Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 325: can't believe

Chapter 328 325. Unbelievable

  The master driver didn\'t know what Yan Zhengbiao was thinking, but even if he did, he still didn\'t understand.

   He just obeyed Shi Zhen\'s instructions, took the person over, and at the same time was a little more respectful, and the rest didn\'t know anything.

   The car drove straight to the door, Yan Zhengbiao took a deep breath, got out of the car, and immediately saw Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing greet him at the door.

   No matter what, this bit of etiquette is still required.

   "Sister, brother-in-law!" Yan Lele got off the car faster and ran over immediately.

   "Sister, brother-in-law." Yan Zhi also greeted him, then looked around curiously.

  Yan Zhengbiao looked at Zheng Shan and snorted: "You actually know Mr. Shi Zhenshi? And you have a good relationship?"

  Shi Zhen is now a man in the magic capital, who doesn\'t know this big boss.

   It\'s just that Shi Zhen is very low-key, and most people can\'t get in touch with him.

  Like Yan Zhengbiao, even though he made a lot of money this year, he didn\'t even have the qualifications to meet Shi Zhen.

   "Just know." Zheng Shan didn\'t explain much.

   "This is Boss Shi\'s home?" Yan Zhengbiao asked.

   As for Shi Zhen not coming to greet them, this is normal in Yan Zhengbiao\'s view, but it is abnormal to come out to meet them.

   Before Zheng Shan could speak, another car drove in and Fu Meiyi and Guan Fei got off.

  Fu Meiyi was well-dressed at this time and looked graceful, not at all in the same state as when Zheng Shan first saw her.

   At this time, both Fu Meiyi and Guan Fei were a little nervous and restrained, let alone them, among these people, except for Yan Lele, none of them relaxed completely.

   "Aunt Fu, Feifei, you are here." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

   These reception things are all done by him, because Yan Qingqing doesn\'t want to call them parents.

  Yan Zhengbiao looked at Fu Meiyi and was a little lost, but he reacted quickly because the flesh on his waist was pinched.

   "Give me some face." Yan Zhengbiao whispered while enduring the pain.

   Cui Li snorted coldly, and then let go of her hand.

   "Sir, madam, are you ready to eat?" Hou Wen stepped forward to ask at this time.

  Zheng Shan nodded and said, "Let\'s start."

   Hou Wen, Yan Zhengbiao and the others nodded, then went down to prepare.

  Yan Zhengbiao frowned and said, "Why don\'t you ask Mr. Shi? No matter how good your relationship with Mr. Shi is, in other people\'s homes, this kind of courtesy is still necessary."

  Zheng Shan looked at Yan Zhengbiao funny and said, "Who said this is Shi Zhen\'s house?"

   "Isn\'t it?"

   "Of course not! This is my home, don\'t I have any rights at all?" Zheng Shan said with a smile.

   Immediately he saw the scene he was looking forward to, Yan Zhengbiao looked in disbelief.

  Fu Meiyi is a little better. After all, I haven\'t talked too deeply before, and I don\'t even know what Zheng Shan does.

   But it was only a little better. Of course, she knew how much such an old mansion would cost, and it wasn\'t even just money that could buy it.

  "You" Yan Zhengbiao was speechless.

  Zheng Shan said: "Let\'s go, go ahead and talk about it."

   After being seated separately, Yan Zhengbiao still didn\'t come back to his senses. The shock was too sudden and too big!

   A person who was despised before has suddenly become so tall, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to react.

  Zheng Shan didn\'t intend to continue watching the joke. After everyone sat down, he opened his mouth and said, "Let me introduce myself first."

   "My name is Zheng Shan, everyone knows this, besides being a teaching assistant, I have also invested in some industries.

  For example, Xishui Paging Company, or Phoenix Motor Company. "Zheng Shan said briefly.

   He was already hiding, but even so, Yan Zhengbiao was shocked!

   Not only him, but also Cui Li, of course, Fu Meiyi is no exception.

  Fu Meiyi doesn\'t know about the others, but she knows paging companies, pagers, and now these are high-end products.

   Anyone who can have one can be envious of others.

   But now his future son-in-law says that there is his investment in it, how can he not be shocked!

  Yan Lele seems to be very happy to see his father\'s deflated appearance, so he snickered over there.

  The adults are full of shock, but Yan Lele, Guan Fei and others don\'t feel much, and they don\'t care much about it.

   "What are you saying is true? You\'re not lying to us, are you?" Yan Zhengbiao couldn\'t help saying.

  Zheng Shan sighed and said, "I really don\'t need to lie to you, is it any good? Could it be that you can still prevent us from getting married?"

   These words made Yan Zhengbiao feel extremely uncomfortable!

  Fu Meiyi accepted it quickly, and at the same time, an idea suddenly popped up in her heart.

  Zheng Shan ignored this and continued: "I came here this time to discuss the wedding date and betrothal gifts with you."

   "After all, no matter what, you are Qingqing\'s parents. I still hope you can attend our wedding, and I hope you can give us blessings at the wedding."

   "I have no opinion, you can decide for yourself." Fu Meiyi said directly.

   She knew that she was not qualified to dictate to Yan Qingqing\'s life, so she was very straightforward.

   This is far inferior to Yan Zhengbiao, but at this moment, Yan Zhengbiao is speechless.

   He also thought of the words that Zheng Shan had said to him in the study before, some angry words that he thought were originally angry words.

   is a real threat!

   Thinking of this, Yan Zhengbiao felt a little anxious, how could he, his old husband, have no dignity in front of his son-in-law?

   "I have no opinion either." Finally, Yan Zhengbiao said.

   Zheng Shan saw this with a smile on his face, and his tone was much more polite, "Since this is the case, when uncle and aunt have time, I will ask my parents to come over and discuss with you formally."

   Well, if the two of them had a little bit of a bad attitude just now, I guess there is no such thing.

Zheng Shan also wants to give Yan Qingqing the most complete marriage process. This is respect for Yan Qingqing, but there is a premise that Yan Zhengbiao and Fu Meiyi cannot go too far~www.novelhall.com~ The excessiveness here is not how to treat him, but How to treat Yan Qingqing.

  If Yan Zhengbiao and Fu Meiyi take themselves seriously, it will not affect Zheng Shan, but it will definitely affect Yan Qingqing\'s mood.

   This is what Zheng Shan does not allow.

   It\'s like how good it is now, everyone is very easy to talk, and if I knew it, I would have revealed my identity earlier.

   "I have time at any time." Yan Zhengbiao said.

   At this time, he could only accept the reality.

  Fu Meiyi has no problem with this.

   The smile on Zheng Shan\'s face grew wider, and his uncles and aunts became more affectionate.

  Besides, Guan Fei looked helplessly at Yan Lele who was babbling on the side, Yan Lele really knew everyone by themselves.

   No, after the meal came, he took the initiative to serve Guan Fei, and he was very enthusiastic about Fu Meiyi. The aunt called it a happy one.

   made Fu Meiyi feel good about this little girl for a while.

   (end of this chapter)