God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 829

After closing the communication with the representative of gria, soshyan looked at the four company commanders of the mourners and asked:

"Do you know how many troops the mourners sent out this time?"

Temur thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"I'm not sure, but I know they have a whole fleet, which should be the strength of the whole regiment, so I doubt they are coming."

With that, he took out a data board.

"We recorded all the warships in this battle."

Soshyan took a look and was immediately surprised that there were as many as 13 Minotaur warships participating in the attack, including the heavy assault carrier of the flagship of the regiment, the power of Daedalus, the battle barge of the daughter of the storm captured from the mourners, and the brass church

Four strike cruisers, seven destroyers and frigates.

Indeed, as Temur said, Minotaur is likely to come!

If so, it would be strange.

Knowing that there was something strange about this matter, soshyan comforted tamur first and told him that all the battle groups of the suffering alliance would abide by the covenant and would save malakin them anyway.

Then he told the mourners not to publicize the matter until he made a plan.

Timur also trusted soshyan, so he took his men back to the fortress to heal and recuperate.

Soshyan sent a message to Mazar who was active outside the galaxy for the first time, asking him to return to the fortress quickly, but it obviously took time.

The Ranger warrior is unable to contact because he is not in the storm star domain at present because he is performing a task about the merchant ronin.

After this, soshyan didn't summon everyone at the first time. Instead, he went back to his room and thought about the whole thing carefully.

There are many doubts about the whole incident, but there are mainly three points.

First of all, why did Minotaur attack the mourners? If it was an old grudge, why at this time?

Secondly, even if they really want to fight the mourners, there is no need to go out in full force. That is not only obvious, but also easy to fall into the mouth. Moreover, if they can't deal with 300 people, they will send out 1000 people. I'm afraid it's not good to say.

Finally, what is their purpose? If we want to eliminate the mourners, this is not a good time, because this is only a very ordinary investigation and settlement task. We all know that the mourners will not go out in full and will certainly leave a considerable number of troops in the fortress.

If their aim is only to target malakin, why put him on the ground and then launch an attack?

After seeing the size of the fleet, soshyan realized that it was easy for them to destroy the mother of tears in the void.

Although he hasn't figured out the joints, he has noticed that the whole incident is filled with a smell of conspiracy.

Is it an alliance against suffering?

Or is there another picture?

On the other hand, the actions of the Minotaur regiment must not go alone. Judging from their behavior in recent years, they must be directed by some high-level forces.

As for what this force is, soshyan can't guess, but it must be in Tara.

So he immediately made two decisions.

Send messengers to take the fast star ship to bar and mountain array respectively, and inform the heads of the two regiments of the matter.

Perhaps it will be a few months after the messengers arrive at those places, but soshyan must layout in advance, because he knows that no matter what his choice is, there will be a storm.

Therefore, we must obtain sufficient public opinion support and seize the moral commanding height.

These things seem useless, but they can become "potential", which is also the most important thing Dante taught him.

While he was thinking, Veronica was bored lying on the sofa watching him, occasionally rolling, and then staring at soshyan.


Finally, she still couldn't hold back and took the lead in opening her mouth.

"Why haven't you talked since you came back?"


Soshyan sighed, gathered his mind and got up to go to the war conference room.

"If you have something to say, who knows if you don't say it? Hey, where are you going again?"


"You --"

Staring at soshyang's back, Veronica, who was very angry, grabbed the pillow and smashed it, but the other party still walked out of the bedroom door without looking back.

"I'm so angry! This stupid man can't speak! When will the teacher pick me up?"

Thinking of this, Veronica's expression collapsed again, because no matter how she contacted, she couldn't contact the ark world, let alone the great prophet.

be like.....

It seems that they deliberately left her.

Although she knew it was impossible, Veronica still felt a little uneasy. It seemed that her teacher had something important to hide from her.

"Forget it, look at that big fool. What are they going to say?"

After sitting for a while, Veronica, who was really bored, took out a developing crystal and then recited the spell. A slightly blurred picture appeared three meters away from the crystal, accompanied by a small but obvious sound.

"- Minotaur, interesting, interesting."

Taros's cold laughter is as representative as ever.

He leaned back and tapped the table.

"In 10000 years, astat can degenerate to the point of being the running dog of decadent bureaucrats. Empire, Empire, what should I say?"

"The Minotaur regiment is also very famous in the solar star region."

Randall, sitting opposite Talos, whispered thoughtfully:

"In addition to their bad reputation, their internal structure is also quite strange. I have heard several rumors. For example, the recruitment of recruits in this regiment is incredibly fast. After each fierce battle, the staffing will be full in less than ten years, so they are almost always full. There are other rumors that they are recruiting

The transformation will use a lot of brainwashing technology and nerve transformation technology, which is almost heretical, but this is not the most mysterious. "

Randall paused and looked at soshyan. The other party waved his hand and motioned him to go on.

So he went on:

"What is as like as two peas," the most mysterious is minotau, the leader of the regiment. No one has ever seen him in public. He has also been told that the head of the regiment of the regiment has been almost the same in style and style of fighting. I have not seen him personally, so I can not confirm it, but this rumor has been circulating for at least more than 200 years.

"This --"

When he heard Randall's words behind him, Talos suddenly put away his foolishness and looked at sol with a serious expression.

"Do you remember that thing?"

Sol nodded.

"Full memory clone."

Soshyan looked at sol.

"What is a full memory clone?"

"This is a product of Fabius Bayer. Most clones can only clone physiological mechanisms, but the clones made by Fabius Bayer can inherit the memory and character of the cloned person. This is a great thing."

"You mean --"

Sol shook his head.

"We have no evidence."