Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 809: collapse

The fifth is not the old fifth. Not only did she have excellent academic performance, but she also practiced at Puhua for such a long time.

He has also personally worked on many projects, and his understanding of the economy is not ignorant.

On the contrary, just from these words of Zheng Shan, she can understand a lot of things and what Zheng Shan wants to express.

"Brother, do you mean to let Japan\'s economic bubble become bigger and bigger until it is punctured?" said the fifth.

When he heard that his elder brother had taken out his own money, the fifth child was no longer worried.

And she can easily accept the fact that the Japanese economy is a huge bubble. In fact, some people have noticed it for a long time, but in fact, no matter when, there will be similar arguments.

So after a long time, there are not many people who take it seriously.

Coupled with Zheng Shan\'s unrelenting propaganda, various exaggerations have made such news relatively closed.

Zheng Shandao: "You are right in saying that, but if you want to understand clearly, I will find some information for you to see."

Of course, the fifth is quite interested in this, but he still asked, "It won\'t involve any secrets, will it?"

Zheng Shan laughed when he heard the words, "Of course this is a company secret, but don\'t forget, this company is your brother and mine, and you are my sister, so for you, it\'s not a secret."

"Brother, you are so kind." The fifth man said with a smile.

Then Zheng Shan asked Brother Xia Lai to come in, and asked her to find some information and show it to the fifth one.

"If you have anything you don\'t understand, you can ask me." Zheng Shan said.

After finishing speaking, don\'t care about the fifth, and continue to deal with his own affairs. Now there are more and more things, and when it comes to a critical moment, Zheng Shan does not dare to relax.

Now what Zheng Shan is mainly doing is actually reaping the benefits after the bubble burst, which Zheng Shan also has his own considerations.

In fact, what Zheng Shan wants to do is not only the monetary benefits, but also some technical things.

It has to be admitted that Japan is now at an international leading level in many technologies.

And it is not easy for Zheng Shan to obtain these technologies.

The most important thing is that if Zheng Shan has a clear identity, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to obtain these technologies.

Therefore, Zheng Shan needs to find some partners, or find some leather bag companies, which is more complicated.

Everything Zheng Shan is doing now is for this.

It is Zheng Shan\'s purpose to search for two rounds in a row, not just to get a vote and run.

The reason why Zheng Shan did not use propaganda when he left the market to stimulate the Japanese stock market so that he could make more money was that the Japanese stock market at that time could no longer hold up.

At that time, don\'t say that you can leave the field safely, maybe you won\'t be able to walk away, and you will be trapped in it.

But when Zheng Shan left the field almost smoothly, he was no longer afraid of these, and it didn\'t have much to do with him anyway.


The fifth child spent two days in a row watching various materials on Zheng Shan’s side. Zheng Shan asked her to go home to read it, but the fifth child was unwilling.

On Monday morning, Zheng Shan was still eating breakfast when he heard the phone ring.

Although it is said that Big Brother has become popular in China, Zheng Shan has also begun to transform the pager business in this regard.

However, Zheng Shan didn\'t put too much energy on it. Now is not the time, and Zheng Shan doesn\'t like Big Brother very much either.

The signal is really poor, and I have to yell for a long time to say a word. The most important thing is to go out with this big brick, and basically people will stare at it all the time.

"Brother, I\'m looking for you." The fifth man shouted.

Zheng Shan said indifferently, "Who is there, is there something wrong?"

While speaking, he was still picking up a salted duck egg to eat.

Seeing this, the fifth asked for help, and then his face changed, "Brother, there is a sign that the Japanese stock market is collapsing."

As soon as these words came out, Zheng Shan didn\'t even bother to eat, and hurried over to answer the phone.

"Boss, since the opening of the Japanese stock market at 8 o\'clock this morning, the stock price has started to go crazy. I feel that the Japanese stock market is about to collapse." Moore said excitedly there.

Zheng Shan is also excited, but these are also within his expectations, or 100% of what will happen.

Although it is more sudden now, Zheng Shan is also a little mentally prepared.

Zheng Shan said solemnly, "According to the plan."

"Okay." Moore was no better than Zheng Shan, he was very excited at this time.

This time, Zheng Shan is under a big banner. Especially, although Zheng Shan has successfully left most of the funds, he is also betting on the bubble burst in other places.

Although this income is not as good as before, it is definitely a lot. Once Zheng Shan\'s prediction is wrong, their income this time will be much lower.

So Moore\'s heart has been very nervous.

Over the past year, Moore can say that he hasn\'t had a good night\'s sleep, and sometimes even wakes up from a dream.

Because Moore is very clear that as long as Zheng Shan succeeds in his gamble this time, then their Stream Investment will become the world\'s top investment bank.

It can even be compared with top investment banks like Goldman Sachs that have been operating for so many years, although it is still lacking in terms of background, contacts, and other aspects.

But in terms of potential ~www.novelhall.com~ in the future, especially in terms of capital, they will not be worse than top investment banks like Goldman Sachs at all.

Even in terms of funding, especially liquidity, they will surpass Goldman Sachs.

How could such a situation not make Moore excited? You must know that although Zheng Shan does not delegate much authority in Xishui investment, unlike Xishui Supermarket, as long as it is not related to the future direction of Xishui Supermarket or something that can have a huge impact, Zheng Shan will not interfere.

In Xishui Investment, many things cannot be avoided by Zheng Shan, but Moore is still excited, because this is the future, no, now Moore has determined that from now on, their Xishui Investment can be comparable to Goldman Sachs and the others.

With such a huge investment bank, how could Moore not be excited, how could he maintain his composure?

Zheng Shan hung up the phone and stopped eating, "You guys can eat, I\'ll go to the company."

After Zheng Shan finished speaking, he went out. After he got into the car, he saw that the fifth one came up, but Zheng Shan did not let her leave.

On the way, the fifth asked, "Brother, did you win the bet this time?"

In the past two days, the fifth man has read a lot of materials, and it can be considered that he completely understands all the situation. The most shocking thing for the fifth is that his own brother has been planning this matter since before the Plaza Agreement was signed.

To be honest, after knowing this, the fifth child was really stunned, completely stunned, and his thinking was stagnant for a while.

But at the same time, there was an indescribable pride in the heart of the fifth, proud!

Look, this is her brother!

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