Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 993: classmate, is this your medicine?

After turning over more than a dozen desks, no snakes were found. Everyone relaxed a little, thinking that it was just someone\'s behavior against Liu Qiuya.

The two teachers in the security department habitually dumped Zhang Wenwen\'s desk, and three red-dotted snakes fell out along with the books on the desk.

"Ah! Snakes! And snakes!"

"Oh my God, there are actually three!"

"Fortunately, the teacher checked, otherwise it would be too scary... whose desk is this?"

"Zhang Wenwen\'s, she was so lucky, she was almost bitten by a snake just like Liu Qiuya."

The girls onlookers screamed. You pushed me and panicked and ran out of the classroom. These red dots are very fast. If they get caught in a hurry, they will be troublesome.

Zhang Wenwen was even more frightened like a blank sheet of paper, Mom, fortunately, I checked, otherwise, wouldn\'t she be the same as Liu Qiuya?

Originally, I was very reluctant to check the desk, but now I am very grateful, but I will check it first.

"Two teachers, please catch it." Xu Yan was also afraid of snakes, but she still reluctantly restrained and said to the two teachers in the security department.

Without waiting for Xu Yan to speak, they quickly grabbed the snake by seven inches and put the snake into the snakeskin bag.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, including the two snake-catching teachers, who did not expect that there would even be snakes. It was just a routine inspection to seek safety, but two snakes actually fell out, which startled them all.

All the girls in the class, only Pei Lianqiao watched this scene without changing her face. Other girls ran out in fright when they saw the snake, and dared not take a second glance. This slippery, ice-cold animal is inherently scary.

And her eyes were carefully rummaging through a pile of textbooks, eh, strange, why didn\'t she see anything special?

"Teacher, you should fiddle with this pile of books. Maybe there are snakes under the books. Or besides snakes, there are spiders and centipedes... If you don\'t check carefully, when Zhang Wenwen goes to clean up the textbooks, in case she gets bitten. It\'s over..." Pei Lianqiao reminded me coldly and kindly.

Zhang Wenwen was frightened for a while, but when she heard Pei Lianqiao\'s words, she couldn\'t help but say, "What do you mean? Are you cursing me? Obviously three snakes have already been caught by the teacher, why are you going to turn over mine? Textbook! Why didn\'t the other students read it, but I was the only one who did it."

She just felt that such a pile of textbooks fell, and it was unlikely that she would be found.

But if the books are all pulled open, 100% will be found.

"It\'s because there are no snakes on other desks. Obviously, someone is targeting you. If you don\'t check carefully, you don\'t mind if the spider bites you. In case they climb out and bite other students... You are responsible. Is it?" Pei Lianqiao raised her lips slightly.

As soon as she finished speaking, the other classmates were already arguing.

"Zhang Wenwen, Pei is for your own good. Why are you so ignorant. If the teacher hadn\'t checked the desk, would he have found the snake in your desk?"

"The rest of us don\'t have snakes in our textbooks, and the books that fell on the floor didn\'t say anything. You avoided being bitten by snakes, but you got it cheap and sold well. You don\'t like checking? If you don\'t like checking, you shouldn\'t have taken it just now. Fall out of your desk and let these snakes bite you!"

"Student Zhang Wenwen, someone has put a snake in your desk, so it is possible to put a centipede spider. For your safety, check this pile of books carefully. In case there is a spider hidden under the textbook, you are not dare

Go and pack your textbooks yourself. "

"I\'m not afraid of death, and I don\'t think about my classmates? What if one runs out and accidentally hurts others."

Pei Lianqiao curved the corners of her lips. She knew that everyone would agree with her, because everyone was worried about their own safety.

Liu Qiuya and Zhang Wenwen thought that just a few words would make the girls in the class isolate her. Yes, they succeeded, so what. A true friend worth making will not be isolated because of other people\'s gossip.

Moreover, no matter whether everyone isolates her or not, as long as her interests are aligned with theirs, for example now, everyone is worried about safety issues, these people will agree with her and support her one by one.

And Liu Qiuya thought she was the boss of the small group. When she was entangled by the snake, no one came to help her. The closest Zhang Wenwen even hit her with a bench.

When disaster is approaching, this is not only to fly separately, but almost to become enemies. What kind of friend is this?

Zhang Wenwen also thought that she had many friends and everyone would stand by her, but now these people are accusing her, and what they say is much more ugly than Pei Forsythia.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the two teachers of the security department had already picked up the end of the stick of the broom, opened a pile of textbooks, and stared cautiously, for fear that something would pop out again.

"I\'ll just say, don\'t check, there\'s nothing, it\'s a waste of time." Zhang Wenwen said angrily. In fact, she was scared for a while, but fortunately she didn\'t find that thing, which scared her to death.

This time, even a girl next to him couldn\'t see it, and said, "Everyone is also thinking about safety. If you really hide something else in your textbook, you will be the first unlucky one. Everyone is for your own good, but you actually You also say such sarcastic words. Zhang Wenwen, you are too sorry for everyone\'s kindness."

"That\'s right, checking her textbooks is for her safety, and she\'s not happy anymore. I\'ve never seen such a person in this world..."

Zhang Wenwen\'s face turned red and white after a few comments, and Pei Lianqiao didn\'t even bother to give her a look. You dare to come out and offend yourself with such a small number of paragraphs. If you change to those people in the imperial capital, you will definitely thank everyone first, thank the two teachers for your hard work, thank you for your concern, and thank you for not finding anything and not causing trouble to everyone.

At least a bunch of friendship tickets, unlike now, there is a snake in Zhang Wenwen\'s desk and she is a victim, but everyone scoffs at her.

"It\'s been hard work for the two teachers." Pei Lianqiao stepped forward and said with a smile, "Nothing was found, everyone can finally rest assured that our classroom is safe."

This sentence speaks to everyone\'s heart, but no, I finally feel relieved.

Pei Forsythia seemed to be careless and kicked one of the textbooks as he walked over, and suddenly a palm-sized plastic bag came out. The plastic bags contained colorful pills the size of ordinary pills, brightly colored.

"Hey, what are these? Pills?" Pei Lianqiao squatted down, picked up the bag of colorful pills, and smiled at Zhang Wenwen, "Zhang Wenwen, are you sick? This is your medicine, right? you."

Zhang Wenwen\'s face was pale, and she was dripping with cold sweat, but when she saw that everyone didn\'t react, she laughed dryly. That\'s right, the second and first class is the key class of the whole grade. There are a few excellent students in the classroom who can recognize this kind of thing.

"Bring it." Zhang Wenwen was afraid of being seen, so she reached out and grabbed it.

But how could Pei Forsythia give it to her so easily, just grabbed it like this, the plastic bag was broken, and the colorful pills fell on the ground.