Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 754: A thousand years of scourge


The two fell hard.

Bai Yina has nothing to do, her whole body is on Lei Lie, but Lei Lie...

The current Lei Lie is not what he used to be, he won\'t fall and bleed. Bai Yina hurriedly looked down and found that the other party was only frowning, and then said, "I didn\'t expect you to look thin now, why are you still so heavy."

"Who\'s heavy! Am I fat! I\'m obviously thin!" No woman can be said to be heavy, and Bai Yina is no exception, her hair instantly exploded.

Lei Lie smiled and said, "Oh yes, I remembered, it\'s not that you are heavy, it\'s that I\'m getting weaker now. Fortunately, you\'ve lost weight. If you smashed like this before, I\'d probably vomit blood."

"Hey! Don\'t be so exaggerated, I wasn\'t that heavy before, okay!" Bo Yina got up from him angrily, but she felt sorry for the one who fell to the ground, and reached out to pull him up.

The two activists who fought each other when they met, now can only help each other miserably.

With the help of Bai Yina, Lei Lie got up out of breath, clenched his fists and looked at his weak hand, and said to himself, "I really didn\'t expect that Lei Lie would have such a day."

He has been the king of children since he was a child, and he likes to fight the most.

He likes the feeling of using his fists, but now he finds that he has no strength at all.

The person who likes to use violence the most, now there is no way to use violence. It\'s a bad feeling to become a sick seedling.

"It\'s all because of me. If you hadn\'t come back then, you wouldn\'t have been caught. You already ran out, why do you have to come back." Bai Yina looked at Lei Lie, and there was something special in her beautiful eyes. emotion.

Lei Lie put his hands behind his head, leaned half against the door frame and said lazily, "Is there any reason for this? How can a man leave a woman in such a dangerous place and run away alone. I\'m a man."

"But at that time, one or the other can escape. They have already escaped, and they have come back to die. How can you be so stupid!" Bai Yina bit her lip, "You are so stupid when you know that you can\'t save people. Rush in, haven\'t you weighed the pros and cons? It\'s better to kill one person than two. What a big idiot!"

Lei Lie scratched his head, "Why do you think so much. I will do whatever I want, considering the gains and losses. Besides, I never felt that I couldn\'t save you. How did you know you couldn\'t save you before you didn\'t."

Bai Yina was defeated by his invincible thinking. What a discerning person can see at a glance, even the superiors did not dare to send more reinforcements, but temporarily stayed put, but he rushed in stupidly, saying that if he didn\'t try, how would he know that he couldn\'t save him.

"It\'s a simple single-celled organism!" Bai Yina whispered.

Lei Lie\'s ears moved, stared at Bai Yina and said, "What are you mumbling about?"

"I\'m complimenting you on your well-developed limbs and simple mind." Bai Yina smiled.

Lei Lie twitched the corners of his mouth, not bothering with her. For the sake of being a man, I let you.

The air was silent for a while.

It has been half a month since the two of them moved here from South China. At first, I could only lie on the bed, and gradually I could get out of bed and move around

, The strength has recovered a little, and he can eat and wash by himself, but he can\'t run and jump like a normal person.

The only good thing is that the deteriorating condition has been suppressed, and this type of virus is not lethal unless it spreads to the heart and brain. Therefore, after being suppressed, at least their lives will not be in danger.

Half a month has passed, and the old Chinese medicine practitioner tried various methods to eliminate the virus in their bodies, but it was unsuccessful. The drugs currently used can only reach a balance with the spread of the virus. That is, the virus will not continue to spread, and there is no way to completely eliminate it.

The virus has always been in their bodies, and they will continue to be sick seedlings until they find a way to completely eliminate the virus.

No one knows when the detoxification solvent will be developed, maybe the two of them will be like this for the rest of their lives. No one knows whether the virus in the body will mutate after a long time, and whether it will be powerless at that time. It\'s just not life-threatening temporarily, but as long as the virus is still there for a day, no one knows what will happen in the end.

"Leilie, do you think we will die in the end?" Bai Yina asked suddenly.

She changed from her usual female warrior appearance, but looked like an ordinary woman who was a little confused and worried about the future. Such Bai Yina was more distressing than her usual snoring.

Lei Lie\'s tone was affirmative, "You shouldn\'t live long, but I definitely won\'t die."

"Aha? Why? Aren\'t we all infected with the same virus? What\'s the difference between me and you?" Bai Yina didn\'t know why.

Lei Lie lowered his head and looked at her, with a bright smile on his lips, "Because good people don\'t live long, and disasters last thousands of years. So you might get up one morning and hang up, but this young master will definitely live a long life. Long time!"

"You bastard!" Bai Yina reacted, and she was about to throw the chess on the table, but thinking of the current physical condition of the two, she finally had to put down the chess angrily, raised her chin, and said rudely, "You just said It’s not bad, but, if I accumulate virtue and do good deeds, I will definitely be rewarded with good deeds, but it’s you, who might be taken back by God in a dream one day, hum, scourge!”

Lei Lie raised his eyebrows lightly, "The scourge has left a thousand years behind! I must live longer than you."

"Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil! I won\'t die in front of you."

"I must live a hundred years."

"Then I am still alive than Nanshan!"

Lei Lie\'s lips pursed slightly, "Yeah, you will definitely outlive Nanshan, and live longer than me, a hundred-year-old man, so when are you worried about dying?"

"I..." Bai Yina choked, and then she realized that someone was using this method so that she didn\'t have to worry.

Having been injected with such a strange virus in his body, he didn\'t know how long he could live, but when he told Lei Lie that, it really didn\'t seem that scary anymore.

"Rather than thinking about when you will die, it is better to think about when you will recover. Don\'t you like the state you are in now? It\'s too tiring to live like this all your life. You can\'t even walk a few steps, and you can\'t fight. What\'s the fun in life?" Lei Lie stretched out, yawned and said, "After lying down for so long, my hands are itchy and I want to punch someone."

Bai Yina nodded with the same feeling, "Yes, you deserve to be beaten so much, but I can\'t beat you, it\'s a pity."

"..." Lei Lie had a black line on his forehead.