald men were angry and yelled.

The sneak attack came and went suddenly. The whole process took less than three minutes, but more than a dozen League members died and more than a dozen were injured.

More importantly, the hostage is dead.

"If the commander sees this tragedy, he will certainly kill us!"

Shi Ze is worried.

Don\'t you really have the ability to be a deputy head?

"The enemy is too strong."

A young man was scared after being bald: "do you think that man would be a wild prophet?"

"It has to be, or it doesn\'t seem that we are too incompetent?"

Shi Ze stared at the young man with a bald head: "stop talking nonsense and treat your companions quickly."

With that, Shi Ze went to the end of the team and opened the raincoat of a "League member", and a "mushroom man" with a shape very similar to human beings was exposed.

"It\'s still the deputy head\'s wisdom. This move is too powerful."

"The enemy is so stupid."

"The enemy is very powerful, but he is still fooled by our deputy commander."

The league members immediately flattered.

Shi Ze smiled proudly.

Their bald regiment looks like a team, but in fact, in order to cope with some situations, Shize asked a bald head, that is, the kind of cannon fodder, to be a team alone and lead a hostage.

The hostage killed by sun yuan is actually the cannon fodder.

"Watch it!"

Shi Ze was relieved that the hostages were not injured. He just left and walked out more than ten meters. He was ready to see the injured League members. He heard the explosion on the side of the hostages.


Ishizawa was shocked. Looking back, he saw that the hostage was killed. Just now, the young man stood next to the hostage, worried that he was not dead, and made up a stick and completely smashed his head.


It\'s all over!

This time, the stone is like an ice cave.

His tactics are successful, so he is too complacent and ignores the other party. He may also kill back.


I have no problem with my tactics. The other side is too cautious.

"What the hell is this?"

Shize is a little desperate.

"Is that the plan you want?"

Sun yuan looked at Qin Ze.

Just now, during his sneak attack, this man was the most calm and the first to give orders, which shows that he has a high position in the team,

"How did you find out there were two hostages?"

Shi Ze asked.

"You are very strong, but such a strong person should guard the hostage at the first time when the team is attacked to avoid him being killed, but you don\'t. isn\'t it strange?"

Sun yuan asked.


Shi Ze certainly didn\'t want to go, because at that time, whoever was close to the hostage would have a high risk of death. He just didn\'t expect that such a detail was also seen by the other party.

This insight is terrible, isn\'t it?

"Of course, even if there is no such abnormality, I will still stay and see the results!"

Sun yuan shrugged his shoulders.

We should be cautious in life.

"Are you a wild prophet?"

Ishizawa is curious.


Sun yuan smiled.

"You won!"

Shize wanted the members to attack and kill this guy, but he held back.

First of all, if we go together, we may not be able to beat each other. Moreover, the top priority is to retain our strength and catch a hostage.

"Let\'s go!"

Shize ordered to take this opportunity to abandon those injured companions.

It\'s not that I didn\'t save you, but that the enemy didn\'t give me a chance.

"Hey, are you too cold-blooded? Take the injured people!"

Sun yuan reminds me.


Shi Ze frowned. Did the other party see through his mind of abandoning the wounded?

"By the way, I stay, not idle and boring, showing off my own victory, but to see if you still have a third hostage."

Sun Yuan said this sentence with a purpose. He wanted to ensure that there were no other hostages through the other party\'s reaction.

Shi Ze also guessed sun yuan\'s idea, but just took the plan.

"Come on, he\'s stalling until the reinforcements arrive!"

Shize shouted.

Everyone was a little flustered because the hostage died. Now when they heard this, they had several bald heads and held the injured companions. Now they directly left and began to escape.


Sun yuan\'s eyes narrowed.

This Shize, judging the situation, is not simple!

Do you want to hunt down a wave?

However, sun yuan thought that there should be no loss on his own side, so he gave up chasing Shi Ze.


At dusk, the two Buddhas tracked down a team according to the traces left by their subordinates.

"Captain, are you hurt?"

The scouts are worried.

"Small wound, it doesn\'t matter!"

The two faced Buddha didn\'t expect that the female police officer could fight so well and was fearless of death. It was a miscalculation. As a result, the hostage was not grabbed and got a nose ash.

"Are there any great people in this team?"

The two Buddhas drink water and have a rest.


Scouts report.


The two Buddhas also waited. They fired directly with machine guns and began to attack.

It was the high school students who were targeted by the two faced Buddha.

"Don\'t be afraid, fuck him!"

Ye Lin roared and exerted his soul power. The whole person immediately put on a suit of armor, just like a heavy Knight coming out of the middle ages.

"Be careful, someone is hiding!"

Dang Xiaoting hurriedly reminded that her ability to aim at the nine o\'clock direction with a gun is ECG radar.

"Kill as many as you come!"

Ye Lin is crazy and not afraid, but the liangmianfo who has just suffered a loss stopped. He doesn\'t want to be caught by a mantis and a yellow finch in his hand.

"Who is it? Get out!"

The two Buddhas roared.

"Good afternoon, everyone!"

Sun yuan came out. He happened to pass by. He learned from the ghost cat that there was a team here, so he came to have a look. However, because the other party was a student, he didn\'t intend to move them, but he didn\'t expect the two Buddhas to come.

"You\'re not dead?"

Two Buddha eyebrows wrinkled.

It seems that after the hostages are killed, the members of the regiment who protect the hostages will not die immediately, but there is a buffer period.

"Very disappointed, isn\'t it?"

Sun yuan mocked: "it\'s you. You\'re dying. Write your last words quickly!"

"What do you mean?"

The two faced Buddha is not stupid. He suddenly thought of a possibility: "did you kill the hostages of my team?"


Sun yuan nodded.

"You fucking..."

The two Buddhas scolded. They looked angry, but they were still calm. After all, Shi Ze got two hostages and double insurance

But Sun yuan\'s next word made him break the defense. He was really angry.

"By the way, I killed two hostages in your team!"

Sun yuan smiled very sunny, but in the eyes of two Buddhas, he was like a devil, which made him fall into an ice cave and regretted at the same time.

I shouldn\'t have listened to the brown Trojan horse and waded in this muddy water.

People like sun yuan are not easy to provoke!