Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 818: I still have to fight for rank.

Bai Ye, the son of the Bai family from the first military family in Cangxi, was already the rank of major at a young age. Besides being backed by the Bai family, he was also outstanding in his own strength.

Bo Ye is a thorn in the army. He and Bo Yina can see each other and fight once, but his own sister was almost killed, how could he stay out of it, if his father was not afraid that he would cause trouble and put him behind bars Well, I don\'t know what\'s going to happen.

Now that I finally got the investigation order, I hurried to look for Pei Yi. Pei Yi was the old lover of the woman who harmed his sister. Naturally, Bai Ye didn\'t have a liking for such a person, and he was very rude when he spoke.

"Obey orders? I\'m not your subordinate, you are not qualified to order me." Pei Yi glanced at him and said lazily.

Bo Ye was anxious, "Don\'t try to lie, I know you\'re on a temporary post in the army! Are you deliberately covering up criminals, Comrade Pei Yi, your ideological consciousness has been bought by rotten sugar-coated cannonballs!"

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, "I\'m on a temporary post in the army, who told you?"

"Don\'t care who told me, you are from our army anyway. You are not honest!" Bo Ye said, glaring at him.

Pei Yi stared at Bo Ye for a while, then said slowly, "Even if I tell you now, if you tell others, it\'s called leaking military intelligence, right?"

"Yes... so what!" Bo Ye raised his chin, and he was already muttering in his heart. No, this guy guessed it so quickly, and there are others waiting for the news.

Pei Yi\'s lip line was slightly raised, and the smile was exactly the same as that of a certain woman, "It seems that Major Bai likes the little black house very much, and wants to go in so soon."

"Who likes it, I\'m not a masochist." Bo Ye said angrily. The little black house is what he resents the most. He is not afraid of being beaten and resists beatings. Every time he is punished, the old man hangs and beats him without snoring. In the end, the old man came up with a unique trick and locked him up.

This made Bai Ye suffocated, and now he will have a psychological shadow when he mentions the little black room. I was just released from the little black house last month, and I really don\'t want to go in again for the rest of my life.

"Then you are so active in helping the people behind you to find out the news. I thought that Major Bo had a soft spot for the little black house." Pei Yi leaned on the sofa, with a burning cigarette between his index and middle fingers, smiling. Lazy and calm.

Of course, Bo Ye killed him and refused to admit it, "Damn it! The people behind me are our troops!"

Pei Yi just flicked the soot, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Pei Yi, don\'t try to make excuses! Hurry up and be honest. If you don\'t say it, you\'re disobeying the orders of your superiors and shielding the criminals. That little master, I...cough that major is welcome." Bo Ye threatened directly. The attitude of this guy Pei Yi is really uncooperative. He has been in the army for so many years, and he has never met anyone who dares to do this to him.

Pei Yi\'s sharp eyebrows raised slightly, and his tone was light, "Oh? Why are you being rude to me? Let me remind you of one thing, just a week ago, I got the antidote and rescued the virus threat. Bai Yina, when Bai Yina saw me yesterday, she was still thanking me, and your father called me on behalf of the Bai family to thank me, and said that if I have any trouble, he will solve it immediately."

Bai Ye\'s face suddenly stiffened. woc, just thinking about coercion and temptation, how could you forget that there is still this one?

"Now you want to make some trouble, don\'t you? Just in time, your father feels that this matter owes me a favor, so I\'ll make a phone call and ask his old man to help me solve the trouble.


"Wait! Don\'t call!" Bo Ye hugged Pei Yi\'s arm, fearing that he would reach out to get the phone, a pair of tiger eyes stared at Pei Yi for dozens of seconds before he had no confidence to hold on He said, "Pei Yi, you are shameless, you asked your parents to complain about the matter between me and you!"

Pei Yi said lightly, "Kindergarten teachers will also call their parents when they meet a child who wants to go to heaven."

"You\'re the kindergartener, your whole family is kindergartener." Bai Ye instantly froze and jumped angrily, "If you have the ability, don\'t call him, dare you one-on-one with me!"

As expected of brothers and sisters, the character is as impulsive as Bai Yina.

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows, "One-on-one? Then you pressed me with a military rank. Just now, who was forcing me to obey orders because he was a major in the army."

"Yes, this is one-on-one. Don\'t talk about others, we all have military rank, I am your superior, you should listen to me and obey orders!" Bo Ye said proudly and shamelessly.

It\'s called a **** of a one-on-one.

"I thought you wanted to fight with me, but you still have to fight for military rank." Pei Yi tutted.

Bo Ye shook his fist and said, "Fight? I\'m afraid I\'ll beat you to tears. This uncle never bullies the small."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Yi slammed his fist into his face unceremoniously.

"Your uncle\'s sneak attack, you have the ability to one-on-one with me! Shit, you actually hit me in the face again! Damn, why can\'t I escape your fist, what the fuck..."

In the living room, there was a ping-pong-pong sound followed by someone\'s wolf howl.

Half an hour later, Bo Ye, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, looked at Pei Yi with a sad face, and the dissatisfaction in his eyes was completely overcome.

"You\'re ruthless, I lose." Bo Ye was a bachelor. After being beaten, he didn\'t mention his previous military rank. For someone like him with the biggest fist, he won\'t have the face to ask any more questions after winning him. Pei Yi, even if his military rank is higher than Pei Yi, will not use this to oppress him again.

Pei Yi tilted his head slightly, "Isn\'t the fight for a military rank? This is to admit defeat?"

"You have big fists, you win!" Bo Ye said with a bruised face, "I just have a question, why your fighting skills are so good, I don\'t believe his grandmother\'s how you practiced it..."

Pei Yi raised his lips slightly, reached out and took out a certificate from his arms and put it in front of him.

Bo Ye\'s pupils shrank and his eyes widened. He looked at the documents and then at Pei Yi, with a ghostly expression on his face. But after thinking about it, the other party can crush him, the little overlord in the army, and beat him wildly, and it seems that only this identity is reasonable.

"I\'ve seen you, sir!" Bo Ye gave a military salute with a look of wanting to cry.

Uncle, when I pressed you with a military rank just now, you smashed this certificate directly in the face, why did you threaten me with my dad and beat me madly. Take it out early and I won\'t be obedient sooner!

"It seemed like someone said just now that it is the duty of a soldier to obey orders." The corners of Pei Yi\'s lips curved, and he tapped his index finger on the tea table.

Bo Ye wanted to cry even more, "Sir, please instruct!"

"This season, the cherry blossoms in Nara should bloom." Pei Yi\'s eyes fell into the void.

Bai Ye looked dazed. Cherry blossoms?