Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 680: choose

Jiang Dingchuan was completely dumbfounded. He didn\'t expect the parents to come, but he just said that he didn\'t collect the child\'s money, and he didn\'t even want to stop the child from buying things.

Originally, he thought that this business would not be successful.

Now it\'s just a turning point, and at the same time, I understand why these people who were surrounded just now didn\'t stop it.

Zheng Shan is not worried that someone will be interested in getting rich. A little baby with so much money in his hands will still be greedy for many people.

But this is the big ancient village. Who doesn\'t know the precious son of Zheng Shan\'s family in the village?

Not to mention being bullied, even if Niu Niu walks alone for a while, someone will help guard him.

It is also because of this that Zheng Shan let go of it.

And the little guy also likes it very much, there are peers everywhere, and he can play as he wants.

Now I\'m a little reluctant to think about Shu, just want to go home?

No such thing, when it\'s time to leave, it\'s a good thing not to cry and not leave.

In one afternoon, Jiang Dingchuan sold out all the goods that he had planned to sell for several days.

Just like Zhong Huixiu, although there are people in the village who don\'t like the things he sells, as long as the prices are cheap, some people will buy them, and they may even buy things they don\'t need.

Jiang Dingchuan also inquired a little about the situation, and only then did he know that the people in this village had regular workers in every household, and they all worked in the county town and were paid wages.

And if you want, you can become an urban hukou at any time.

No wonder the family is so rich.

In addition, Jiang Dingchuan also knew some of Zheng Shan\'s situation, and he was not only surprised, but more happy.

He found a cornucopia, he also asked some people what they wanted, and he bought it directly and sold it.


Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing wandered around without any purpose. They were working for a long time. They came out to see the scenery and relieve their fatigue.

To be honest, Zheng Shan felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart when he saw the laughter and laughter in the village and the smoke rising from every household.

These are largely brought by him.

The children have new clothes to wear, the adults can eat meat, and there is no need to worry about a little money at home.

As he was walking, he saw Zheng Yan comforting a girl. ,

"Swallow, what\'s the matter?" Yan Qingqing asked.

Zheng Yan said: "Hey, what else could happen, the family is not willing to study for her, and she is not willing to go to school. Am I not persuading her?"

Now Zheng Yan has also become a benchmark in Dagu Village. After all, she successfully completed university and worked in the capital again, so she really ate a public meal.

Many people envy Zheng Jianshe, and some speak ill of him in private.

Envy is having such a good daughter. The reason for the bad talk is that her daughter is staying in the capital and she will not come back. Many people say that raising such a daughter is of no use, and in the end, nothing can be expected.

When Zheng Jianshe heard these words at the time, he was not less angry, and even quarreled with people.

Zheng Yan\'s stay in the capital was also chosen by Zheng Jianshe. At that time, Zheng Yan said that she would come back to work, but Zheng Jianshe wanted her to stay in the capital.

When Zheng Yan is back home now, she often persuades some people who don\'t want to study, as well as people in the family who don\'t want to read to girls.

Yan Qingqing heard the words, glanced at the girl, and finally thought about it, and persuaded her on the side.

But obviously, the girl obviously didn\'t listen.

"Sister Yanzi, sister-in-law, I don\'t have your talent for learning, and I can\'t go to university. If I can go to university, I\'d like to study, but if I can\'t go to university, it\'s just a waste of time." The girl whispered.

Zheng Yan was speechless. Indeed, it is very difficult to get admitted to a university now. Let alone a village, how many people are there in a county?

Yan Qingqing didn\'t say anything, but said, "Then do you have any hope of being admitted to a technical secondary school?"

"University is difficult, but the difficulty of technical secondary school is slightly smaller, especially in recent years, the difficulty of technical secondary school students has been significantly reduced."

"After you are admitted to secondary school, you will be better than you are now after going to school."

In some cases, secondary schools are actually more popular than universities.

There are even many people who choose technical secondary school students without hesitation when they have the hope of going to college.

The girl hesitated at first, and then said: "It\'s hard for me to get into a technical secondary school, so I might as well go to work. I heard that going to Brother Weimin\'s side can make a lot of money in a month, and it\'s even more manageable. Stay, don\'t worry about someone bullying me."

Zheng Shan listened on the side, not knowing what to say, this seems to be a way out.

"Sister Yanzi, sister-in-law, I don\'t have the capabilities of yours. I just want to find someone to marry and live a good life." The girl whispered.

Zheng Shan said at this time, "Actually, this is not necessarily a good choice, going to school has the benefits of going to school, and not going to school doesn\'t mean that you will definitely be useless.

And what you said is not bad, living your own life is the most important thing. "

"Brother?" Zheng Yan looked at Zheng Shan with some puzzlement, knowing that Zheng Shan used to attach great importance to learning.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Don\'t look at me like that. She is different from your previous situation. You used to want to study by yourself, but she doesn\'t want to. Even if you let her study, she can\'t learn."

"And she has a plan for her life, which is actually very good."

Zheng Shan is not asking everyone to study well, how to do it, just that study is the best way out under conditions.

In addition, when Zheng Shan heard that the girl had some plans for her future, she felt nothing bad.

Zheng Shan didn\'t say much, and soon took Yan Qingqing back together. On the way back, Yan Qingqing said curiously, "It wasn\'t your style just now."

"What\'s my style?" Zheng Shan asked.

"If you met someone who didn\'t like to study before, you would definitely persuade them." Yan Qingqing said.

Zheng Shan said amusingly: "I didn\'t persuade many people, right? And the situation is different. It used to be the past, what did the old village look like in the past? What does it look like now?

Let\'s put it this way~www.novelhall.com~ Even if Xiaofeng doesn\'t go to school now, it will not be difficult for her to marry a good family in the future. "

"Since there are so many choices, why do you have to force her to study?"

Yan Qingqing thought about it too, "But in this way, she will be limited to this place, and it will be difficult to go out in the future."

"It\'s not the same, everyone has their own life trajectory, and it\'s not necessarily a bad thing if she can\'t go out, as long as she feels happy in life."

"Then what if your son doesn\'t want to go to school in the future? You told him the same?" Yan Qingqing asked.

Zheng Shan lost the understanding he had just now, and said angrily, "He dares? If he dares to do this, I\'ll have to kill him."

"Hahahaha." Seeing this, Yan Qingqing smiled and leaned back and forth.

Zheng Shan also touched his nose in embarrassment, and then laughed.