Given A Second Chance: Time for Revenge!

Chapter 635: applause, don't look

"What is this?" Ling Qingluo clicked on the video out of curiosity, her face flushed instantly, and she turned off her phone, "Zhu Ziqi is too shameless, how can she be with a few men. It\'s so simple, I can\'t bear to look directly at it."

The discussion under the stage has already exploded, and Zhu Ziqi on the stage still doesn\'t know why.

She really didn\'t know what happened, because none of the Zhu family received the video.

The Xu family\'s face was not good-looking, and other guests naturally wouldn\'t hold their mobile phones high and shout to the Zhu family\'s head to watch his daughter\'s small video together.

After waiting until Zhu Ziqi\'s thank you speech was finished, looking at the complicated faces of the crowd, she pretended to be cute and said, "Huh? Why don\'t you applaud? Could it be that my thank you speech is too bad?"

According to the ceremony, everyone should applaud in cooperation at this time.

Until Zhu Ziqi reminded them, everyone applauded with complicated expressions. There were also some nobles who couldn\'t help laughing loudly, clapping hard while laughing.

With thunderous applause, Zhu Ziqi got off the stage, and Zhu Bashan realized something was wrong and gave Zhu Fuchang a wink to see what was going on.

He took Zhu Ziqi to the Xu family and said, "Mr. Xu, it\'s time to announce the engagement ceremony, what do you think?"

"Zhu Bashan, you still have the face to marry our family, but you don\'t have a door!" Xu Tian said angrily.

Zhu Bashan was also angry, "Xu Tian, ​​what do you mean by that? Could it be that your Xu family wants to go back on it!"

"Yes, it\'s just repentance!" Xu Jinyao said coldly.

Zhu Bashan said, "Your Xu family is also a famous family. How could you do such a renegade thing. Xu Tian, ​​your Xu family must give me an explanation for this matter."

"If you want to explain, ask your precious daughter to go! Your Zhu family can\'t afford to lose this person, but our Xu family can\'t afford it." Xu Jinyao said in disgust. If Zhu Ziqi had an ex-boyfriend, the Xu family wouldn\'t mind this kind of thing.

But the video of having **** with several men, this is not dating, this is **!

The Xu family would not accept such a woman.

The Xu family is self-righteous, and if they had known that Zhu Ziqi was such a person, they would never have agreed to the marriage contract.

"What does Miss Xu mean by saying this?" Zhu Bashan still didn\'t understand.

At this moment, Zhu Fuchang didn\'t know whose cell phone he stole, so he rushed over and said, "Dad, it\'s not good! Look at this video!"

Zhu Bashan picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

It turned out to be a passionate **** scene between his own daughter and three or four men. The scale is so large that it can be viewed as a third-level film.

Zhu Ziqi also recognized it at a glance, this is her own treasure. Zhu Ziqi not only likes to have sex, but also plays on a very large scale. It is not uncommon to be with a few men. In pursuit of excitement, she will deliberately let people videotape.

She saved these videos in her computer, which was specially locked and kept secret. She was afraid that the videos would be leaked after being infected with a virus.

She thought that her computer was absolutely safe, and then she even more recklessly stored videos in it. But I didn\'t expect that the virus in the computer has been invaded by someone.

The video went viral.

"Where did this video come from!" Zhu Bashan asked angrily.

Zhu Fu

Chang said, "I don\'t know, people here basically have one share now, and I don\'t know how they received it. It\'s just that our Zhu family didn\'t receive it. I robbed others of this phone. Just now my sister was on stage. When the speech was delivered, they had already received it."

"You... also received it." Zhu Bashan looked at the Xu family stiffly.

Xu Jinyao said in disgust, "Yeah. If I hadn\'t received this video, I really don\'t know that Miss Zhu\'s hobbies are so extensive."

"How can this happen? How can this happen!" Zhu Ziqi couldn\'t believe it, grabbed the phone and stared at it, this was the video on her computer.

And this video is two hours long, which is equivalent to the length of a movie, and it\'s all clips of videos of her having **** with different men.

Many guests at the banquet were silently admiring this rare blockbuster, and some celebrities turned off their phones in disgust, seeing Zhu Ziqi\'s eyes with disdain.

I don\'t know who directly dragged the progress bar of the video to the end, only to hear a voice processed by a voice changer saying, "Zhu Ziqi, this gift specially prepared for you, I hope you will like it. Happy birthday to you, thank you appreciate."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Ziqi angrily smashed the mobile phone in her hand, swept her eyes to the people below, and shouted, "Throw away the phone! Throw it away!"

Zhu Ziqi rushed down to grab the guests\' mobile phones and threw them on the ground, smashing them hard and stepping on them with their feet. Everyone was caught off guard, and she actually smashed several of them.

"Fuchang, stop her!" Zhu Bashan shouted quickly.

Zhu Fuchang held Zhu Ziqi, "Sister, don\'t be impulsive, calm down! Calm down!"

"Smash it! Don\'t watch it, it\'s all smashed! Don\'t watch it!" Zhu Ziqi shouted frantically, thinking that she had just said a thank you speech on the stage, and everyone below was watching her passionate performance, she wanted everyone else Give her some applause.

It\'s so embarrassing! I can\'t wait to find a seam to drill down.

Wei Quanming\'s cell phone was also smashed by Zhu Ziqi, looking at Zhu Bashan and said, "Mr. Zhu, I came to your family\'s birthday party, and inexplicably received a video, and then Miss Zhu smashed my cell phone again. Who provoked whom?"

"Young Master Wei, don\'t be angry. When you look at the Zhu family, there is an accident, and Miss Zhu Ziqi has been killed." The families who are close to the Zhu family help explain.

Wei Quanming said disdainfully, "Killed? I really don\'t see where she was coerced or drugged. I think a hacker invaded Miss Zhu\'s computer and found these treasures, so Send it out for everyone to enjoy."

"Yes, from the perspective of this video, these shots are very clear, and they change from various angles. It is obvious that when shooting, they were shot from all directions, and some shots were shot against Zhu Ziqi\'s face. It\'s not like being photographed secretly. Seeing how cooperative Miss Zhu is, it\'s obvious that she knew someone was filming, and she deliberately smiled at the camera," said another rich and powerful young master.

A famous lady took the words, "Bah! You hooligan, you watch so carefully and with so much experience, do you often watch movies?"

"Absolutely not, don\'t get me wrong, I\'m innocent! I\'ll just make a few comments, it\'s obviously Miss Zhu."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, ridiculing, contempt and satire, as well as helping the Zhu family to whitewash, and so on, the whole venue was noisy.

Zhu Ziqi frantically smashed and grabbed the mobile phone in the field, but a fat man like Zhu Fuchang couldn\'t stop her. He was dragged a few meters away, and finally a few waiters rushed up to stop her.