Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 710: I'm already someone else's husband

The next day, Su Zibao was stalked by two little guys and played with them.

After this kidnapping incident, the two little guys were also quite frightened. They were just fake disappearances, but they didn\'t expect to be caught by Mu Yunlan and make the fakes come true. With so many bright guns facing each other, there are more or less psychological shadows.

So Su Zibao tried his best to accompany them. After not so long, she really misses the two little guys.

Pei Yi went to the hospital and found that as Han Yu said, Han Ruoyan\'s current mental state is very unstable, neurotic, afraid of people, and prone to mental illness.

Now even the attending doctor who checked with her has been replaced by a woman. Most men can\'t get close to her body at all, otherwise she will cry and scream.

But when Pei Yi appeared, she hugged Pei Yi again and didn\'t let go.

After coaxing her for a while, she took the medicine and fell asleep. Pei Yi and Han Yu were talking in the corridor outside the ward.

"I didn\'t expect Miss Han\'s condition to be so serious. Also, one of her daughters was suddenly stimulated and became mentally ill for a while. It\'s normal. Please rest assured, Mr. Han, I know some very good doctors from abroad, and I immediately called them over and gave them to Han. Miss diagnosis and treatment." Pei Yi said in a deep voice.

After all, it was because of him that Han Ruoyan entered, and he felt that he was indebted to him.

Han Yu sighed, "I\'m not worried about this, our Han family doesn\'t have a shortage of doctors. The doctor said that Yan\'er\'s condition is only temporary and over-stimulated, that\'s what happens. As long as you recover slowly, it will get better. It\'s just you. I also saw that she was so afraid of people, and this incident left an indelible shadow in her heart. It was her heart disease that couldn\'t be cured by the doctor."

Pei Yi nodded slightly in agreement.

"So, I have an idea. Of course, it is difficult for me to be strong. But, I am Yan\'er\'s father, I believe Mr. Pei can understand." Han Yu paused, looked at Pei Yi, and said, "I want you to be with Yan. My son gets married. I believe that with you by her side, she will get better as soon as possible. "

Pei Yi raised his eyebrows, "Marriage?"

He really did not expect that Han Yu would put forward this condition under such circumstances. Because according to normal, a woman is like that, even if the man doesn\'t mind, but no woman will take the initiative to marry.

"Mr. Pei thinks that Yan\'er is no longer perfect?" Han Yu lowered his face instantly and said angrily, "But you have to know that if Mu Yunlan hadn\'t regarded Yan\'er as your fiancee, he would never have done this. To Yan\'er! It\'s you who gave my daughter such a name and made her insulted. She only came in because of you. You are not a man, and you are so embarrassed to despise her?"

Pei Yi immediately explained, "Mr. Han misunderstood. I didn\'t dislike Miss Han. Regardless of whether it happened or not, I didn\'t plan to marry Miss Han. It has nothing to do with this, not dislike."

"Okay, Pei Yi, I didn\'t expect you to be such a person. My daughter was murdered because of you, and now she\'s suffering from depression, yet you refuse to take responsibility." Han Yu\'s face was filled with righteous indignation.

Pei Yi\'s face stiffened. This hat is covered, and he is willing to take responsibility, which means that he will treat the Han family preferentially in the future, and will go through fire and water when Miss Han needs help to repay this favor.

But not including marrying her.

"I admit, I have always been optimistic about you. I used to hope to marry you, but it\'s not that we Yan\'er don\'t have anyone who wants it, nor is it

it has to be you. So if you don\'t take the initiative to mention it, I, Han Yu, won\'t find you. But it\'s different now, Yan\'er has such a thing, how can she marry someone else? Her life is ruined. If you refuse to marry her, I think she will be sad and don\'t want to live in this world. "Han Yu sighed, Xiaozhi said with affection, "Pei Yi, I hope you see Yan\'er sacrificed so much for you, not for anything else, just for her to live happily in the future, help. I\'ll do it a favor. "

First reprimanded, then pleaded as a father, these words silenced Pei Yi.

"Mr. Han, it\'s not that I don\'t want to help, but I also have my own family. If I don\'t have a wife, someone I love deeply, and I don\'t have children, if I\'m a bachelor, today, it\'s not for my feelings, nor for Miss Han\'s. I am willing to marry Han Ruoyan. But, I\'m sorry, I\'m already someone else\'s husband. I can\'t help you with this." Pei Yi refused directly.

Han Yu choked, not expecting Pei Yi to answer like this.

Isn\'t Pei Yi attaching great importance to love and righteousness? With such a big favor, why wouldn\'t he marry Yan\'er?

"You... but you and Su Zibao have already divorced, and now you are single!" Han Yu couldn\'t help saying.

Pei Yi curled the corners of his lips, "There is no divorce. The divorce agreement is only signed by her, so it doesn\'t count. No matter what she says, I will never agree to the divorce."

He really values ​​love and righteousness, and he will repay his kindness. However, Pei Yi has never been a person who sacrificed his own happiness in order to repay his kindness.

If there has never been Su Zibao, he is indeed willing to marry Han Ruoyan. But now, he will never let go of the woman he loves the most.

No matter what happened to Han Ruoyan or what happened, to him, it was someone else.

"Pei Yi, don\'t you think you are too selfish?" Han Yu\'s face was gloomy.

Pei Yi said lightly, "If maintaining your family is also called selfishness, then you should treat me as selfish."

How could he, Pei Yi, sacrifice his family in order to help others. That\'s not selflessness, it\'s stupidity.

"I will dispatch the best doctor immediately. Miss Han\'s affairs have been blocked, and not many people know about it. It will not have any impact on Miss Han\'s reputation, nor will it affect Miss Han\'s future marriage. The most important thing at the moment is Let Miss Han recover. I still have something to do, so I\'ll go first." After Pei Yi said politely, he turned and left.

Han Yu watched his back face sinking like water. Pei Yi, I don\'t believe you, I can\'t take you down.

Pei Yi did not go home directly, but went back to the top floor of the Century Building, found Xu Fan, and asked, "After Su Zibao left, I asked you to investigate her whereabouts before she left, and you will report back."

Xu Fan didn\'t know why, "Boss, didn\'t you say it before, there\'s nothing suspicious about Miss Su\'s behavior... We didn\'t find any clues. Gu Yian, including Gu Yian, was definitely not aware of it. However, after all, it\'s not a 24-hour follow-up, it can only be Make sure there\'s nothing suspicious about Miss Su when we know it. When we don\'t know, it\'s really not clear."

"That\'s the biggest problem. She didn\'t even bring Gu Yian with her, what did she do when no one knew her whereabouts." Pei Yi clenched his fists and his face turned cold.

Just when he was talking to Han Yu just now, Pei Yi finally remembered what he felt was wrong.

A detail that is easy to overlook.