Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 744: show off

Zheng Shan is really not worried now, and he is still in the mood to show off, so there must be nothing wrong.

But even so, Zheng Shan still went to the doctor and asked some questions.

The doctor\'s answer also completely calmed Zheng Shan\'s heart.

It was really caused by a sudden idleness.

Zheng Shan was worried about this happening before, so he suggested that Dad find some interest, get a hobby or something.

Didn\'t expect this to happen.

The elderly who work for a long time and suddenly become idle will cause brain problems, which is often referred to as cerebral debility syndrome.

The manifestations are head discomfort, headache, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, memory loss, inability to concentrate, emotional instability, anxiety, sleep disturbance, dreaminess and easy awakening, etc.

These are all things that need to be vigilant, especially memory problems. If you don’t pay attention, you may get Alzheimer’s disease.

Like Zhong Huixiu, there is no such problem. Although Zhong Huixiu has always been a housewife, she used to be very busy.

Not really just cooking at home with kids, there\'s a lot to do.

In the past few years, Zhong Huixiu has nothing to do. At first, it was fine. She cooks and takes care of the children every day. Now, although she also helps to take care of the children, she does not cook much.

There are fewer things for her to worry about, so she can be considered idle.

It\'s just that Zhong Huixiu has her own hobbies and dancing, so she is not the same as Zheng Jianguo.

After Zheng Shan returned to the ward, he talked to Zheng Weijun and the others about the situation.

"It\'s okay, it\'s caused by being in a panic." Zheng Shan said.

"It\'s fine, but do you want to find something to do for Dad in the future?" Zheng Lan asked.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "What are you looking for? Let him find some hobbies first. If it doesn\'t work, let\'s talk about it."

"Okay, then I, sister-in-law, and Xiaohua take turns taking care of Dad, you should go and do your work." Zheng Lan assigned tasks.

Lin Meihua and Yuan Xiaohua had no opinion, but Yan Qingqing had an opinion.

"Sister, have you forgotten me?" Yan Qingqing reminded.

Zheng Lan smiled and said, "Just take care of your mother at home."

In fact, Zheng Lan thought that Yan Qingqing would not take care of others. Of course, this was not an opinion on Yan Qingqing, but a concern.

Yan Qingqing saw it, and said incredulously, "Sister, I\'m not the kind of lady who doesn\'t touch the sun with her fingers. In this way, each of us will take care of each other for a day, so that everyone has time to rest, and we won\'t be in a hurry."

Zheng Lan saw Yan Qingqing\'s insistence, and after thinking about it, she didn\'t say anything, "Then I\'ll be with you, how about sister-in-law and Xiaohua?"

"no problem."

It\'s so easy to assign.

Zheng Shan was sitting beside the bed chatting with his father, "I said it before, don\'t you want to be idle all of a sudden and find something to do? It\'s really not good. It\'s not good to raise flowers and walk birds."

"I\'m not interested in any of this." Zheng Jianguo said.

"You haven\'t tried it, how do you know you don\'t like it."

When Zheng Jianguo saw that Zheng Shan was going to nag him again, he immediately said unhappily, "I would have known that I would not retire."

"Tsk tsk, this is your own decision, we didn\'t force you, don\'t rely on us for this matter." Zheng Shan said.

The family stayed here for a while. Zhong Huixiu originally wanted to stay and take care of his wife, but was persuaded by Zheng Shan and the others to go back.

At such an old age, although I can\'t be idle, I can\'t work too hard.

Taking care of patients in the hospital is really a physical job.

"Mom, you should go home and cook for us, and there are still children." Zheng Shan advised.

Zhong Huixiu said, "Your dad\'s here"

"My sister and sister-in-law are there, and it\'s not a big deal. They just came back after a few days of recuperation in the hospital."

After Zheng Shan and the others had all left, seeing that there were two left to take care of Zheng Jianguo, an old man beside him couldn\'t help but envy, "This brother, your children are really filial."

A smile suddenly appeared on Zheng Jianguo\'s face, "Aiya, it\'s okay, it\'s okay."

"Hey, this is normal. My son and daughter came to see it once, and then never came again." The old man sighed.

Zheng Jianguo said with relief: "The children have things to do. We elders should also be considerate of them."

Even though he said that, Zheng Jianguo felt a little contempt in his heart.

Thinking about being hospitalized by yourself, Zheng Shan, Zheng Weijun and the others will come here once, how bad will you feel in your heart?

Of course, you can\'t say that, or you\'ll just stab people in the heart.

After a while, Zheng Jianguo chatted with the two old men.

Most of the topics still revolve around the issue of children. When it comes to this, Zheng Jianguo has his own experience.

"Two brothers, don\'t tell me, I am not very capable, but my children are really good. I have four children in total, and two of them were admitted to world-renowned schools. Stanford knows? That is the United States. It is very difficult to get into the top colleges and universities." Zheng Jianguo said bragging.

"All? That brother, you are amazing, you tell us how to educate?" The old man suddenly became interested.

Zheng Jianguo immediately began to talk eloquently, as if it was really the same thing~www.novelhall.com~ Zheng Lan and Yan Qingqing were helping to clean up, get hot water, buy some toiletries and so on.

Although Yan Qingqing brought some things, he didn\'t have enough time to bring them all. At that time, Zheng Shan was in a hurry, so he simply bought new ones.

When eating, Yan Qingqing directly asked Xiong Youxi to prepare them, all of which were medicated meals specially aimed at nourishing the body.

This made the two old men on the side envious and didn\'t know what to say.

When Yan Qingqing and the others saw this, they also invited them to come and eat together. Xiong Youxi was absolutely enough for the amount of these medicated meals.

In his philosophy, giving something to the boss is more wasteful than not enough.

In particular, this is for the old man to replenish his body, and the weight must be sufficient.

When Zheng Lan and Yan Qingqing were free, they would also help the two old ladies, especially when it came to fetching hot water.

Early the next morning, Lin Meihua and Yuan Xiaohua came over to replace them.

Zheng Jianguo stayed in the hospital for more than a week. If it wasn\'t for the doctor\'s assurance that everything would be fine, he seemed a little reluctant to be discharged from the hospital, and had a relationship with the two old men.

When Zheng Jianguo was discharged from the hospital, the two old men were also very reluctant to part. One was that they had a really happy chat, and the other was that Zheng Jianguo was discharged from the hospital, and Zheng Lan and the others would not come, which meant that no one was helping him.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, not many people came to pick him up, even if Zheng Shan came to pick him up, it wasn\'t a serious illness after all.

"Dad, why don\'t I go to the flower and bird market with you? Let\'s go for a walk first?" Zheng Shan suggested.

Zheng Jianguo stayed in the ward for so long, and he was a little panicked, so he did not refuse Zheng Shan\'s proposal.

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