Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 804: Fluent Chinese

The feeling that Zheng Shan gave Rachel was that of a person who didn\'t like to split up the shares in his hand, or that it was not only Rachel, but most people felt the same way.

You must know that many of the companies in Zhengshan\'s hands are high-quality industries that make people jealous.

Like Stream Investment, needless to say, basically as long as you know people, who doesn\'t want to take a part in it?

With so many high-quality companies, Zheng Shan has only come up with one Xishui Supermarket. Although Xishui Supermarket is also the most enviable one in addition to Xishui Investment, who makes Zheng Shan have so many good brands?

As for Xishui Bank, although it is said that it is developing very rapidly and very well now, everyone knows that if Zheng Shan of Xishui Bank is also 100% controlled, it will not be able to reach the point where it is today.

"Don\'t look at me like that, I don\'t really want to go public. After all, the main function of going public is to raise funds, so that companies can have more funds for development, but I\'m not short of money, and I don\'t need this amount of money for listing and financing." Zheng Shan It was a little uncomfortable to be stared at by Rachel, with those eyes that looked like she was a miser.

Rachel was a little disappointed, but she recovered quickly. Before she came, she already knew it.

What\'s more, Zheng Shan gave her a lot, whether it was salary or shares.

But Zheng Shan\'s next sentence made her suddenly excited, "But it\'s not impossible for Slit to go public."

"Boss, really?" Rachel suddenly said in surprise.

Zheng Shandao: "Of course it\'s true. Although it doesn\'t matter much for me to go public, it\'s the same if I don\'t go public."

At this time, Rachel whispered, "Actually, going public is of great benefit to the company\'s development, not only in terms of capital, but also in increasing the company\'s international reputation...... "

Speaking of Rachel\'s voice getting quieter, how could Zheng Shan not know about this.

Zheng Shan said angrily: "I can see it, you are going crazy if you want to go public."

This could be regarded as a reprimand to her, but Zheng Shan didn\'t care too much, he could understand Rachel\'s mood.

Although Zheng Shan rewarded Rachel\'s shares, if they are not listed, these shares will only receive some fixed dividends every year.

Especially when the company is still in the rapid development stage, the dividends are not much at all.

Most of the annual profits continue to be invested in development, and there is no way to pay dividends.

If it can be listed, as long as the market is good, then Rachel can fully cash out the shares in her hands quickly, and the money will be much more than the salary and dividends.

This is especially true given that Slit Corporation has been in good shape.

So Zheng Shan can understand Rachel\'s mood.

"You can go back and prepare for the listing. In addition, take out 30% of the shares as financing, do you want to take out your own share?" Zheng Shan asked.

Rachel said without hesitation: "No."

After speaking, seeing Zheng Shan staring at him, Rachel immediately said weakly: "I only have 5% of the shares. If I take it out again, it won\'t be much."

Over the years, Zheng Shan has taken out less than 10% of the shares of Slite Company as a reward.

According to the current valuation, Zheng Shan said that he took out about one billion US dollars as a reward.

Of course, this cannot be calculated like this. After all, when the reward was given, the valuation was not so high.

And the valuation can only be the valuation, not the money in hand.

This time, Zheng Shan plans to keep 60% of the shares in his hands, which is completely enough.

Moreover, Zheng Shan predicts that it will not be difficult if the market value reaches seven or eight billion US dollars after Slit goes public.

This also means that the wealth in his hands has been increased in disguise.

"As for the capital to receive financing, you can draw up a list first, and I\'ll take a look at it." Zheng Shandao.

Listing is not a simple matter, and the preparation for one or two years is the smoothest.

It is even normal for some companies to prepare for three or five years in order to go public.

Rachel was in a very excited mood at this time, "I\'ll prepare now."

In fact, Zheng Shan is very satisfied with Rachel. After so many years, although there are some problems, he definitely did not take the company\'s interests and make profits for himself.

You must know that Zheng Shan has always been seldom concerned about the Slite Company, and even most of the time, Zheng Shan has not even looked at it.

In addition, Slit was developed by Rachel, and all the executives in it can be regarded as confidants of Rachel.

Zheng Shan has never placed his own staff in it, of course, financial aspects are not counted.

If Rachel wanted to take advantage of the company\'s convenience for her own benefit, it was not too simple.

But from what Zheng Shan knew, Rachel never did this.

So, Zheng Shan is very satisfied with Rachel, and doesn\'t care about her little thought.

"Since you are in China, don\'t rush to leave, just hang out here. Are you not the godmother of the fashion industry? Go and see our Chinese fashion." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

What Zheng Shan said was to let Rachel go to see all kinds of ancient costumes in China~www.novelhall.com~, and don\'t make "fashion" that people hate all day long.

"That\'s what I planned. I\'ve already arranged my work, and I\'m going to take a good look in China. This is a country with five thousand years of history." Rachel said immediately.

Zheng Shandao: "Then I will let Xiao Xia accompany you?"

"Let\'s forget it. I think Secretary Xia is too busy to have time here, so I won\'t disturb her work. I can just find someone to be my guide. It\'s really not good. I can just look at it myself."

"After all, my Chinese is quite good, and communication is not a problem at all." Speaking of this, Rachel was still a little proud.

Maybe it’s because of Zheng Shan, no, it’s because of Zheng Shan. These companies under Zheng Shan, especially those from abroad, such as some middle and high-level managers, have some problems in speaking Chinese, but it sounds like Absolutely no problem.

Although Zheng Shan communicates with these people in English, which is convenient after all, but no matter what, Zheng Shan is also a Chinese, and those who know it understand that Zheng Shan loves his country very much.

With such a boss, he is naturally very active in learning Chinese.

When Zheng Shan heard Rachel say this, he didn\'t force it, but said, "Let Xiao Xia find you a guide."

Then he told Rachel again, and then let her leave first.

Rachel didn\'t leave either, but asked Xia Laidi to help find a free office and started arranging various things. This time, Zheng Shan agreed to her listing request.

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