God Emperor's Angel of Death

Chapter 122

He had a nightmare.

I dreamed that I was lying alone and hesitating in the frozen mud, couldn't move my legs, and couldn't stand up. My body was helplessly shrouded in darkness. My eyes still stared at the night sky, trying to read a sign from the cold stars.

However, it is the silence of the night stars and the gloomy night sky that do not give people half a consolation.

Unable to find the answer, he struggled out of the mud and looked around, hoping to see some bright signs.

But there was neither movement nor hope in the dark, only the cold silence.

The giant hand of the night covered the surrounding scene and painted a longing shadow for it. In this way, he was abandoned in the dark world alone and had no hope of salvation.

For a moment, he even felt that he was the last person in the galaxy, and hurried out of his mind because of his horror.

"Who am I?"

The question came back to mind.

"Why are you here?"

In the confusion, all kinds of discomfort follow.

The cold wind bit the exposed face and neck, which made him dizzy. Fear, loneliness and loneliness wrapped around him like ghosts.

But none of this is as bad as silence.

He never thought that noise could calm people——

The silence highlighted his loneliness and made him face his fear.

He was in the dark, accompanied by fear.

"Who am I?"

The problem still lingers.

"Why are you here?"

From time to time, he was palpitating and wanted to cry for help, beg for mercy, scream, shout and pray, just to break the terrible silence.

Whenever so, he had to restrain himself and bite his lips to prevent the cry from slipping out.

He didn't know what he was afraid of, but his instinct kept him quiet.

Therefore, he can only bear the silence silently. Even if there is little hope, he is unable to promote it.

"Who am I?"

When the problem reappeared, an idea banged in his heart and he remembered it.

"I'm Bahram Tate, I'm Bahram Tate..."

Although the first question was answered, the second question still bothered him.

But he only felt that he had nothing and nothing to worry about.

The important things in the past, family, relatives and faith in the emperor, are all gone.

Even his memory is like a dream, all kinds of past flashed in front of him, and withered as quickly as his future.

His heart was once full of bright vision, but now it collapsed when he was dying, leaving only a few choices - shouting or silence, waking or sleeping.

For a while, sleep seemed so wonderful that he was exhausted and tired like an old friend, pulling him into a dream.

But he didn't want to give in. He knew that if he fell asleep, he wouldn't wake up again, and all these choices would come to naught.

In the final analysis, all he has is a harsh choice: life or death.

And he refused to die.

"Why am I here?"

The question sounded relentlessly, but there was no answer.

He admitted that fate was beyond his control. He had to wait, refuse to give up or go to sleep.

He waited, his life hanging by a thread, like a candle in the dark night.

Suddenly, an ethereal hymn fell from the sky, and a golden beam shrouded him in it.

Until then, he found that he was an astat wearing gorgeous power armor. A broken dark green long sword fell at his feet, and all kinds of terrible monsters were lying in the mud around him, like patterns dotted on the brown carpet.

The song gradually rose in his mind, and Bahram unconsciously relaxed his body and floated to the golden column of light tearing the dark sky.

Then his feet fell to the ground again, but he was already a child.

The world suddenly changed in his eyes.

At the end of the earth, the sun has set in the west, and the red glow reflects half of the sky, washing the salt field in the evening wind into a golden glow.

In his short life, he has seen such a sunset a thousand times, but he stopped for this time alone.

He stood there, let the world quietly around him, with unspeakable feelings in his heart, watching the night fall.

"How's the family?"


The idea made him turn his head and look through the piles of crude salt at the other side of the house.

He saw the chimney on the sloping roof, the tower like warehouse, the chicken house built by his father, and the stables of camel animals.

He saw the small tin house where he grew up, a two-story building with a low wooden entrance hall, with wide open windows facing the sunset.

Bahram didn't need to enter. He knew that his mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen, his sisters and brother were setting the table, and his father was picking up utensils in the workshop.

Soon, they will be seated for dinner.

His family worked and rested like this every day, and this life has continued since he remembered.

It was also an ordinary night. He secretly left home, ran to an unknown future and left his family

Didi Didi——

Suddenly, a harsh noise dragged him back to reality from this blurred dream.


Bahram shook his swollen head, groped in confusion, and finally found the source of the noise.

His walkie talkie rang.

This inspired him to wake up immediately, because he clearly remembered that only Ford's walkie talkie could be connected, and his walkie talkie had not been taken back after Ford's death.

That means

"What's the matter?"

Not only him, but also haomo and several others were awakened. In this environment, no one dared to sleep deeply. Everyone just slept lightly. Therefore, as soon as there was a movement, they woke up immediately. Some people even instinctively touched the weapon at hand.

Even the two men on duty upstairs poked their heads out of the stairs to see what happened below.

It seems that only Bahram has passed out.

"It's a walkie talkie. Someone picked up Ford's walkie talkie and planned to establish contact with us."

Soon, Bahram described the whole thing in the shortest language.

Hearing his words, people around him showed surprised expressions, and only Robin fell into thinking.

"Generally speaking, the communication distance of this small civil walkie talkie is no more than 1500 meters. They are not far from here."

Robin said, got up, looked out of the small observation port, but saw nothing, so he shook his head and sat back on the ground.

"Don't watch the excitement upstairs. Pay attention. There are many wolves around us."

Hearing Robin's words, the two above immediately returned to their respective posts.

"Do you want to answer?"

Homer looked at bachram, as did everyone else. Everyone was waiting for him to make a decision.

"Listen to what they're going to say."

Bahram thought for a while and finally pressed the dialogue button. Then a low voice floated out of the walkie talkie with the noise of static electricity.